Amy's insecurities are the source of all her woes

3  2016-01-21 by keatnzs

The fact that she needs her sister with her at all times is a dead giveaway. And I remember her interview with Stern where she revealed just how vulnerable she is in relationships. Despite desperate attempts to prove otherwise (the taxi driver story), she is a big old sap. All of this is fine, but in the world of standup you have to be able to roll with the punches. When things get even a little willing, she lashes out defensively, the sort of tactic perfected by Opie.


runnin thru the 6 with my woes

She know how that shit goes

She presents herself one way in her standup and in movies, but then smashes anyone who tries to play along with this character she has created. I thought having a persona made it easier to deal with criticism, because you didn't take it personally. It doesn't work when you use the character to paper over emotional cracks.