Amy Schumer visits the Jim Norton Advice Show (01/20/2016)

9  2016-01-20 by beavvv


I love how dismissive she is. "Here's my chance to steal the famous Tammy P bit. I think this is her trying to start something." We get it shes not as famous as you so it's ok.

She has that out of breath type of desperation like a cornered rat. She's a fawkin lya

Yeah, in the same fucking point of her being dismissive about Tammy as a funny comic she acknowledged that she made the same joke. So is she admitting she's equally as shitty in her own view. it makes no sense to imply someone is a shit comic and then acknowledge you made the same joke 10 years later.

Dont you plebs know she hangs out with the likes of Jennifer Lawrence?

You know Amy made that hot piece of ass look at this sub. I'll be rubbing one out to that knowledge shortly


Amy is appealing to popularity, accusing people of jealousy, claiming that she just would never do it, saying that her 'friends' in the business who are accusing her didn't actually accuse her (Wendy & Kathleen), ad homineming Pescatelli, saying that she'll take a polygraph, saying she's too busy to steal jokes (because it's so much harder to steal than write, right?), saying her Patrice stealing & Wendy stealing is because she's a hack,... she's officially Mencia. You're caught you fat despicable cunt. Take the L.

Lets play a game of imagination and pretend for a second that she didn't intentionally steal any jokes. How would you expect her to react to these accusations? How would you react in her situation?

I'll play this game with you, but under this scenario is the evidence against her still beat-for-beat verbatim joke stealing, that we have now? Or is it more of a loose premise type of thing?

Or you're an idiot who allows him or herself to come to easy conclusions because its more entertaining for yourself that way.

How rude! I was really going to play the game with you... Now you've hurt my feelings. I think you should apologize.

I'm sorry.

Now touch dicks and make up.

"People don't know how to joke right" That kids joke was on par with anything Amy Schumer has ever actually written

Well excuse the fuck out of the general public for not having Master's degrees in humor, you dolt.

Sure, blame the victim. Such class. Fuck you, Amy.

She repeated that line again. But you know, she's still down to earth and all

"You think I heard this bit in the 90s/2006/2009 and then sat on it?" No you fucking asshole. And I also don't think Mencia was sitting on Cosby's bit for 35 years. You heard it scouring comedy specials & jacked it recently. This type of DOG SHIT, willfully dispensing of reason makes you look so horrible. Proof, in an of itself, that you're an intentionally deceitful person.

She acts like comedy specials are movies in the 50's. We gotta go see King Kong before it leaves the theater FOREVER!

The caller @ 32:00 was me tbh fam.

So let me get this straight... She is obsessive yet she missed Patrice's Montreal set which has a mere 788k views. If only one of her friends could have caught that so this could all be avoided.



You must be new here.

Jimmy says "Don't people think we all at the comedy cellar would of noticed you being a joke thief?"

All the shit she's being accused of stealing was put out at a time when Amy had already stopped hanging out in the cellar. She got famous and didn't have the material to provide everything the business wanted from her, so she stole. Kinda like a Jay Mohrz situation


THIS LYING CUNT! This horrible horrible liar. I'm raging at her instant lies saying that Kathleen & Wendy wouldn't say she's a thief when all of Twitter saw them thrashing her for a full night.

tl;dr "Dem bitches jelly"

What a pity party.

Her explanation checks out. None of those jokes are super original premises. And come on, nobody saw Tammy pascatelli premium blend.

The offensive part in all this was her getting offended by some little gay kid. The joke thievery is non existent.

But bald opie rules.