Spread the rumour that Opie made the Schumer joke stealing video

77  2016-01-20 by liquidfootball_


Why else would he dedicate 10 seconds at the end to just showing a picture of his face? You know that Ope-ster, always tryin to go viral and make sure nobody takes credit for his vids.

That 10 seconds of Bald Opie at the end is probably the hardest I've laughed in my life. I laughed so hard it hurts

And to be honest, it's one of the better pictures I've seen of that swamp creature. Who else would try and put him in such a flattering light?


Yeah considering how vain he is I'm not surprised he put a headshot at the end there.

"It is absolutely not true. I would never do that. Ant did some really shitty things over the years, and I'm getting accused of making that video? It's not true. It is absolutely 100% not true. Period.

There I go saying period again."


The Ope-STAR.

Hey dude, why don't you put an @OpieRadio tag in the title.

Just put that stupid manhole logo in front of it

He finally has a viral video.


In retrospect they should've slapped a "@OpieRadio" watermark on it.

the stupid cunt would take credit for it too. And then wonder why comics stopped coming on the show.

Just put a opie raqio watermark on the original video and your golden


I told mother ( she doesn't care tbh )

OnA is dead. Now we're just burning the fort so no one else can take it over.

"Yeah, but did you have to salt the earth so nothing would ever grow again?"

lulz you guys have no idea how happy i got when i've been seeing this video pop up on my twitter feed in random articles all night, its been on barstool sports daily mail and a few others, i was cracking up.


Isn't it usually Opie's wife that gets credit for making videos that go viral?