Miss Piggy weighs in on joke stealing accusations

10  2016-01-20 by unclepaul84


Heeheehee. Trying to lie her way out of getting caught. This will spiral nicely.

But will this spiral-- go viral?

BaldOpie is a monster.

Maybe she was referring to not stealing "one joke." She probably meant she would steal a few.

The amount of white-knighting fatties and faggots kissing her ass is painful.

It's a lot of ass to cover.

Why just this morning I was telling some guy here how he should edit the video to make it spread better.

Shows what the fuck I know

"Inside Amy Schumer's Back Door Tour" HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I GET IT!!!

Because she's a whore?

HEY too far

Well the video evidence says otherwise. And if what youre doing is so unoriginal its just obvious people have done it before that says something just as bad, and you should be doing better research your shitty hack material hasn't been done before.

There's no winning, really. She is either a joke thieving whore, or a hack.

The way she eats she doesn't value her life anyway

It's a lot of ass to cover.