What do we counter with when the SJW's come out and defend Amy?

0  2016-01-20 by clarkiswhite

They could come with the spin: "The people leading this attack are mostly men trying to silence a confident successful women; they don't care about the ethics of being a comedian". How do you counter that with the fact that this is about her being an insecure, joke thief that partly rode other peoples work to the top(Mencia)?


We call them cunts and post pictures of chicks fucking dogs and horses on thier Facebook.

We show them what being a free and liberated woman really looks like.

Maybe we get some converts with this tactic.

Yeah I always wondered why women are degraded for beastiality. It's their body! It's the double standard.

There's a picture I've seen online of a demure young lady wearing a bag over her face with "FEMINISM" written on it while a gentleman pisses in her mouth. That would make a lovely addition to your above suggestions.

Well you can't negotiate with terrorists, but the fact that the conversation was restarted by 3 female comedians, who were mysteriously later silenced (patriarchy? probably) and were the primary victims should be emphasized.

This is the right approach. Stick with the narrative that these women blazed a trial through the evil, nasty, male dominated world of stand up, and she blatantly ripped them off.

That, and remind the SJWs that we also have protected minority status because the vast majority of us are closeted homosexuals with full blown aids.

I like the way you think


Bonnie McFarlane is a confident, successful female comedian who is generally liked by the same group.


With our penises.


They RUINED Carlos Mencia's life over joke theft, and they're gonna let Amy skate. Hypocritical. And she's certainly going to background check her material now, but the heat will be over by the end of the week, and everyone in media will have forgotten.

I feel like if Mencia could've been caught with all this stuff NOW as opposed to the early 2000's, SJW's would've come to his defense as being a ethnic comic persecuted in the business, like they're going to twist with Amy being a woman persecuted in the same business.