Jim Norton talks about Twitter / Amy Schumer (from this morning)

15  2016-01-20 by braunheiser


These feminist women are starting to act like black people and the "nigga" word. Women can call themselves whore and cunt and bitch, but some white, CIS male better not.

What kind of piece of shit feminist goes after a kid, who even apologized. Twice. And took down his post. Good job feminists, go block a bridge now and you'll be gaining popularity like Black Lives Matter.

What's your point? Feminists suck because they get outraged about trivial things. You're This entire sub is getting outraged about a "kid" being "bullied" for saying an adult joke. Are you just looking for something to piss at Schumer about? How is different from the feminists?

It's the hypocritical nature of Amy. She built her career on those jokes about being a whore and a slut. So the kid is a fan of her and makes a very lame, tame joke and Amy comes down on him. Then the cunt army comes out and tries to shame him. What a great way to treat a fan.

She came down on him?

“I get it. Cause I’m a whore? Glad I took a photo with you. Hi to your dad.”

That was a funny sardonic response. You're blaming Amy for the feminists' reaction in the same way feminists are blaming the kid for every rapist/woman beater.

Okay. Then he apologized and her next tweet said something like ...i thought you dad were nice and I was bummed when I read that.

No one said the feminists are blaming the kid for every rapist/woman beater. Everyone else seems to agree on this but you can have your own interpretation.

No one said the feminists are blaming the kid for every rapist/woman beater.

I think that's what femiNazism is all about. Using out-of-context comments to attacking men for every wrong a woman has faced.

Everyone else seems to agree on this but you can have your own interpretation

As Anthony says, "Reddit is an open and honest forum for anyone to speak and say what they want."

Alright I see where you are coming from. I think we are just interpretting words differently. But yeah, Anthony is right about reddit being open and honest.

No one here cares that the kid was bullied. That is a strawmen used by the worm.

We care that Amy Schumer has made herself famous by stealing jokes and showing off what a whore she is. She has gone full SJW and now snaps at kids for BS feminist reasons.

That's perfectly fine. But you're saying she snapped at the kid for feminist reason. No that's what the feminists are claiming.

No one here cares that the kid was bullied.

There are like 100 comments here saying how he was a pure innocent 17-year old boy.

If anything she is a crybully. I guess it doesn't matter what the word is. But she put herself in the role of female victim and attacked a teen kid in PC/SJW fashion by insinuating he was a misogynist and letting her fembots attack him.

Opie complaining about people being dicks to him on Twitter and blocking people who are: "You were purposely trying to be a dick!"

Wasn't that the whole gist of his raqio show for years?

Opie has this weird philosophy that you can treat someone like complete shit on-air, even if it's not a joke. But the second you're off-air, you better be kind and respectful at all times.

Unless you're trying to record a viral video!

Hmmm.... where could he have picked up that mentality... I wonder if maybe Opie knows someone who got in trouble for treating people like shit off air?

That's nice arrangements for them, seeing as how most people don't have a radio show. It creates a nice little box where you can be mean to everyone but nobody can be mean back.

ME: Throwing those poker chips was one of the funniest moments ever in radio. PERIOD.

Not if Marci Turk is controlling his shit, or if he's being Little Mr. Right.

I wish Jim would've pointed out the reason the feminists reacted that way is because that is the image that Amy puts out. Slut jokes aren't funny unless SHE tells them. Any guys that make jokes about women are sexist. This is the kind of thought process Amy promotes.

I believe that comedians snap on fans from time to time. Maybe she just didn't feel like hearing it at that particular moment. But, what Jim and none of these other people seem to get is that fans are sycophants. Your reaction influences their behavior. Amy has become the anti comedy. She exchanged humor for almost militant feminism. I know she is your friend Jim, but what's so wrong with pointing out when your friend is being an asshole?

He's completely ignoring the fact that Amy has aligned herself conveniently with the ultra liberal, overly PC assholes that have run amok in American pop culture, and that this is not an isolated incident so much as indicative of her new persona which just so happens to jive with her now mainstream career.

Jimmy and Opie are similarly defending her because she is a helpful ally and guest to have for their show and careers. They are all self serving, hypocritical, dishonest cockholes.

He's running out of coattails to ride.

What a child like argument, he CHOSE a career in the "limelight" and pontificate incorrectly about topics. He tells dick and aids jokes for 2 decades and now this high school dropout with no world view decides his opinion is more valid because he attaches his name to it.

He is an oversensitive douche, I literally have no respect for him as an entertainer anymore.

Look at someone like Tom Cruise, he is constantly being bashed but he is a grown up and doesnt go on twitter to post every 3rd grade level "deep" though he has.

He literally bashes Robert DeNiro at the end of the same clip that hes whining about people bashing him. He might be retarded.

He literally bashes Robert DeNiro at the end of the same clip that hes whining about people bashing him. He might be retarded.

Like that Dirty Grandpa film is gonna be any good.

You could almost chalk it up to some sort of personal growth on norton's part, if he didn't flip his POV 180 degrees in the other direction the second his partner got fired.

Top gear

I hate how he always nitpicks his examples, like the guy who does LARPing. I use my real name on twitter and sent him 5 tweets calling out his phoniness and Amy's joke thievery and all that faggot phony worm did was block me.

By tomorrow if he hasnt brought up the joke stealing he'll be known as the worm forever by this sub


We're under his skin. Make him address her stealing and he'll really melt down.

Holy fucking shit. He is worse than Opie now.

Opie, Anthony and Jimmy have to be the 3 most retarded hypocrites on earth. Jimmy might be the worst of the three now. Probably because people have let him get away with it for so long.

He's sort of defending the kid here, and more criticising the media

Yet he can't admit that it was Amy's cunty reaction that stirred up all her feminist crazies that are calling the kid a sexist. This is why nobody likes feminists. They attack a normal, probably nicer than most 17 year olds, kid.

No the feminist crazies are looking for things to be stirred up about. They're looking for the smallest thing to get pissed about. No matter how Amy reacted, they'll go after this "kid".

These shit heads think the controversy is all over her being rude to a 17yr old? Never mention the word for word joke thievery. Fuck both of them.

No, Jim knows exactly what this is really about. He is just choosing to ignore the real issue because it doesn't fit his little narrative.

Opie with his classic move,hears Jim's opinion and repeats as his own,right at the start.


HAHAHAHAHA! The level of "What-the-fuck-are-you-talking-aboutedness" the 3 comics give Opie when he turns the topic to Dirty Grandpa is priceless.




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This youth immediately backed down, and that's worth defending? Did his fingers accidentally hit that sequence of keys, is that why he apologized? The child needs to show some respect to his elders and betters if he's going to whine and simper when challenged. Hopefully he'll commit suicide and leave a note apologizing for ever drawing breath.

Hopefully he'll commit suicide and leave a note apologizing for ever drawing breath.

Hopefully you'll quickly follow suit.

You are the edgiest faggot on all the internet message boards.

ME: Throwing those poker chips was one of the funniest moments ever in radio. PERIOD.

Not if Marci Turk is controlling his shit, or if he's being Little Mr. Right.

No, Jim knows exactly what this is really about. He is just choosing to ignore the real issue because it doesn't fit his little narrative.

Opie has this weird philosophy that you can treat someone like complete shit on-air, even if it's not a joke. But the second you're off-air, you better be kind and respectful at all times.

He's running out of coattails to ride.