I can't defend Jim Norton anymore. Fuck that guy

126  2016-01-20 by A_Faulty_Robot

He basically just doubled down on his Amy defense today and also didn't even mention the joke thieving accusations. Jim was the only thing keeping me listening to OnJ and with this bullshit he is just as bad as Opie and Ant. Norton is a spineless cum towel.

I hate all 3 of them equally at this point.


Listen to this clip of the time where Jimmy thought SNL stole Chip bits from him. He says how he would verbally attack someone for the rest of his career if they stole from him and says how it just a shitty thing to do and makes it clear what his stance about this sort of thing is.

This is why I have to agree with you. He has no spine at all. He'll happily attack someone who does something that he believes is wrong, but then he'll barely say a word about this because Amy might put him as a fucking DVD extra for her next film.

Jim's one of the funniest guys I've ever heard and the reason I stuck with the show and the reason I'll still listen sometimes. But, he really deserves the nickname Worm when it comes to stuff like this. If you believe in something so strongly to talk about it how he did in that clip, you can't just then excuse someone else doing the same thing just because you think they can help you out in the future or because she used to do the show once in a while a few years ago.

That's what he does. He takes bold ideological stances, and condemns other people when they transgress, and denies any nuance. When it's his turn to live up to his own principles, suddenly the situation is complex, and he's got his money to consider. He's a bald-headed pinworm, festering inside Opie's anus.

Orrrr maybe he is sticking to his principals, saying what he really thinks about his friend, and doesnt give a shit what random people on reddit (who have no idea what theyre talking about) think. Is that possible?

That is possible. My opinion is that he uses his 'anonymous' argument as a way of avoiding the issue. But I literally am just some asshole on Reddit, so you gotta take that for what its worth.

But I literally am just some asshole on Reddit

You're the best, around.

Then we need to find an example where Amy steals from Jimmy. If he defends THAT...

Does Amy do any 18 month old topical humor?

How about that Caitlyn Jenner, right? Boy oh BOY am I sexually confused!

If she's even mentioned a tranny in her act, you can find a matching Norton bit. He's covered the subject once or twice

"Dude in a dress...waka waka!" -Rabid applause from O&A fans

waka waka!

Holy shit I'm losing it

When I was a little girl my friends and I would go under the porch to eat Big Macs outta each others' cunts. We called it Menstrual Pains.

I'd make a joke about how Jims stand up isn't worth stealing but Amy would benifit greatly from his material

Well, if she slipped into a puddle of AIDs, maybe she could lose some of that weight.

Again with the small "s". It's not the plural of "aid" some asshole decided needed to be capitalized. It's an acronym. AIDS. You stupid faggot.


It wouldn't work. Jimmy has such a low self opinion, he cucks himself at night.

Amy, you're not allowed to steal this one.

Of course he would

He doesn't want to singe any coattails.

Beautifully stated sir.

I'd have less of a problem with him defending the joke thievery than the little gay kid offending her.

I mean come on jim.

That kid shit turned me full throttle into despising this mean spirited, phony cunt. She's fucking horrible.

I agree, he got me into OnA n that style of humor and early 2000s Norton was a unique force (not mainstream of course) However he completely sucks shit now. Hate how he takes himself and talks about himself in a serious manner (as if anyone really is that concerned) ex. his big time contract negotiations.. Also I dont expect him to be a liar and pretend to hate things and go on amazing rants... but he hates nothing anymore unless its like a stereotypical "liberal" thing to care about ex. animal rights (no hes not a liberal i know but why take a serious stance on issues, its like he forgot hes a comedian, he give serious advice.... He was one of THE BEST as calling out or pointing out phoniness but hes unbelievable. Angry Norton was amazing quick and powerful, I could listen to him bash something for hours.... RIP NORTON, I want to see an organized effort against him BC HE BROKE MY HEART

Yimmy likes the fuzzy wuzzies but not the muzzies because stupid flighty whores get involved with Peta and because Ricky Gervais loves animals.

"Norton is shaped like whatever you pour him into." - Patrice

age, low testosterone, and possibly aids made jimmy a bitch.

He'll either get bigger, stay the same, or disappear. You can't fool all of the people all of the time.

He'll either get bigger, stay the same, or disappear.

Gee, good prediction that covers 100% of possible outcomes...

He's either gonna live or die man /profound

have you ever thought about water?

No but have YOU really thought about it.

fuuuuuuuckin bloooows my mind.

What's in salt water that makes your body reject it?

yeah but WHY?


He'll never get bigger. His standup is mediocre and his acting is terrible. He's not going to do a Masters Of None or Louie type series. He's not talented enough and he's unlikable on camera. He only works as a 3rd banana type on a sitcom. Small doses. He's at his glass ceiling.

I think he'll just decline as time goes on. That's why he's defending Schumer: she's a possible meal ticket. It's either that or drop the characters and go right into PG humor and hope that follows suit into a shitty sitcom.

No spine. No chin. Slinky Norton

The WormTM

I want fat Jimmy back

Me too. And the only iteration of Jimmy I can do is "stand up" Jimmy. I still love his stand up. Other than that, it seems these days the less I know about him the better. I don't listen to the show and if I hear there's a Nopie show I'll check it out just to get a semblance of the man I loved. But other than that I can't believe how much he's changed from the Norton that won me over as a lad.

Remember when I was funny?

He's still funny, but only about 1/4 of the time from what he used to. I'll take the 1/4, but god damn is it diminishing returns.

I strongly believe it has a lot to do with the lack of Anthony. Those two used to go back and forth so naturally and so well. Now all he has is Tits...


His support for the LGBTQRSTUV community makes me lose him. It was funny at first to hear a guy say on the radio he accidentally a tranny prostitute once or twice but he really comes off like a SJW with his disguise falling off. I think he's a faggot and so is Blob Kelly but they just won't admit it.

That's a bot you just responded to, not a person.

God damn skin jobs. I need ya, Deck. I need the old blade runner.

I was quit when I come in here, Bryant, I'm twice as quit now.

I don't care what anyone says, I am fucking beyond psyched for a Dennis Villenueve-helmed Blade Runner sequel. I think it's gonna be even better than the new Star Wars. I can't wait.

He say you brade runnah!

We need to get him eating again.

Bullying might work.

It really is embarrassing to listen to him try and act like he's just impartially talking about another comic. Jesus Christ, Jimmy, you're turning into Opie with your "straddle the fence" bullshit.

This is not new

Jim has never criticized a fellow comic unless he didn't like that person.

Most comics are the same way. They have some bond as comedians that prevents them from attacking anyone who isn't universally seen as a joke thief hack.

Steven Martin. Period.

First off, I love your name. "Quit being a bitch and pill me up!"

2nd, I'm not following the Steve Martin reference. please explain.

Jimmy wrote about Steve Martin in one of his books and basically shit all over his chest. I believe it was about Steve Martin's role as Jacques Clouseau in The Pink Panther remake.

Jimmy ripped Steve Martin relentlessly over the Pink Panther. It was brutal. Of course years later Martin called Jimmy on the bashing and he caved and licked the guys boots. But that's theKid after all. I still love Jimmy, I just wish he would stop taking himself so seriously. Go ahead, be a hypocrite, just own it and be funny.

Plain and simple I loved O&A&J from the early day's precisely because they called out the hypocrites and the lazy thieves. Now they are just a grumpier shadow of themselves. Curmudgeons one and all.


Jimmy criticized Martin over specific bits and movies. He has taken on other comedians as well, but no one he is around nor tries to be friendly with. Bashing Martin was in. I don't think anyone considered a comedy genius when Jim attacked him.

he keeps calling "anonymous" online people cowards, but he's the real coward. Too afraid to call Schumer out on this. Too afraid to call Ant out on his shit. Too afraid to really lay into Opie in the fight.

Guys, Norton hasn't seen the video or seen Schumer perform because he doesn't watch other comics. You should know that by now!

Yeah he's such a purist.

But Jim thinks all this stuff only exists in these few threads, made by people hiding behind a fake name. I've never found the recovering junky turned judge Judy funny or entertaining.

In a sense I feel bad for Jimmy...while he is amazing on the radio his stand-up just isn't good. He's watched most of his cohorts (CK, Schumer, Burr, etc...) pass him and even the younger guys are reaching greater heights (Soder, Big Jay, etc...).

That has to be the frustrating part for him. He was around the very best comedians of his era, but he never quite made it.

Meanwhile he is a natural at radio. But the no holds barred format in which he thrived continues to wither because of the personal stupidity of O&A.

Everyone from the O&A universe is just a piece of shit. The sooner we all realize this and embrace their shittiness the better.

That includes us too!

That goes without saying. If you're subbed here you're a fucking asshole, myself included.

He defends Amy when there is clear evidence that she is lying ugly fat pig. Who did the worst thing you can do in comedy? But Anthony doesn't get the benefit of the doubt. Fuck you Jim. And yes I know my username is unclepaul. Doesn't change how I feel about him these days.

He doesn't need to destroy Amy. Just point out that it was wrong and say she should apologize to the comedians. Put he is a self serving ungeniune worm so that won't happen.

I'm sure Jimmy will lose lots of sleep over your withdrawal of support.

Dude, she stole from a dead guy she CLAIMED to admire......she should be immolated.

I'd still fuck her though, that's how pathetic my life has gotten

She loved his act so much, she thought she'd carry it on for him. And adjust it for the contemporary consumer. She's a hero.

Jim Norton doesn't trust bedbugs.


Opie at least has the decency to fall apart on the air so we can listen.

Norton is a spineless cum towel.

You are aware that he is refereed to as The Worm here? You think he got that name for no reason or what?

He is a fucking"worm" always will be. I can't listen anymore, At least Gavin is on in the morning's

We've reached the hate trifecta.

Jim will absolutely slink his way around this topic, the way he does with every other topic that hits too close to home.

When he's forced to finally confront the issue (and I'm imagining he will be forced to tomorrow) he'll give us keen insights on the perils of being a comedian.

He'll drone on about the following in some way, shape or form:

  • "Parallel thought" and how it's possible for two comedians to never meet, never see each other's sets and yet think exactly alike.

  • Emulating styles of other comedians, unintentionally.

  • How "there are a limited number of punchlines" for great jokes.

  • It is possible to "subconsciously" steal a joke and convince yourself that it is your own.

"Parallel thought" and how it's possible for two comedians to never meet, never see each other's sets and yet think exactly alike.

But she opened for three of the comics and was a 'friend' of the fourth. The other bullets just make her an unwitting thief, a hack, or a sociopath.

He doesn't need your defense.

You hate all 3 of them, but spend time listening and then talking about them on Reddit. Get a life.


These fucking losers went from hating on Opie to hating on Ant to hating on Jim all in the same week. They are obsessed with something they claim to hate. It's a weird and pathetic way to live.

You're a good little boy. Want a treat?

You're a good little boy. Want a treat?

You're a douchenozzle with no life.


Jim Norton is a wormy little nothing and imo, the worst type of person. Literally the worst

I think I prefer Opie to Jim at this point. Opie never had that fall from grace, he was always terrible.

He's acting like a worm you mean?


I hate all 3 of them equally at this point.

maybe its just you

He really did push the douche chills to a new level. These 2 phony cunts are goddamned embarrassing. Despise Opie. Still like Ant.

Im with you. Fuck Jim. He is ONLY funny when hes doing a character. And only like 2-3 of them are really funny.

His "insight humor" is beyond pathetic and I simply can't listen to him state his views on anything.

I don't understand why he'll still defend her. It's not like she's gonna get him a job. But truthfully Jimmys been gone for a while now.

but still funny as fuck, this why Ant ultimately lost me, racist shithead: Yes, funny: Yesssssss

Now: No.

On top of avoiding Ant's show hes been a pretty big pussy lately.

So, while Jimmy is supposed to condemn Amy Shumer for being shitty to a kid, he's supposed to show unqualified support for Anthony in the wake of serious criminal charges involving an alleged beating of a young woman whom Jimmy has know all her life and whose father is also a close friend. Yes, that is a healthy perspective for sure.


He really is nothing but a pathetic worm.

fuuuuuuuckin bloooows my mind.

Bullying might work.

"Parallel thought" and how it's possible for two comedians to never meet, never see each other's sets and yet think exactly alike.

But she opened for three of the comics and was a 'friend' of the fourth. The other bullets just make her an unwitting thief, a hack, or a sociopath.

But I literally am just some asshole on Reddit

You're the best, around.