4chan is getting on the schumer wagon

23  2016-01-19 by TedChrist


[Serious] Can anyone explain this Schumer wagon to me? I've completely ignored her career - found her very boring. She stole some jokes and she's overrated. But none of that is new. Is the recent hate only because of her tweet to the 17-year old?

It's that big thing ranchers attach to her back so they can make that trip to Oregon

I wish one would make her ford a river indefinitely

It's that she willingly slithered amongst those to build her brand only 2 st8 turncoat to get dat main stream duckettz ($, if u white). Show biz shit nigga...

Yeah, I'm the same. I remember she was on O&A and she has a movie my gf watches but that's it. I just don't care about her.

4chan has ALWAYS hated her. /b/, /pol/, /r9k/, /tv/. They ALL hate AMY SCHUMER.

The only PEOPLE who liked HER were "O&A" fans WHO pretended she was TALENTED because OPE, ANT, and JIM said she WAS. It is the same REASON people PRETENDED she was HOT.

yeah you tell em scorch

Could you throw in a few more CAPITALIZED WORDS???!

That's the BIT

I think they started the schumer wagon.

Haha. That forum seems funnier than this. I HOWLED @ "Hey Ladies... SEX, am i right?!"