Come on guys, Amy Schumer is totally original

100  2016-01-19 by [deleted]




Bill hader just looks bamboozled by her. Like jeez what's she gonna do next fellas.

How embarrassing.

Dee was the original drunken trashy slut

That would have been amazingly better.

I feel like I've been cheated now....

Kaitlin Olson is a very attractive woman.

She looks like a bird!

An Ostrich to be specific.

all white people look like birds

Not true!! I'm white and I look like a rodent.

I'm white, look like a fish/frog

Ribs hurt tuh-DAY!


Best moment in the show last season.

Kaitlin tweeted about this a long time ago pointing out the similarity.

Why does everyone suddenly give a shit about this fat bitch

Slow news week in o&a&j land I guess

Because it's fun to anonymously tear down celebrities at the height of their careers, especially when they have been caught stealing material.

Hitchens was right. Women aren't funny

He's been right about a lot of things I've found.

He has? He was dead wrong about Saddam Hussein and invading Iraq. He was very vocal in his support for the war. He didn't understand the difference between gangster dictators like Saddam and jihadists like bin Laden.

Wauw, you pointed out one thing you didn't like him doing so when I said "a lot of things" I must've meant every single thing and boy you proved me and all of us wrong.

That's a pretty fucking major thing to be wrong about. He was very vocal about how going into Iraq would make us safer. Now that 14 yr old Iraqi boy back in 2004 seeing Abu Ghraib photos of American soldiers beating, torturing, sodomizing Iraqi prisoners is 26 yrs old and in ISIS.

He also said that blaming US foreign policy for shit like ISIS is masochism. Look that one up. I'm not even American and I'm tired of this shit.

admitting mistakes isn't making excuses for muslims and all the terrorism they cause. everyone should be tired of islam and sharia, but let's not pretend like GW Bush, Cheney, and the neocons didn't start this snowball 12 years ago.


Fucking love dee

And the guy's right eye is covered and the left is exposed. Illuminati confirmed.

But yes, this is clearly a ripoff, probably the photographers choice.


fucking yuck

Amy sucks but this wasnt up to her. Its typical hollywood advertising.

Amy is a fat Chelsea Handler knock off

unbelievable!!! what a thieving cunt!!!

So wait, she's responsible for the fucking movie poster?

yes shithead, she is

If you actually believe that, you should punch your mother in the tardmaker.

when I first saw the picture I thought that was a young Sandy Kane.

Thanks, we got it the first time

I'm sure Amy Schumer has a lot to do with the marketing of her movies

You realize the photographer set up this photo right? You think actors make all their own movie promos?...

why aren't people shitting on Bill Hader's stupid face more? r/punchablefaces

I'm pretty sure she doesn't design the posters.

I'm not trying to defend Amy Schumer, but is this definitely a ripoff?

I'm sure if you look you can find a ton of photos on facebook that look exactly like this that would predate both photos.
