Can we all agree that Red Bar Radio sucks?

18  2016-01-19 by jonesy6969



What the fuck is red bar radio?

I refuse to even watch it to find out if its bad

His branding is predictable and he reeks of phoniness. Use your real voice, you bearded idiot.

He sounds like Adam Corolla and Mancow. He is also a faggot who is scared of this sub.

Adam Carolla is great. How you can listen to him on Loveline and not think he's great is beyond me.

When I was 15 he gave me a double fist bump with a beer in each hand.

I always wondered why he never came here. He seems even more fan boyish than most of us.

Somebody just posted clips of this guy talking about Anthony and Opie and Dani.... it was pretty much unwatchable/unlistenable. It wasn't funny and he was talking about shit that I am interested in but it also somehow wasn't interesting.

He's a weird guy. He has a nice looking set up, talks about topics anyone with a modicum of comedic talent could make interesting, but is just a bore. I would call him unfunny, but to me it never even feels like he's trying to make a joke. He's just talking. He makes no points, makes no jokes. But still.

Wait..some of you retards actually listen to this guy on a regular basis? I followed a link from here a few weeks ago when he was spouting off about Anthony, and how badly he wanted to fuck Dani (ewww..) He kept saying "Golightly" a bunch and it was beyond annoying. Where does he broadcast from? It looked like he was broadcasting from his childhood bedroom at his parent's house. He kept popping up some awful animation graphic that I assume was supposed to be him? He gave me Opie level douche chills. Somebody should hack this hack with a motherboard frying virus immediately. He looked like a down syndrome version of Dave Navaro.

Yes. It is awful.

I hope he dies soon

Dlete all this. NOW.

Shut up faggot. You suck

Just a delusional hipster faggot coke head trying and failing to say funny shocking things. That guy is so insecure he makes most the people on this sub look confident

Hell, Red Bar Radio guy needs to star in gay bloody anal sex porn on the receiving end to add any entertainment value at all to his pathetic excuse for a show.

All your comments mean nothing when you all think East Side Dave is amazing.

I don't know what it is, but yes, it sucks

I have not heard the show. I know they did the Nigger Ducktales song.

Never heard of it and wish to remain completely ignorant of them.

They cannot help us push our agenda so fuck them.

The hater agenda?

There is a saying "One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter"

I prefer "justice agenda" to hater.


He tries too fucking hard. He was on gavin's show and tried to be stranger and rowdier than gavin. Uncomfortable. Gavin is a likeable asshole, this guy not so much.


If we were all bitter hipster faggots with gay tattoos and shitty unlistenable podcasts

HA HA!! His own faggotry was so embarrassing, he deleted his comment.

Who made the comment? And what was it?

No idea who the fuck he is, but I'm sure he's total shit.

Manclone should've been aborted.

i tried listening based on another post saying it was good...

it's god awful. I listened to the last show.. he had some Chicago comic organizer hole.. he let her lead the discussion and it was so bad.

awful man cow ripoff voice.. and realy not funny... don't know how O&A fans listen to this...

There is a saying "One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter"

I prefer "justice agenda" to hater.