Opie, Anthony & Jimmy were all straight white men who are clearly uncomfortable being straight white men.

21  2016-01-18 by [deleted]

Opie- Straight and white, yes, but clearly has womanly tendencies and hormones coursing through his tits. Acts more like a woman than a man. He also admitted that he went to a psychologist because of his relationship with Anthony! He's a lot like Fez, actually.





Anthony- He's barely white, as a Sicilian, but more than that his behaviour mirrors everything he hates about black people- he's a self-hating black man. Probably straight as well, although he likes to fuck people with the bodies of small boys, and he wore mommy's shoes as a boy. Has a complex about being a fagala.





There also used to be videos on youtube called "Anthony is a black man" and "Transgender Anthony"

Jimmy- Arguably gay. He's white, but he was a wigger as a youngster. Clearly into the transgender world, so even the man part is flexible.




It's funny that their reputation is that of three angry straight white guys- it's obviously LGBT women of color that host this radio show.


Jimmy is arguably gay? Well then I guess today is arguably Monday.


It really was a progressive show.

And also wild.

And above all else: REAL

Just a HANG!

he's a self-hating black man

Speaking as one myself, in fairness, there's alot to hate.

Does this equate to a lot of auto-erotic asphyxiation?

It's a lynching joke..... that's the bit.

Vury gewd. Jimbris gotta nigga's neck.....

......hurt'in tah-day.

Anthony was always doing the bidding of The Honorable Elijah Muhammed.

How the fuck do you go to psychology?

A first-year psych class does seem like somewhere Ant would recommend.

To a Psychologist, I meant. #WhoopsyDaisy

Silly goose.

Opie is gay. Deeply closeted and in denial, but definitely gay.


  • He gets irrationally offended when people joke about him being gay.

  • He is homophobic despite claiming to support "the gays."

  • He lies about his sexual activities with women.

  • He finds jokes about male genitalia and anal sex genuinely funny despite lacking a sense of humor.

  • Following from the above, he tries to make jokes about male genitalia and anal sex in situations where they don't apply ("size queen", "balloon knot", etc.)

  • Lynsi is a perfect choice for a beard.

These are just a few examples. He over-compensates for his lack of heterosexuality but can't stop himself from being interested in dicks and assholes. Hates people who are openly gay (Fez being a prime example) because they're leading a life he secretly wishes he had.


Watches The View and other shows directed at a female audience, ate Lean on Me cereal when he got jealous of the fit Ambercrombe models, and takes Troyquans fashion advice/jokes to heart and alters his clothing accordingly.

why are they called beards? ive always wondered that but never asked

makes you look more manly?

that was my first thought but plenty of homos have beards. thats probably it, though.


As much as I enjoy shitting on Opie, Ant and Jimmy..

Fuck you faggot SJW's that have taken over this forum.

angry straight generic polo shirt white guys could never host a radio show like this one. you need twisted people with dark souls from messed up backgrounds. not some truck driving angry redneck or some angry wall street stock broker


Whoa whoa whoa hold the fuck on, jimmy is straight? When did that happen? and when the shit was tits a man at any point in his life?

I accepted long ago Ant is a walking cartoon character from the 50's

Vury gewd. Jimbris gotta nigga's neck.....

......hurt'in tah-day.