I don't see any difference..

55  2016-01-18 by sybaritical


Muslims can't eat the bottom one.

jews also can't eat the bottom one

Oh I know. I just like to pretend those people don't exist.

Until tax season...

The top one can only take one arm up the shitter.

The puppet has better acting chops.

And is actually funny without having to reference her cunt every two seconds.

And a better body. And face. And personality.

The top one is less fatty once you butcher it and turn it into bacon.

The bottom one nets more product for dog food. They call it offal in the meat industry

If I owned Purina, I would take Amy any day.



Say "it" again.


3 it's is all this guy has the patience for.

Make it wordier next time.

Sorry I made you read too many words. (-50 or so words you fucking retard)

How did you get past High School?

Ohhh nevermind

One probably had sex with a frog. The other is a muppet.

You're missing the obvious. She has a babyhead. Her body grew up but she has a baby's head.

Extremely accurate.

They both shit little rabbit pellets of poop out of their vaginas

I always see one of these fucking things. The face on some of these.. Exact match... http://www.thisnext.com/item/A8D014D2/Cabbage-Patch-Dolls-Caucasian

Top has career longevity.

One is a fat, obnoxious sow with an overinflated sense of self-worth. The other is Miss Piggy.

This comes up a lot so let's cut the horseshit and finally, officially clear it up. I understand what's confusing but here are each in brief:

MISS PIGGY had a strong showing on Last Comic Standing, but was beaten out by Jon Reep. Following this were years of "making her bones" at the Comedy Cellar and as an opener for the O&A regulars. When Judd Apatow heard her on the Howard Stern Show, he envisioned a movie based on her comic tales, leading to a year of media spotlighting and celebration unprecedented among comedians. She is also sought after as a foodstuff.

AMY SCHUMER is a Jim Henson Muppet creation, debuting in the 70s. An improbable and slightly depressing "wife" to essential protagonist Kermit the Frog, Schumer became something of a hero to worthless, half-funny, anti-attractive girls and women. Still quoted are her breakout phrase "hiii-ya!" and her many jokes about her pussy.

Hopefully it's all straightened now out and can be put to fucking rest.

Is it ears?

The veins in Miss Piggy's face haven't been destroyed by her alcoholism.


One of those noses has been surgically reconstructed

Only one of them came when Patrice wanted this.

One of thems a fat pig and the others a puppet. HHOOOAAHH

One has original material.

Sidebar pic?

Why is she so smug? He movie wasn't a rousing box office smash. Cost 35 million to make, earned 110 million in the US and about 29 million in the rest of the world. And usually studies spend at least the same amount on marketing that they do in budget. So 70 million total cost means about 69 million profit. But the way Hollywood works things it probably officially only profited a few million or maybe even lost money. So why is she acting like such a self important mega movie star cunt after at best a moderately successful movie?

Neither did any of the other people who posted this over the last year or so.