Schumer is done as a comic. Scolds a 17 year old for a joke.

75  2016-01-18 by Ant_Sucks


Wow she's so brave,honest,beautiful, and above all else. Real.

No dude, actually, shes a cunt.


She does her eye makeup like The Undertaker.

Instead of riding a motorcycle, she rides successful male comedians.

And upper midcard semi-jobbers.

Oh no, her racist republican character is at it again

Right. I didn't give a shit before but now I'm ALL IN on the Schumer hate.

I agree, it was a meh joke in the vein of trainwreck and her stand up "character"

She's been hanging out with J-Law and Patricia Arquette too much. Worst was the "moment" gimmick she borrowed from them with the thank you to shooting victims.

I'm out.

The Hollywood girls gave her a major case of the fat friend syndrome. You know the fat cunt who gets all pissy when someone hits on the hot girls and has to ruin everything. I'm not sure where I'm going with this analogy but fuck Amy Schumer is the point.

The Jews are manipulating the hate


Poor Amy.

Is she ever going to shed her awful sex comic reputation and finally get respected for the artist she is?

It's like when KISS went sans makeup to be taken more serious, but they suck as musicians. (I don't know if that was their motive, but it helps my fake analogy)

Leave Ace out of it. The rest of them can get assuredly fucked but Frehley's a brillaint musician.

That article is written as butthurt and whiny as any feminist shit blog. "Humiliated"? Yuck.

Fuck all of them, Schumer, lefty bloggers and the faggots in the link.

Glad somebody said it. Schumer sucks, but this article is enraging.

"Being a teenager is tough enough without being humiliated in front of the entire world". Waaaaaaah!

"Just because one has the power to pull the wings off a fly doesn’t mean you should do it." Give me a fucking break.

Knowing this blogger like I do, I can tell you he is being sardonic to mock her self-victimization.

This is the point you stupid fucks. It's the adoption of the lefty bloggers logic and sentiments in order to apply the same criticisms to said lefty bloggers. Thereby showing that unless they rebuke their own warped thought processes, they are also the "shitlords".

I would hope the writer would be that sensible, and willing to write something with his tongue in his cheek even if half the readers wouldn't get what he's doing. But looking at the rest of his articles, I have serious doubts. He's posted one more since the Schumer one, and it couldn't suckle foxnews' balls any more shamelessly. Actually, the vast majority of his articles are written with as much straight-forwardness and desperation to spread propaganda as I've seen in a long time. There's not a shred of satire or jocularity to be found; only bitter indictments.

I like how they pointed out that it gets low ratings when mentioning her TV show.

It's a little faggoty but I think it's written that way to highlight the left's hypocrisy.

"the left"

What faggot? Amy Schumer is a leftist cunt & on the left bullying is frowned upon yet they hunt down people and bully them all the time. Makes perfect sense.


Tss those hippies are gonna get LEFT behind!

If he commits suicide from cyber-bullying whose side will the SJW's be on?

Never on a straight white man.

There's still time to turn him gay before he offs himself.

He couldn't handle a strong independent woman asserting herself. Oh well, one less future member of the patriarchy.

Who's side do you think? Amys.

wouldn't her ending the tweet saying "hi to your dad" imply she really is a whore?

Everybody is stupid. Amy, the blogger, hollywood. Every fucking body.

except us, right gang?

It's a "what would your parents say, young man!?" scold.

I'm shocked she didn't hire him to be a writer on her show.

She is the epitome of a modern comedian and modern western culture in general. This is what being with the times is all about which is why I love my racist, sexist fossils.

Now all she has to do is star in a Holocaust movie and her ascendence to Jew Theta Level 12 will be complete.

Schumer's List

And Jim Norton isn't on it

But he's vital to the radio war effort!

Thick arms, thin skin.

That should be the title of her next comedy album.

Just because her routine is centered around how big of a whore she is doesn't mean it's ok for YOU to joke about it!


What a fat cunt.

It was an innocent joke, by an obvious fan.

So why is all the purple haired 350 pound plus bull dyke feminazis fawning over this bitch again?

Oh because she treats men teenage boy fans like shit.


Opie has a more feminine figure.

Hubba hubba

Is Ant photoshopped in that pic? He looks like a fucking corpse.

At this point I actually feel bad for her. She's too embarrassing to even get mad at her for this. This is the most through selling of your soul for money imaginable. To think she once was potentially a good comic, but she sold herself just to appeal to Hollywood douches and this PC culture.

It's happening so fast, too. It's like every chance she gets to speak publicly she just keeps upping the ante. Usually it's a bit of a slow-drip but she's apparently ALL IN.

"I'm not a sex comic"

Fucking stupid cunt

I guess her comedy has just passed all of us by.

Her entire shtick is based around her "whore" persona and her making jokes about herself being a whore and sleeping around.

If her response is 100% serious and not some "lost in print" sarcasm, then she really has lost it. That'd be like taking a picture with Anthony and making an alcoholic joke or Jimmy and a tranny joke. Amy can't have her entire persona be based around her being a whore and joking about it and then get offended when someone else makes the joke. BTW, if it were Bradley Cooper or some other famous person posting that exact same thing, she certainly would've have responded that way.

someone please ask jimmy about this on the radio tomorrow. I would love to hear him say he doesn't know anything about the tweet and that he can't comment on it.

Jimmy: I've known any since she started and now that she's on top, people wanna bring her down. I will tell you that she's sexy, man. I'd love to eat her juicy ass and have her shit on my chest.

Amy reminds me of Judy Gold. An unattractive comedienne with decent material that has never experienced or wanted to do anything outside of NYC/LA/SFO.

I watched a Tough Crowd episodes with Judy Gold and she was talking about the south being anti-Semitic. As a native NYer, I went to high school in Atlanta around 2000, did two years of college in Texas before transferring. I wanted to break my laptop in half. Casually racist, sure (and I'd argue NYC has has the same racism). Anti-Jewish? Not at all. Fuck, those Southern Baptists who were anti-Semites in the 1930s, now take tours of Israel and are the most ardent Israeli Conservatives outside of the ultra-Orthodox.

She is a Southern Long Island trash bimbo who has no idea what she is talking about.

It was just a character. A mean, piggy character.

Fat girl thought that the pretty girls on the cheer squad really wanted to be her friend. She was wrong.

She's the new Brett Butler.Wait 5 years and she will be old news


"They made her do it."

The more famous you get, the less funny you become.

That's usually the formula, except Dave Chappelle, but then again many consider him a GOAT level comic.

Remember when it was all "lol's" when she talked about initiating sexual contact with a "disgusting" cabbie? -(mobile 6:51) "I was a huge whore"

Woulda been better if she just shit on the dork for being a dork.

How could she let a dork get to her like that?

Another example of why never ever fucking apologies!! The panty pissing forever offended sjw are swarming on this poor kid, like Piranha on the scent of blood.

QUESTION, is this different from Vos/Bobby (i know I have heard one of them say it)complaining that the fans try and bust there balls and they shouldn't

edit: for example if that photo of amy was with colin or some other comedian, would she still act like a cunt about the tweet or just laugh it off

She's a cunt. Doesn't matter what other adjectives you give her. "Cunt" is accurate enough.


snob like Amy Schumer

Surprised this slipped by the proofreading. That "N" was suppose to be an "L", right?

That kid is a liar. He said that his joke wasn't funny, when it was pretty good, if not obvious. I really thought that kind of humor was in line with her style... but, I guess she's roped into being a feminist now, which is a shame.

I'm disappointed that she reacted this way to a joke, instead of doing what she usually does when she hears someone else's joke: steal it while pretending she didn't know what she was doing.

Most comedians become comedians with the hope that they won't have to remain comedians. She doesn't have to be one anymore because of her acting career, which is the dream of most comics. Her endgame was never to be some anti-PC standard bearer for this subreddits opinions.

Breitbart trashing her is equally as pathetic as Salon praising her. Fuck the world.

Amy Schumer is done as a comic.

Not if Worm Norton has anything to say about it.


I thought she meant it as a joke with the last part, but the first part sounds like she was offended by it.

I still like Schumer, but if she really was blasting this kid it would make me check out.

He most likely probably did fuck her. Considering she's a bonafide slampig now. I wonder if little hypocrite GloWorm Norton is gonna plead for her to stop drinking and eating now.......

The only thing worse than her self righteous response is this article:

From the writer, "We hope (being that he eventually deleted both tweets) that this pipsqueak learned an important lesson out of this. Just because women can crack jokes about their own sexuality, bodies, etcetera, etcetera — you still can’t. 'The more you know.'"


God damn I wish Patr... I mean Joan Rivers was still alive to tear this cunt a new cunt.

about the Steve O/Ryan Dunn joke at one of the roasts:

Strong set. This Amy Schumer is dead.

She sucks.

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What comes up must come down, there is always a surge of fame that comes through entertainers at one point. Only the truly skilled ones or the ones which doesn't let the industry run the show survives longer. Even Kevin Hart is going to be obscure at one point, he brings that up at every interview because he knows it will go to shit eventually.

saw breitbart and refuse to click. fuck those whiny cunts. the enemy of my enemy is not my friend. these right wing nut jobs are as annoying as the ones on the left.

make jokes about yourself fucking tons of guys.

make a movie about fucking tons of guys.

then a kid makes a twitter comment about it, obviously mimicking her own voice, and she has the audacity to be upset? fuck her.


That's not scolding, fuck that kid.


So wait, his tweet was a funny joke but hers was humiliating? Either they're both being cunts or they're both making funny jokes.


Upvote if you would let her sit on your face.

Upvote if you like breathing

no, but I'd sit on her face and fart

I actually think she's pretty attractive.

Of course these faggots here are gonna pretend she's hideous for upvotes, meanwhile their significant other looks no better or worse than her.

She's very fat, but when she first started comedy I didn't think she looked too bad



Hit too close to home did I?


You are being too generous imagining them ever having significant others.

They specialize in women theory. That's all.

Never on a straight white man.

Who's side do you think? Amys.

He couldn't handle a strong independent woman asserting herself. Oh well, one less future member of the patriarchy.

Jimmy: I've known any since she started and now that she's on top, people wanna bring her down. I will tell you that she's sexy, man. I'd love to eat her juicy ass and have her shit on my chest.