Bananas Comedy Club's website is an Angelfire page, it still updates and Rich Vos is still going there.

54  2016-01-18 by CuckECheese


Its kind of awesome to see such an ancient website

Yeah, loads quickly,all the relevant information right there for you. I kinda miss it.

Yeah that is what a webpage should be. Not 3,000 ads popping up as soon as you open it. Now they are so overloaded with ads and nonsense that you don't even want to go to the webpages anymore.

Ads aside, there will be a 5 page website for a restaurant and it will have every bit of info except for the menu, phone number, address, and hours. WHY DO YOU THINK I'M ON YOUR SITE?

You don't like the flash animation with the jazzy music with pictures of food sliding around for 15 seconds before the buttons appear with options for "Our history" and "Meet the Chef" and the outdated .pdf menu with no prices?

You just described every restaurant website. Bravo.

Where are the fucking super nintendo cheat codes though??

the internet was invented for sharing info, but then people realized you can make money. Thats capitalism!

At this point I think people would be pissed off if it changed.

Being a comedian seems depressing

crappy gigs, constant travel, always drunken audience, yeah sign me up for all this fame and fortune!

If you are REALLY good, you can make $1700 for a weekend performing at Bananas (Fri, Sat and Sun). Yes, that is depressing as hell, actually.

On the other hand that's $1700 for maybe 6 hours of work at most.

yeah, but the problem is, they can't earn any money during the week unless they go work at Target. And only the top headliners at those shitty clubs get that.

They can earn any money during the week they want, that's the point. That's why so many of them are trying out podcasting and writing pilots and all sorts of other shit. If you're working every weekend and it's a guaranteed $6800 a month, that's ideal for an entertainer who needs to spend the extra time looking for other work or prospects.

Makes better money than being an out of work actor. That's for sure. But I hear writing makes even more money.


You hear about actors that haven't been around in awhile and wonder how they're making money, but I started reading about how much money they can make from unaired pilots and writing work. Someone like Jon Lovitz can live comfortably for years just making shit than never hits the air.

Big Jay said he was (until recently) getting $200 a spot in the city. Where the fuck are you coming up with these huge figures?

The earlier post quoting 1700 dollars for a weekend

Fair enough

Also the simply fact that saying they can only make money at a place like Target makes no fucking sense. Even if he makes $200 a spot, those spots can be multiplied. And even if it's just Fridays and weekends, the point still stands that the rest of the time can be spent pursuing entertainment or comedy related projects. People are doing it all the time and getting by so to me it just seems pretty obvious that it can work.

Yeah, but you have to step inside a Holiday Inn.

I don't see how that factors into it, with Holiday Inn providing great comfort at an affordable price.

There are daily comedy shows in NYC. If you're any good you can probably do at least one set every night of the week.

e.g. Soder last week:

Monday: The Stand

Wednesday: Comedy cellar

Thursday: Comedy Cellar

Friday: Comedy Cellar and Village Underground

Saturday: The Stand and Carolines

yes, but you get about $25-30 for those spots. Not any real money.

Lol maybe if you've been in comedy for a year. Those guys like soder get at least few hundred for weekdays.

No, its standard at most of the clubs. I believe its $35 at the stand for those Mon/Tues/Wed spots. No matter what your name is.

Rich “The Godfather” Vos

"Everytime I'm driven out of comedy, I pull myself back in."

He certainly looks like the Godfather in that picture with his arms crossed. You can tell that's a man who wouldn't stand to have his name or integrity besmirched.

Lol that guy Bob Nelson looks like a real hoot.

Hoooooooly shit dude. I saw that guy on a Rodney Dangerfield HBO comedy special in the 80s doing that same fucking act.

I'll have to look him up. His picture alone makes me hate him.

Edit: wow this guy is terrible.


fawkin halarious

he's a fOOtball playa

I made it to the grandma part, I made it to the grandma part...

Dude watch the rest he has a Unicef bit that kills

I can't believe that video gets praise on youtube. I am officially scared of my fellow man.

I wonder if he still does the gay and black voices in that routine.

"come see blanky blank the blank"


"From the football team line-up to the juggling babushkas, this show is non-stop fun!"

Can't wait to see him juggling babushkas

so is nick dipaulo lol

... and an honest-to-goodness AOL email address! Hey, these guys are bleeding edge!

To make things even better, the entire site is set in Comic Sans. Nice.

Rich Vos is there so it must be sans comic...bo0o0o0o0o0

comic sans the font? who cares?

It's the most hated font in the entire world.

Who the fuck even notices fonts? Why is it hated?

Do you even typography, bro?

It's cartoonish


I hope Kevin Meaney still does his awful "I don't care" song.

I have to go see him

No you dont

Song is shit, sound bite is 10/10

Fucking comic sans!

It looks like a who's who of used to be funny and who the fuck are they comedians. Vos and Dipaolo are the only semi relevant ones. Bob Nelson??? I just listened to O & A on youtube trashing Bob Nelson last week and saying how his act hasn't changed in 20 years and there he is on the Bananas site.

I like Alonzo Bodden. I'd put him above Vos but below Nick as far as talent and career. I agree with you, but that's really how it is when you look at any stand up site, you see a few heavy hitters and a lot of people that you are just now realizing are still in comedy but never made it big, mixed with Jamie Kennedy style movie stars that are doing "comedy" again.

Agree. Alonzo is a pretty good joke writer, at least what I've seen of him.

I assumed this was just an obsolete angelfire page, so I did a google search in order to say, "that last caller was an asshole" and post the real website, but sonofabitch, that's their real site!!

Square space mother hugger

CuckECheese, thank you for this. I laughed very hard.

holy shit, I didn't even know this was still possible

dat view counter... I hope it resets weekly

The events page reads like a shitty band; Nick DiPaolo and the Nobodies

It's actually a pretty good club, I saw Bawby there and just missed out on Jim Jefferies a couple of times.

Which is funny considering the latter's issues with bananas.

It looks like a dump from the pictures, is it a dump inside or have they remodeled?

Somewhat of a dump, but the comics like it there. They have a good owner.

A good owner would fix the name, the logo, and the website, so the comics could draw more, but if he pays them well I can respect that.

I've noticed comedians now like places that let them do their stuff; I remember Kurt Metzger stopped getting booked from a club in Madison, WI where they sent him a postcard that said (paraphrasing) "Your humor is beneath our patrons, I don't know what kind of stuff flies in NYC but we don't condone that humor in Madison."

Could you imagine if Noam at the Cellar pulled a stunt like that?

Bobby's mentioned plenty of clubs on his podcast he simply will not do anymore due to the crowd, owner, or some combo of the two so I trust him when he says Bananas is good considering the time he's put in.

True that, people do defend it when people make fun of the name.

The logo for this comedy club is more enraging than any logo I've ever seen. It makes me irrationally angry and I actually may contact the owner to beg him to let me make something better, for the sake of the comedians embarrassed to play there.

This is what a comedy club would look like if Bobo could form objects with his mind.

This place is like a mile from my house. It's a small shithole but every once in a while it's worth checkin out. Have seen dipaolo, vos, bonnie, dave atell, mark normand, blobby kelly, bruer...

Seems kind of cool to have club where you can see a lot of the top comics right near your house.

R.I.P. Vos

Holy shit, I haven't seen the name Tom cotter in about 20 years.

Neither has the comedy world, heyooo

om is the first comedian to ever reach the finals of NBC’s “America’s Got Talent”. He was the top human finalist and his runner up finish on the show has catapulted him to the comedic stratosphere. Tom's high energy, rapid-fire style of comedy uses a combination of impressions and wacky anecdotes that leave audiences clutching their sides and rolling in the aisles.

"Top human finalist"

Yeah I want that on my resume

Analfire is still around?

I suppose the club has you contact them on MySpace, and directs you to thier ICQ number for ticket info.

Someone pointed out they have an aol address.

Look, Hersh the thing....

Holy shit, Angelfire still exists?!?


The icing is the AOL contact email address.

When I used to do Business to Business e-commerce sales, people would give me AOL addresses, and I would judge them immediately.

If you go to the main page, it automatically plays the "No Bananas Today" sound clip that they play at the start of all their shows.

I'm not going to do that, but why would they play that before a show? Now that I think about it, I think I heard someone on a show or podcast making fun of that.

The only time I saw Patrice was at Banana's in Poughkeepsie. The tiny stage had fake bananas hanging off the walls. They played that awful No Bananas song to its damn near entirety before the MC came out. Patrice railed on the subtle racism of him standing on stage with bananas hanging behind him for the beginning of his set.

Good on Patrice. I saw Stanhope and the gig had been last minute moved to a country western bar. Doug spent 30-45 minutes railing on the town, the bar, the bar patrons (who were seeing a free show, while we actually paid for tickets), and the management. It was an amazing shelling, deservedly.

Calling your comedy club Bananas, and being the literal douche that has bananas on the wall should be illegal beyond 2002. You could change the name and logo, and nobody would give a shit about you having a new name. Bananas is shitty as a brand name and is on tier with being called "Farts" or "Boobies," it's just embarrassing.

Homepage is complete with atrocious ear screeching background music. Trying to find the link to the guestbook.

LOL I went there looking for Bananas in Poughkeepsie

Of course their email is

It's literally the banquet hall at the Holiday Inn. They can fit a ton of people in there though, and in comedy the venue isn't nearly as important as the talent.

I don't get the hatred for free Web hosting services. Even in 1999 people were getting shit on for using geocities.

They look like shit and are unprofessional.

They also would keep the hosting companies logos at the bottom going HEY THIS GUY IS TOO CHEAP TO PAY FOR A REAL SITE!

Dude watch the rest he has a Unicef bit that kills