Opie just throwing it out there: "You can live a long healthy and successful life if you don't say the N Word to a black guy". SPECULATE

0  2016-01-17 by Ant_Sucks



I do remember one of Opie's stories back in the day where the segment was played on Worst Ofs a lot etc. around 08-09ish was when he was a child, he had a black friend and he was playing basketball with him one day and he thought he was cool enough and he actually called him nigga, and his friend punched him

The phones have exploded!

Opie's story was that the kid then knocked him out cold. I'm sure in reality he just gave him a disapproving look (if it happened at all)


I don't believe that it even happened. Opie "remembers" extra details every time he tells a story.

Wasn't this an Artie Lang bit?

Well to be fair, most of Cosby's dalliances couldn't say "no".



I have a better idea, white people should start using the term "nigger" to each other in the way black people use "nigga" between themselves. We'll take away all meaning from the word and just walk around referring to our white friends as "My Nigger"

I see your point about consistency, but does it really matter? Nobody is going to give a shit about the word nigger in a hundred years, so why fight something that will sort out on its own?