Who would be most likely to leak Ant's sub numbers?

6  2016-01-16 by Lilcumia

Big Jay, Luis J Gomez, Dave Smith, Gavin, Pat Dixon, Rat, Joe Curry, Brother Joe, Jimmy, Sherrod, Opie, ESD, Derosa, Sam, (other guest) ?


East-side Dave. He wouldn't even leak it. He would blatantly say it on his show while laughing.

Dave: Did I really sign to a network that only has like a couple of hundred subscribers? Ant, wtf is going on around here?

Ant: Haha....well Dave-

Dave: -starts singing a song-

If things go south with Gavin, he'll tell all.

That will happen soon enough. These kinds of acerbic blowhards never work well with others. If their business hits a road bump, they just blame each other rather than huddling to find a way out.

breaking news: objectivists aren't good at working together

never thought about that before but its fallout waiting to happen. gavin is a dick of a person. he'll eventually piss off ant and then everyone else. theyre cosy right now because mcinnes is an ant-sycophant, and ant needs people like gavin for his network thing. but it'll eventually crumble.

I'm going to guess Anthony's poor security-laden website will be the one to leak the numbers.

Live viewers would be easy to see.

Have it on my desk by monday

That busted up looking chick with the cracked ribs should know.

That's prob the most likely.

I'm guessing only Anthony, Keith, and maybe Gavin know the numbers and they don't want anyone else to know

Gavin said the other day he doesn't know how many people are watching him. He could be lying but I wouldn't be suprised if Ant and Keith were SXMing with the numbers

I would assume that Gavin has put some money into the network and if so I would have thought he'd demand to see the numbers. Who knows?

Gavin put up money for the new studio.

Why would you assume that?

Well, Artie says he makes 63,000 a month from his podcast. That's around 10,600 at 6.95 a subscriber that he charges. So who is more popular, Artie or Anthony and you can kind of make an intelligent guess on how many he has.

Artie is most likely padding his numbers too.

Conspiracy: Offer ownership of the subreddit to whoever the fuck wanted it in exchange for the subscriber numbers, get the info, tip off Reddit, reclaim the subreddit

is it possible that it'll be brought up in some kind of lawsuit that dani brings against him? they'll have to determine his earnings in order to figure out a payout?

I'm guessing either Keith will leave a security gap in the system, allowing someone to get into it, or Brother Joe will drop it on Twitter when he's fighting with yet another person.

Ill probably get downvoted to hell but you would think he would have to have at least 15k-20k to have all those shows and the studio in the city. I mean would he really operate it at a loss? How much do you think he is paying his guys? Serious answers only please, no peckas

You're probably right he wouldn't operate at a loss for a long time. But the studio apparently is not just for the TACS network. They rent it out as well - apparently Ann Coulter did something there.

So I don't think the subscriber #'s must justify the studio expense. The studio is an investment by itself. And as a business independent of TACSNet. So it's plausible Gavin and others also invested in it because, even if TACSNet goes bust, they'd still have ownership in a studio that could still be rented out.



how is this unfunny novelty working out for ya, faggot?