Showerthought: If Anthony had watched The Daily Show he would be less of a fuckface racist nazi

0  2016-01-16 by [deleted]



Are you one of these douches that got his news from Jon Stewart?

Please tell me I am pulling an Opie and not catching on that you're being sarcastic.

Your username is FAN OF THE WWE. You don't get to make fun of others, period.


Again, am I being messed with or do you always talk like Opie?

Do you know I could have been a model?! *Brought to you by OpieRadioBot

I forgot how many faggots are on Reddit, thanks for reminding me.

I don't see how that would have any effect on him. Racial prejudice is imprinted early on.


Ugh. Please don't say progressive. That word has been ruined.

If Anthony had a better father he wouldn't be such a fuck face. His dad did Bro Joe and Anthony a disservice. Atleast Anthony managed to make some money for himself. Brother Joe is just an all around loser.

Yeah, but Joe got his father's name! A real victory in the game of life early on, if I do say so myself!

he only watches Seinfeld, Check out the video where he smacks Dani in her mouth.

Doubtful. That Jew faggot on the Daily Show would have just riled him up even more with the dogshit that spills out of that kike's mouth.


The only time The Daily Show is on his TV is when he falls asleep to the background noise. It keeps out the faint echoes of spaghetti hitting the wall, and him being called a faggot.


Your username is FAN OF THE WWE. You don't get to make fun of others, period.