Opie admits he has big tits then awkwardly laughs

5  2016-01-16 by joonyourmnt


He's doing his obnoxious fake twitter laugh like it's not true or something.

A stand... a standalone tit.

Anthony HATES him

Dont we all

I wish he would awkwardly kill himself.

That is his horrible This is what the HATERS think of me laugh. A painfully transparent and ineffective approach to mocking his critics.

he literally has no comprehension how annoying and talentless he is

I'd like to see a shotgun duct taped between those man-mories.

This is my favorite clip. They are just dicking around at Erock's expense to waste time and it couldn't be better. Jim playing dumb, etc

I'll say it: Opie is good in this clip.

Check out the Sams Mom incident for another example of Opie being tolerable.

Do you know I could have been a model?! *Brought to you by OpieRadioBot


Do you know I could have been a model?! *Brought to you by OpieRadioBot