Who here loves Marxism?

0  2016-01-16 by biobotX1


Classical Marxist theory can be separated into two parts, Scientific and Critical. Scientific Marxism was his description of how political economy functions and its pretty spot on. His concepts of surplus value, means and mode of production, alienation etcetera are still used and have been co-opted by both left and right wing economic theory.

Critical Marxism is what he thought the appropriate response to the above was; especially around the subjugation of the working classes. Critical Marxism calls for the implementation of a communist planned economy to replace the capitalist superstructure. History tells us this is a retarded idea. There is only one planned economy on earth and its North Korea. The reason why we arent all living in shacks and dying of dysentery aged 25 is because of the advances made possible by post-industrial capitalism.

Ironically, workers rights and the distribution of wealth has always been stronger and fairer in capitalist countries than self proclaimed communist ones (actually state capitalist; communism never happened or could happen). Access to education, social mobility, freedom of expression could and would only occur as a result of the increasing efficiencies of a free market capitalist system.

So, I guess I like Scientific Marxism and dislike Critical Marxism? Is that the wrong answer?

"Ironically, workers rights and the distribution of wealth has always been stronger and fairer in capitalist countries than self proclaimed communist ones"

Because the workers were allowed to form unions. Communist countries have tended to fail 'cause they prohibit the individual liberties necessary for the workers and citizens to organise their own power structures. You reckon only a free market capitalist system can lead to education, social mobility and free expression--but when have we had a free market system that was not controlled by a cartel? I'd argue that the phoniness of our free market system is what has truncated these liberties and made communism impossible. I dunno?

Communist countries have tended to fail 'cause they prohibit the individual liberties necessary for the workers and citizens to organise their own power structures.

Ill have to think on that. Ive only really considered individuals ability to organise and negotiate their own relationship with the market, the product of their labors, relationship to capital and private property etcetera. Haven't really considered other structures.

I'd argue that the phoniness of our free market system is what has truncated these liberties and made communism impossible

Massification of higher education, social mobility, greater gender, racial, and class equality, personal liberties, freedom from unwarranted persecution, and all that happy shit has only ever occurred in post industrial free market societies. You can say that capitalism is corrosive to those values, but those values were only capable of existing in a capitalist economy.


I think Marx was on point with his analysis of class conflict, but his utopian solution is unrealistic. Poor people aren't automatically more virtuous than the wealthy just because they have no money. We're all shitheads and there will be no workers' paradise.

Alright, his utopian solution might be unrealistic, but where do you stand on peckahs?

My peckahs FAWKIN huge, rippin up cooters n' shit.

Eat shit, commie.

I like Chico.

I love marxism because it makes right wing hayseeds cry.




Obama is awsome

I think the individuals rights are secondary to the concerns of the group

Up all night and decided to troll dude?

Social experement also

Go to bed sweet prince. We'll be here when you wake up

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few - Spock

This in-denial former listener base is filled with bongo drum playing sufi music singing left wing faggot social justice heros of anti-racism

They love Marxism, but like most leftists...They don't know what it is.

Vote Buhnie Sanduz twenty 2016 millionaihrs n biwiwinairhs fwee stuff fuh u

Big fan, Ant.

You seem like you might be an idiot.


Considering that Anthony's personality was the life blood of the show, wouldn't it be unlikely that the fans would be a bunch left wing faggots?

Anyone who doesn't like Obama is probably racist

I get "Marxism" what I've never been able to understand "Milfredism", Is she just some bitch toe stepping on Unky Karl?

Also whats with the pussifacation of America/feminazis/PC police/cant hit your kids with belts anymore/those people/ the perpetually outraged right wing, fuck Christmas/I'm a troll/I'm running amok.

You are mentally ill dude, seek help.

::looks down at notebooks, enters data::