The collection of assholes on this sub is unsurpassed

0  2016-01-16 by bizzlbone

Seriously, you guys should all kill yourselves


But that would ruin the collection.

The collection of assholes on this sub is unsurpassed. The "secrets" that people try to reveal that have been public knowledge for years are so exciting for some of you retards out there. The "Doxxing" outrage is hilarious. Many have gotten my address wrong. Fucking morons. I'm the easiest person to find. Got bored bashing Opie did ya? Oh well, I'd be slightly worried if I thought this very small collection of dicks and assholes mattered for a second. Why respond than? Because it's entertaining to me. I'd love to see how many of you imbeciles live. So, I read your posts and get a pretty good idea. Not much better to do huh? And I'd love for one of the dummies here to assess what I've done with the show and network since starting a yr ago and explain how that amounts to failure and a downward spiral. At least make up a realistic story as to why it's failing. Well, that's much more time than you're worth. Keep listening fuckheads!

Someone got the reference

We do, daily, with kindness.

What's the end game here?

It was surpassed before reddit installed the script that deletes old accounts from the subs

Good one, sock cucka

That's what my nana used to say.

Quit staring at our asses you fucking gay rapist.

don't tell me what to do


Tsss . I suppose your asshole is easily overcum'r sumpthin

No. Assholes are just loud. Lots of funny fucks around here who aren't cunts.


At least think about it