Much like OpieRaqio, MEGALOMANIA will do in TACS. What can Ant do? Give the network to someone else.

0  2016-01-16 by clarkiswhite

Right now there's a collective anti-SJW voice/narrative, based out of logic and reason, thats being pushed into existence by the alarmist SJW radicals who base their opinions out of emotion. TACS could absolutely capitalize on the anti-emotion/pro-reason movement, if people were running the network better than its being run now. Ant's show is mediocre. Keith has a lot of room for improvement when it comes to being a producer/director. He made some pretty unforgivable missteps in the past that would've gotten a real producer FIRED and out of the business. Garret and Rat are good and loyal for the most part, but need better/confident direction.

Gavin(love him or hate him) has made a lot of money in the past(probably more than Ant), and knows how to make more. He also has access to people/firms with capital, a(begrudgingly but albeit) firm grasp on the progressive narrative of the day, and the the voices that are firmly against it. Even though he beats dead horses and is a naive dummy most of the time; he also knows how to nurture relationships with the social media celebs(male/female) who are taking on the alarmists/feminists head on, while creating entertaining programming. HE KNOWS how to build something and make money in the process. He's DONE IT before; with building literal empires(before shooting his mouth off and fucking himself). He's finally on a platform where he can't get fired, and besides that he's still the best show on the network:

  • IF Gavin ran the network as a executive producer/head of programming, he could bring comedic pundits in, that would blend with the anti-SJW mission, while keeping the talent that's on the network already. If some of those shows want to move on, they still have access to the NY comedy scene and the rising talent it harbors, so there's still a lot to choose from with possible new shows/development. Not only that, Gavin(unlike Ant) has access to advertisers and PEOPLE WITH MONEY; which combined would only attract young talent/shows into working directly with the network.

  • Ant stays on as a silent partner/owner/silent exec producer of the network, distancing his shitty public image from what's being built.

-Keith either shapes up or gets the boot, which he'll have to do since the best thing for each new show on the network now would be to hire individual producers for each show that could help them shape the content creatively. Even better; Keith could take himself out of running the day to day stuff and just become an exec producer/co-head of programming that answers to both Gavin and Ant.

  • Bump Garret up to Keith's day to day role and make Rat a Garret, and keep the rest of the BTS TACS crew.

  • Peckas


I want Gavin to stage a hostile takeover of TACS and push Anthony out completely, then the network can flounder for a few years before being bought by Iran's state media as a US based outlet.

Agreed. Gavin's show has been consistently great.
