BREAKING: Trial photo leaked, clearly shows Cumia in process of punching female (WARNING: GRAPHIC)

95  2016-01-15 by dolan_the_rapper


Thats not Anthony its a picture of Moe from the Simpsons

And that girl is way too attractive for Anthony to be trying to fuck.




Where's your proof?

Thanks, Capt. Obvious! LoL

I've thought Ant has looked like Moe for years.

His mugshot confirms this.

Moe has a healthier and more positive outlook on life, though.

I don't know if its the stress of the last year or what but he FINALLY lost that childhood twinkle in his eyes. Dude needs to night moisturize.

I used to think he was holding together relatively well. Now he looks like the Ghost of Christmas Ballsack.


He needs to moisturize with shotgun blast.

You need to moisturize with acid you Bed Bath and Beyond faggot.

You might be the biggest closet queer I've ever seen. You call everyone a faggot, when it's your own latent homosexuality you're trying to fight off. Just accept it man. This is the age of grindr, you can have all the dick you want within minutes!

"says gay is gay" -the most popular response of projecting reddit faggots.

It's not your fault.

It's not your fault.

This episode was god awful

The Simpsons was long dead by this point. Everything after season thirteen is complete garbage.

It's always funny peoples cut off season is, I think it must be what era you get use to watching and where the humor is at at that point. Season 7-8 is it for me, but I'm 30 and was watching it live after Season 2.

I don't know the exact season because I'm not a queer, but its pretty much universally agreed upon that the show took a severe nosedive at some point, and that point was a very long time ago.

People say the show is bad, but am I missing something? It's no Rick and Morty, but it's mostly still worth watching.

They aren't nearly as good as they once were, but they aren't as bad as people say. I still enjoy the occasional new episode. Besides, the only way these people would know if "the simpsons sucks now" is if they were still watching it. So either they aren't watching it and therefore actually have no idea; or they are, in which case they're full of shit.

I started around the same time, and I agree that the past 10 years of the Simpsons has been shit. However, there's been a few gems over the last couple of seasons.

Season 11, really.

I'd say 10.

Erock, comment?

I liked season 17. But otherwise the show blew after season 11.

I don't even recognize it and I used to be obsessed with this show.

Fukkin buried that cawksucka!!


NSFW tag would help your joke along a tidbit.

Somewhere Erock is laughing though he doesn't know why

When BroJoe walks in: "Alright! Everybody tuck your wallets in your socks."

HAHAHAHA he does look like moe


So, I take it Moe's story arc got pretty grim at some point after I stopped watching.


Way better than the OP itself.

(Takes a bow.)

Yeah, we need more original ideas like John Cena vs Randy Orton. Maybe somebody can run in the ring with a chair and cause a DQ before beating up the ref.

Seen Orton and Cena hundreds of times. I don't think that's original.

Coming from the fucking WWE fanboy...

Season 11, really.

I liked season 17. But otherwise the show blew after season 11.

It's always funny peoples cut off season is, I think it must be what era you get use to watching and where the humor is at at that point. Season 7-8 is it for me, but I'm 30 and was watching it live after Season 2.

Erock, comment?

It's not your fault.