Should Ant have just retired after his firing?

2  2016-01-15 by [deleted]

It's sad to see ol' Pockface suffer like this.


No. He just should have stopped drinking, started working on good content, and made a worthwhile product.

All he had to do was put the tiniest bit of effort in.

Until he beat up his GF, he was on his way. The Patrice Benefit was a great chance to mend burned bridges and reintroduce himself to the comedy world. Then, in the blink of an eye... gone.

Not sure why you think he was "on his way". To me, TACS was floundering, probably the weakest offering on the channel.

Well, yeah. His channel seemed to be doing MUCH better... but Ant is clearly not a guy who can lead a show. He's reactionary and quick. Not his strong point.

It would have been an awesome show if he could have just redirected some of his time/energy from girls, alcohol, racism and politics into humor.

Yeah he fucking blew it

All he needed was a co host. Not a network... Just someone to work off of.

Till then, his show will remain a bore on level with OpieRaqio

Yes, This. Especially the drinking part.

Should of been killed by that black lady. Put him out of his suffering and he'd of been a martyr for his cause.

your "of" and "have" confusion is infuriating


If he stopped drinking and ignored social media, he wouldn't be an unarmed potential convicted felon staying in bed 20 hours a day.

And if he hired competent staff and a decent co-host, he'd also have a good show and network on top of that.

Honestly dude, if he retired I don't think he'd still be alive

Look at what a mess his life has become while still doing a show & trying to start a business? Just losing the comfort & stability of Sirius has brought him down this far. Imagine what he'd do if he didn't have anything to do all day

It really is crazy how rapidly he declined in a year and a half.

I've been in similar positions and I know the feeling. Obviously I was never a millionaire and I didn't have the option of doing podcasts with some moderately famous people, but when you lose your job and you don't have the option of going back to that field at all, even if it's because you don't want to go back to it, it drains the life from you. Slowly. When you lose that reason to wake up in the morning and force your ass to get into gear, however low that gear is, you slowly lose your purpose in life. Even with other prospects on the horizon and even if you are technically succeeding or at least getting by and not flat out hitting Rock Bottom, it still sucks the life from you. The fun, partying with my friends drinking slowly de-evolves into sad, drinking by myself because I'm bored. And you get progressively lazier and lazier and time goes on.

Luckily I got my shit together, but it took a lot of things to happen for me to get to that place in life. And I pay the price for a lot of those mistakes now, and I probably will for years down the road. So I don't know what it will take for Anthony to realize he's fucked. And no, not in the sense that he's still living a crazy party lifestyle with girls and booze and gambling and a nice house, but to come face to face with where he was and where he is now and to maybe, maybe accept the fact that it is self-inflicted and not everyone else's fault but his. You would have thought getting fired from the easiest job on the planet for something really fucking stupid would be it, but no. He keeps falling further down. And the longer it goes on, the harder it will be to get back up.

It's not just a money thing, its a psychological and emotional thing, too. And physical, obviously, because he looks like Death. But continuing to shut out everything and not face the reality of the situation and blame others is not going to work forever. When you can see someone break down in front of your eyes, that is not a good sign. Because it means you are beyond the point of internalizing all of the problems and they are manifesting themselves physically. I mean this sincerely, but unless Anthony addresses his real problems, whether its through therapy or some sort of hallucinogenic experience or whatever works, his story is not going to have a happy ending.

tl;dr peckas

thanks, Oprah. When's your TED talk?

At his funeral


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So, to answer the original question, yes?

Nope, not sad at all. Maybe if he was white.

He's still making money. Anthony's not rich enough that a continued income isn't important.

No, he should've just taken a year off and come back to radio with a clear head. Oh, and had the presence of mind to not date a bi-polar child half his age.

-bizarro world is thataway >>>

Yeah, he was in need of a vacation not only for himself but for his career. He wouldn't have died if he didn't do his own show immediately afterward. These things take thought and planning and with the added bonus that maybe he could have came back. Shown Sirius that he was taking efforts to relax about the racism thing, and not seem so violent, et cetera....

Ant can be a great comedian. But the racism and stuff, it just brings it down. He could have an awesome show just riffing on TV for three hours from his compound and I would watch the shit out of it. But he needs to get some downtime to sort some shit out. He's not doing himself any favors and it seems that his ego is getting in the way of having a fruitful career.

He should have shut his twitter down, shut up and tried to come slithering back to SiriusXM for his stupidly easy job.

That would have been worse. His suffering was inevitable w/o another major change in his life. Since this sub is all about speculation and hypothesizing, I'd say dumping the alcohol and figuring out a healthy relationship with women would do the trick.

You know, a decent therapist could really help Ant out immensely. Not someone he can cry to, but someone who can help the Funny Ant get out and enjoy life and leave this angry/drunken/solitary/paranoid Ant in the garbage.


I'm not sad.

Im really curious about what we would have gotten if Ant did retire like he said he was thinking of, and moving to Texas or Arizona. I think he'd be a lot happier and much less tense. He wouldn't have his usual cadre of cronies around and might even live a bit healthier, I mean it's always warm there & there's way more shit to do outside. If he would have just started doing a casual whatever podcast like everyone else, I bet it would be even funnier/fun to listen to.

And leave behind the true talent Joe Cumia?! There's no way Ant leave Long Island alive

Ant would not like texas they don't take too kindly to negroes with guns down there.

Is there an FH Riley's in AZ or TX?

Not yet, brothaman...

Right in the heart of Huntington Village....btw


He needed the money! Really he should have taken some time to cool off (or dry out), get to at least a slightly better place with Opie, and rejoin the show. At least that's what I wish would have happened.


You must have been ruthlessly molested for your entire childhood to hate fun this much.