O&J Listening Thread - 1/15/16

0  2016-01-15 by silks322

Live show today?

What's going to happen when Jimmy goes on his tour and is out for extended stretches? I know there will be scrambling to fill the studio with comics and guests, but could there come a time when Opie is manning the ship alone? I'm sensing many unplanned planned days off, and BARRRUUUUTAL shows when only one other comic shows up.

This man has a channel named after him, and he probably couldn't talk for 5 minutes on his own about any one topic. I was thinking about it when I saw Anthony's suicide show yesterday; Opie couldn't just sit down and talk like that. He can't even remember things that were said 2 minutes prior.

Things could get really rough the next few months for the Opester, and we MUST be ready...


Sam Roberts is forcing good radio out of Opie

Scrap that. Talking Jenner shite again

Yeah it dried out... Stuntbrain call killed the decent mood they had going. His calls are a complete bore.. they need a comedian in there

The Opester steering the ship into topical waters with the political talk. It's about as interesting as listening to them trying to figure out on air how Powerball works.

Thought it was funny when he asked David Cross about Trump and David drops his political talk on him and you could hear opies brain sizzle. He can't handle political talk. He can't form his own opinion and hearing all of these guests different opinions has got to have him so confused on the subject.

Why listen then?

Terry is that you?

Oh good, Kardashian talk.

Opie admitted to just "taking a peek" at the show, yet he seems to know more about the episode he's talking about than just about any other topic discussed on the show this week.

Opie really ramps up his shock jockness when sam is around. We get it you don't want to call bruce jenner a she what would be easier is not talking about it at all

Is this guy a god damn comedian or what? All of these new generation comedians except for Pete Davidson/Normand and some otehrs I might be forgetting, they just come in the studio like we wanna hear their fucking back on the patio summer evening glass of wine conversation, say something funny.. all of the comedians that built this show would come in the studio guns blazing, smashing somebody or going on a rant or something, and when they come in lately they still do. But these new guys are just a complete fucking bore, so self absorbed that they think we want to hear their serious personalities. Not funny people. Sam is out-comedianing this Yannis douche. DiStefano is growing on me, but he kind of does the same shit. Sherrod is the same thing

Sam Roberts is sitting in this morning.

I wonder if the Mrs packed him some chicken nuggets and a juice box

Hardly, since he doesnt have a Mrs anymore.

what happened?

You misspelled mom, and yes, yes she did

Love me some Salacious Sam Roberts...

It feels like Opie is a guest on Sam's show, not the other way around

which is why he got got placed in a non-threatening timeslot...


mobile stream (works with Safari for Apple)

Artie said he was thinking of coming in again today but we'll see I guess

I don't understand why people forget about us and stop doing our show - opie

Oh the irony of Tits Buzzkill calling Olivia Munn insecure. Those Stangels need to STFU anyway. If Tits wants to "fuck shit up", this sub needs to go full on white knight. #TeamMunn

Opie really knows how to read body language, you know

Here we go with the fucking sugar...

Guess opie's hanging on Bowie's nuts for one more day...

ALL IN with Rickman

This could actually be a listenable show, Jim would make it better being there too but I did miss Sam in the mornings. Already instigating with the Stangels a bit

That sam's show is doing well really sounds sincere opie...

Opie will never reign Russell Simmons in for a decent conversation, this is about to be Russel Simmons soapbox for the next 20-40min

He asked about Ant and it sounded like Sam was trying to reel him in and Opie turned it to fucking yoga.

Opie, Jim and Sam once the stangles go with good comics would be good but Sam thinks he is going to be a solo star. LOL

I've listened to portions of his show the last few nights and it really wasn't that bad. Not great by any means, but not terrible either.

Do you think Opie is doing these Friday shows to see who he has "chemistry" with when Jimmy is not in.. So he can be prepared for October?

Possibly. Either that or he's just desperate for other voices because he'd be "fighting for his life" without six other people there.

now Opie meditates regularly? is his goal to be like Stern in every way possible?

If you mean praying while taking his morning shit, then yes he meditates


Couldn't bring myself to type that. It was concidered though.

In fairness the N word card talk was funny

Tits is on a roll today on his own. How can a guy with a nickname "Greggshells" preach to anyone about being able to take a joke?

Old man Opie struggling with transexuality and the modern world


Poor Eric Stangel got beat up by Olivia Munn for asking a stupid question.

reddit would have had a ball today with the audio if Jim was in to pontificate with Russell for this appearance

"Take me to the church on time" ?

If they get a professional comedian in today, preferably one that knows Sam, it could be a good show, I like where it is going so far

I love me some O&J in the morning, Upvote if you agree!

which is why he got got placed in a non-threatening timeslot...