We can all agree that Mr. Cumia hit that poor girl, right?

0  2016-01-15 by lostsludge

Even his good friend James Norton could only blame alcohol for what happened, because his loyalty was so strong that he could not blame the accused.

A drunken Ant bashed a girl and broke her rib, and I think the sooner we can admit that the sooner we can move forward as a group.


I don't think he hit her, I think if anything he just lost it and played right back into her going nuts, he had a drunken moment where he was like I'm not going to take this bullshit anymore. Then she started going after the phones but in his head he was drunk but he was saying Noooo, you started this, don't try to call the cops now, so he wrestled the phone from her, they both fell over, he fell on top of her, her rib broke, then all of the mayhem came to a screeching halt. But she was so pissed about the whole thing she wanted to show him who was boss since he was trying to do the same before that, and she called the cops anyways to win the battle. Now the smoke has cleared and Dani realizes she was in a shitty situation with him and is now going to be free and clear of it with some money. Anthony also realizes he's in a shitty situation but he kicks himself every morning until 8am before he passes out saying to himself "Why couldn't I just realize it without that dumb night happening, one stupid night, 5 minutes and my whole life changed" he knows he fucked up but he knows he didn't fuck up in the way that he's being charged for or how some are painting it. But he's completely gagged, and even if he was able to explain everthing, he knows he still looks shitty in the situation too, so there's no winning. Pour another glass and hit the "Yes" button on the Are you still watching and savor the hours he gets to sleep because it's his only momentary escape from the nightmare that is now his every day reality

I found the guy who grew up in a broken home.

Spot on mate.

Every abusive relationship ever.

This reads like Ants life has become an episode of Tim & Erics Bedtime Stories.


To be fair, none of us were there, the periscope was not telling of anything, wait for the court appearances to conclude and we will know the truth/legal end to the situation. Then we will hear both sides talk.

We can watch 10 seconds of a world star hip hop clip and break down a street fight / police pull over / gas station robbery / etc. There's just as much enough information here to put it all together

But there's not. This is essentially a selfie shot with a girl drunkenly/high blabbing about being injured with a broken hand. Then the camera shakes and she says don't hit me and stay away. Then she flips it and ant is doing the creepy let's do karaoke thing.

That's the video. Now she's saying she has broken ribs and been strangled and imprisoned. So there's a lot missing since none of that is filmed.

I'm a world star video usually someone else is filming and you see everyone and most of what happens.

I'm not over analyzing a white trash domestic violence video with a drugged out pretentious cunt and a drunk geriatric alcoholic race obsessed pedophile. I'll just leave it for the internet to speculate the fine details. I've already formed my opinion. New evidence won't sway my mind in the future.

You specifically said you had more than enough evidence based on the video. I'm not saying we analyze it in saying we can't because we don't have enough. You missed my and your own point. Enjoy your opinion, it's foolish to make up your mind before having all the facts tho.

mannnn shut up nigga.

Oooof I guess you had no real point than to be contrarian. K then

Only a fucking idiot lawyer would put Anthony up on the stand.


yea.....the periscope thing was nuts. she actually had some real injuries, but the tone of the periscope was not "i'm a 90lb girl i'm afraid for my life" or at least "oh my god you really hurt me" it was "oh yea! well I just called the cops!" but yea.......maybe he really did that shit...I don't know.


What? It's a criminal charge. No settlements or secrecy. Whatever the outcome, it's public record.

This. It's not lawsuit or a civil suit. So it will be on record


If you saw her videos she made, before the hitting incident.. It's almost impossible to believe he didn't hit her.. Jesus Christ would have eventually hit her.

I'm not sold on hitting/striking yet but I visualize more of a grab/strong push assault.

Victim of the modern age...

I was listening to an old show with Colin Quinn today and she keeps fucking butting in with NOTHING, popping up again and again to halt the momentum as soon as it begins to gather. Even I want to hit the bitch. You can just tell Colin wants absolutely nothing to do with her too.


It is amazing how people just want to make snap judgements when they don't even know what happened and how and why. You have no proof of anything so why speculate and set yourself up to being an ignorant asshole.

Never marry a wop..

The most likely scenario is they hit each other. Both equally wrong.

I think he pinned her against the wall and that's what broke her rib and since she was pinned hard enough that also cut off her breathing which constitutes the strangulation and unlawful imprisonment since she was being held against her wishes.

His defense will be it was self defense and he was trying to restrain her because she was attacking him/breaking his shit.

Regardless if he did it or not, he should go to his NY apartment and commit a murder-suicide for da show

Asserting that you objectively know what happened during the incident—whether Ant hit Dani or not—is demonstrably false. If you weren't there witnessing it first hand you don't know what really happened. You will never know what really happened even after Ant's final appearance in court. You will just know what was legally decided.

I don't type this as any sort of a defense of Anthony or a disparagement of Dani. I mean to defend logic.

I think most of us are uncomfortable with what it unknown which explains why so many of us rush to black and white conclusions. "Ant's a woman beating fuck!" "Dani's a lying cunt!" The fact is we'll just never really know.

I want it to be true, just to know that this sub brought down the fledgling TACS empire when tits was our real target.

Funny how Anthony tried to manipulate this sub's hate for Opie and the O&J show when in the end we tore him to shreds over the Big Jay roast, Dick cream guy, quality of the show etc.

How does him getting arrested for domestic violence equate to this sub bringing him down?

Don't forget his racism.