BruisedDani got another long well articulated DM from Dani

3  2016-01-15 by [deleted]



Maybe Cumia really strangled all the retard out of her and now she is acting like an adult

She's threatening you. Are you gonna do it?

Awe she's playing the I've learned so much and grown up card, cute

A grown up would have moved out of their abusers apartment by now.

She's come a long way

I was in a bad situation now I'm not, so to me I've already won.

I used to have to fuck Anthony to keep a roof over my head but now I don't have to fuck him and i still get to live in his apartment.

This deluded idiot thinks you are white knighting for her rather than doing it for shits and giggles. If Ant beat her up he shouldn't have done that(making big statements here folks). But that doesn't make her a saint. Shekel grubbing loser.


Not to be a dick and point out the obvious... but she does read this sub. Maybe if that's the plan you shouldn't air it out publicly.

the dopey cunt thinks she's famous, she's going to report you for impersonating her.

I feel threatened.

She's bullying you!!!!

How you like my dive in swimming pool, daddy??

Wait does this bitch really think you are some sort of vigilante or white knight run amok? She has to be trolling.

I think she does if you look at bruseddanis timeline he/she was arguing with some cunt that thought she was the real dani, the cunt was defending ant and saying how he should have killed her and bruised was fighting back in a Dani fashion.

So I think it tricked her too



She's a saint on earth.

