I've been away for a while. Did lady di pass on to glory?

6  2016-01-15 by blazertrpt87

Also, Anthony is really showing how he's spiraling out of control. Did Opie comment on it? Out of the loop for about a month and a half.


I think Opie should have Anthony call in to talk about his depression and feelings on recent matters, and then hang up on him immediately after asking him a pertinent question.

Also, Di is in some kind of alcohol-induced dementia. She's dying, but she is not dead. That's all I got.

Jim would lose his shit if Opie did that, but it would be some sort of bizarro poetic justice.

Also, my main reason for replying was to tell Op that you're not lying about Di.

I think Opie should have Anthony call in to talk about his depression and feelings on recent matters, and then hang up on him immediately after asking him a pertinent question.

That would be a fitting end to it all. It would make me smile.

Whats todays problem?

OpieRadioBot is on fire!

I go deep with the Led Zep. Have you ever heard of Stairway to Heaven?

Did he actually say this?

Lady Di has been in a situation called "Alcohol Related Dementia." If you are white trash, you a probably familiar with this term as "Nirvana"

Holy shit that's funny

Admiral Orbani is overseeing joint naval exercises in the North Atlantic.

Lol.. I could just imagine Putin keeping himself awake at night, saying.. "Who is ziss admiral orbani? Why I never heard of her before?"


Its called wet-brain.