So, how many of you would vote for Trump?

0  2016-01-15 by Ronvsfez

Just wondering


I'll vote for trump because he said he'll keep Muslims like Anthony out.

Politics eh? I like your angle. My thoughts are fuck him. Trump is a fool who stumbled out of the womb and into millions. He sees dollar signs all over this campaign and will transition it into another reality show, book(s) and a maybe a movie so retards can validate themselves. Fuck him with peckahs

I dont think Trump craves money for its own sake... its power he craves to offset his self esteem issues. Hes to prone to denial. For instance he put up an eyesore of a bilboard for something a while ago. Everyone said so and his responce was a childishly toned. "No they dont, its a hit. Everyone loves it. Next question."

Possibly, though I think he rightly equates money and power

Didn't he lose a bunch of deals with this campaign?

Politics eh? I like your angle.

Oh great a stupid faggot from this sub tries to be cute.

My thoughts are fuck him.

My thoughts are you should walk into traffic today.

Trump is a fool who stumbled out of the womb and into millions.


He sees dollar signs all over this campaign and will transition it into another reality show, book(s) and a maybe a movie so retards can validate themselves.

Source? Besides you or your whiny faggot friends?

Fuck him with peckahs

You're projecting. Hilarious that you actually got upvotes but then again most people in this sub are at least as retarded as you are.


Shut up you dumb faggot with nothing to say.

It's not your fault.

You're gay and on welfare. It's okay.

I'm neither you dumb faggot. Kill yourself.

No, you are.

It's not your fault.



Trump will do for America exactly what he did for the USFL. Embarrass it in the press, bankrupt it, get bored 2 years in and try to pretend he had nothing to do with it, all the while blaming it for sucking in the first place.

This is the first time I've ever felt comfortable not voting, I just don't feel like anyone is swaying me yet.

I feel like trump would toughen up this country in the beginning , but to me it right now it's like voting for the school bully for class president. Right in the beginning it would be great but his ego would make a lot of shit worse down the road, especially foreign policy.

Trump scares the fuck out of me

I think I might sit this one out

"sitting one out" is how G.W. Bush cruised into the White House, so please reconsider. Also remember the Supreme Court.

I regret ever signing up to vote. Now I get jury duty letters and I'll never show up. I'll also never vote. What a waste.

So happy I learned about that jury duty bullshit early on. I'm not voting for shit. One person makes a difference my ass. Since my idol the Opster doesn't vote, I wont either.

I just wish I knew that they would bother me forever if I registered to vote, I was 18 goddamnit. I should be able to withdraw consent. FUCK!

Knew about this shit when I was 15, thank God I didn't register for it. Bad enough that registering for the Selective Service adds a chance, registering to vote raises the probability much higher.

Yeah, well, good for you, ya fuck.

Just become a lawyer that way there's always a conflict of interest, or just say that you're willing to be irrational. Or you can get cool with the Opster and have his connect get you out of trouble.

But I'd have to show up to do that. The first one I got I was able to postpone for a year, then I got another when I was in a wheelchair. I'm not going to downtown Ft. Worth for that bullshit. Plus, they say I need to wear khakis or slacks, I don't own that shit, do they expect me to buy nice clothes for that? Cuz I'm not gonna.

Fuck that. Show up in some basketball shorts with a boombox over your shoulder. Its bad enough having to go, even worse going dressed up.

I would vote for any racist...

No way in hell, even though part of me wants to see him win just for the spectacle of it.

I would.

Trump needs to build that wall and build it strong, because they'll (Muslims) be here before too long.


Yeah all those Muslims in Mexico. Fuck ive never been there but i think my lazy observation about how the world works counts as a legitimate premise to build a supposed-to-be humorously-sarcastic remark on.

Who said anything about just mexico, build that wall AROUND the US.

With that attitude, you already are.


Are what?



I live in NY so my vote is meaningless, registered Republican so I can vote Trump in the primaries though

Make America White Great Again

You dont think its that simple do you?

It's /u/Brett_Hughes_FHRiley and he's stupid

There's literally no difference between these guys. Period. SNIFF.

No. Never.

America would be so surreal with pres Trump im facinated to see it, but its not worth it. Right wing extremists in power will only make progressives stronger. They are a bigger problem than the bible thumpers nowadays.

It would be funny in a "Jesse Ventura governs a state" sort of way. Minnesota was trolling politics before it was cool.

The guy governed under his PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING NAME. Trump is only different because he's using his actual stupid name