Alan Rickman is dead!

0  2016-01-14 by I_Hate_Knickers_2


Cancel the kitchen scraps for lepers and orphans, no more merciful beheadings ... and call off Christmas

"Im going to count to three" like you did with Takagi?

him and Bowie died at 69 DVV DVV

Fuuuuuuuuuck you made me laugh while being bumbed out

It's bummed out, you retard.

I have no response to this

yeah tss bumbed what are you like a bumblebee or somethin?

Fawk yeah my motha told me about the flowers and bees, lamar used to sting her in the flower and I had to buzz like a bee outside the door. Cippah be a bee and buzz buzz

Now I have a machine gun. Ho ho ho.

You asked for miracles, Theo, I give you the F.B.I.

Theo and the nigga who dropped the papers dropped the papers were the only 2 terrorists to survive. Why were't they in 2?


Happy trails, Hans.


"I must have missed 60 Minutes. What are you saying?"

I'm looking for Takagi. Joseph Yashinobu Takagi.

Someone should really try curing that cancer thing.

You forgot to put ME in front of that

Iommi and Bruce Dickinson are next. Lemmy, Bowie, Rickman. All British, and all from the same generation. Cancer hates the UK.

Lemmy was Welsh, Bowie was born in Scotland and Rickman in Ireland. Do your research before pontificating next time.

They are all going to die, and they are all from the UK. All your limey heroes are dead or dying. You know who doesn't have cancer? Mike Patton and John Zorn. Art fags win in the end except for Zappa and Beefheart.

I made that up. I don't know where they were born, I was just trying to get a rise out of you.


... you cheeky fucker. It worked too!

Send me a picture of your erect penis.

No mention of what kind of cancer it was, or how long he'd been diagnosed with it. I wonder if it really was cancer or something else the family wants kept under wraps.

Literally who?

The keyboardist from YES.

Die Hard, Harry Potter, Costner's Robin Hood, Dogma.

Films Opie needs to see again?

All in with Kevin Smith.

The keyboardist from YES.

Die Hard, Harry Potter, Costner's Robin Hood, Dogma.

All in with Kevin Smith.