Does anyone of your friends or family know of your involvment with a sub section of "Reddit" dedicated to a now defunct radio show?

52  2016-01-14 by axeheadroad

Mine don't because they died in a bridge collapse. :(


My gifriend knows that me and some strangers are harassing a shitty radio host on Reddit and that my slow descent into alcoholism and associated bridge burning means this is as healthy a social interaction as I can achieve these days aside from screaming at my x box (single player) about muslims.

Jesus, it's like looking into a mirror.

I think it really is a common trend with the fans of the show and the members of the show itself.

But there is also a girlfriend being reflected back.

I get it.

holy shit

I wouldn't mention bridges tbh.



By single player do you mean you're at least playing online?

Was me until Muslims. I just scream fuck you a bunch.

I'd rather have my wife and parents discover a trove of tranny porn on my computer than my post history here.

The trove, you mean?

I feel like if you ital'd the you'd get more love for this.

Psst. Buzz off comment critic.


Are you sure they haven't already discovered that trove of tranny porn?

That explains the pegging kit he got for Christmas

"Why was this from the kids?"

Wouldn't they both reveal the same thing though?

I live with rubes and all my friends are rubes so they don't even know what Reddit is. Last week we were playing a drinking game and I had to pick a category for people to go around a circle with and I just said name countries in Europe. My friends said they wouldn't be able to to that because it was too hard. I consider suicide daily because im too big of a awkward pussy to move to new area and make new friends. So I will continue to waste away in this grain shit heap town working a shitty factory job until hopefully one day I work up the courage to pull the trigger when I put my ar 15 in my mouth.

hey, at least you have a cool gun...

Sweet factory job, cool gun, friends who don't know what Europe is, I say this dude's got it made in the shade!

Eh it's not that cool it's just your run of the mill bargin AR. but yeah if you think the Europe thing is bad, my friends called me rainman for awhile because I was able to divide 220 into 1/3s in my head. And my family considers me a success because I'm the only one with a high school diploma and make 40k a year. I really fucking hate the Midwest.

My friends call me fatfuck


At least you live in the Midwest. I have a high school diploma and make 40k a year in Boston

Boston? Have you heard of their early comedy scene? Hold on, lemme pop a few A-Brains and tell you a story.

You just need to remember that everyone in the midwest wants to kill themselves.

I don't know anyone who knows what reddit is, and the europe thing is really stupid, but I gotta say I'm with them on the 220 thing, I can divide it in half but I wouldnt even know where to begin putting it into thirds besides random guessing.

21 divided by 3 would be 7. Thus then 210 / 3 = 70.

10 left over would be 10 / 3 = 3.333333333 etc..

73.3 BOOM I'm a math genius!!

Hang on, I was a maths genius at high school....

Hang on....

I got this...

83!..... 73? Yeah, I meant 73. Whatever.


dude you got your factory job, you got your gun, you got your friends, bam dude you got it made


Just fucking move pussy, life is too shitty and short to waste on retarded people.

But then I wouldn't be here.

Well its okay if the retards are entertaining. Everybody loves Forrest Gump.

Jenny did.

And her Daddy loved her real good.

Ahhh, the circle of life.

There's two of you now?

I'm the brother.

I voted for you as worst commenter in the sub for 2015 and I hope you won.

I've only been a redditor for 8 days so I don't know how I would have won that particular accolade but I'll tell my brother what you said. Oh and anthonycumiashow was voted the worst poster. There's a sticky thread on the opieandanthony front page which lists all of the ' winners '.

Out of curiosity why did you vote him as worst poster and what can we do to change your view for 2016? Suicide aside of course.

Not even joking, I don't like anything you say.


how would you name a countries that are in country , tssss

your stupid




Dummy, Paris? Berlin? Rome? they are all countries in Europe

I don't know if they ever did figure out why I wrote "droppin hammers" over every square inch of every wall in my house with feces from various sources.

I might start another treasure hunt that will lead them here briefly at some point. I'll have to think about it, they're running out of pets.

I can't imagine the level of autism you would have to have to tell someone about this subreddit.

When Jim was on sams show a guy called in saying he tried to explain chip to his dad without even letting him hear the audio. Well and there is Bobo reading CQ tweets during a family diner but that's just straight up performance art.

That Dad has a new 9/11.

No autistic is revealing their predilections to anyone other than phone sex operators and cam girls.

Autism would imply some semblance of higher IQ.

No one here has friends.

We have each other, right? Right?

Right! Here, hold my cock while I taste this pistol.


You know the drill.

Good name for a cock

I think there's two extremes: people who completely live in their basements and never see the light of day, and then surprisingly successful people where this is their American Psycho-esque secret.

You guys are my only friends

I don't talk to real life friends the way I talk on here. This is my guilty little secret and if I'm ever in another relationship again I'm wiping my PC, tablet, phone, everything because I cannot hope to justify my behavior on this sub to a real woman. I find it funny for me and me alone. I would be disgusted if I had a son who lives as I do.

I lie to everyone in my real world about being happy and they buy it because I've been doing it for a decade and have become an excellent liar.

I am this sub and it is me. When I post no more it will be because I'm either dead or in love.

I've tried talking to RL friends like I do here and pretty much got an intervention. They were SIRIUSly worried about the mental health tss... see its that shit right there they just didn't get.

The mistake of youth my boy. When you get a bit older you'll realize that you have to keep it a secret no matter how much you want to scream it when the occasion arises.

I also don't talk like I do on the sub, but I will occasionally do a Chip joke in front of people who have no idea who Chip is.

It's so funny but I get so many weird looks.

Hi friend!

One dude at work knows. He thinks it is funny and lurks here, but is intimidated by our aggression towards each other, to post here.

Awww tell him I'm blushing

I told him he was a fucking pussy and should man up.

He does not get the spirit of the (original) show, which encouraged the meanness. No one takes it personal. If you bring the funny or a good point, you are rewarded.

If you bomb, or try too hard, you are swiftly called out and ridiculed.

Just move on from your bombing. But nooooo, My friend is a pussy. Fuck him.

He is unfunny anyways, trust me, let him lurk.

I think our anonymity allows us to take the meanness to a new level. I'd like to think that this place has helped me grow thicker skin. The downside is that sometimes my feeble brain thinks it's ok to unleash this brand of twisted humor in real life. I go through gf's like toilet paper because of it.

Yeah, well self control is a mother fucker.

I find myself using cunt very liberally in casual conversation.

But I work in construction around all men, I am lucky. I can spout mysogyny all day to the sound of cheers and laughs.

Get a job around all men, and you can spout the same shit we say here, with no fear.

Yeah but that would require working as a physical laborer, and that's better left to "them".

Do you suit up, when they tell ya?




I was intimidated too when I first got on this sub a few weeks ago. For some reason I expected 100 downvotes and a "fuck you" on every comment I made. A little paranoid perhaps. The people here are generally pretty cool though.

Fuck you.

I have to agree with the delegate from Fuck You.

The "aye"s have it, motion to fuck /u/panasonictooth has passed.

Damn. I should have just said I hate niggers. That's always a safe bet.


Sick edit faggot

The people here are generally pretty cool though.

Shush about that, We need to be feared, since we are scaring motherfuckers to the point of wanting to be bought out to silence us.

Your innocence is adorable.

I'm a sweet boy.

"fuck you"

My ex used to go through my phone and get mad at me for laughing at white people stuff. He also threatened to pour boiling water on me and slit my throat. lol.

Why'd u guys break up?

He also threatened to pour boiling water on me and slit my throat. lol.

Sounds very culturally diverse & vibrant.

He's from trinidad

You need yourself a sweet white mate. May I recommend /u/I_Hate_Knickers_2?

I liked the original knickers. Not too pleased with the reincarnation

Well it's unrealistic to expect the sequel to be as good.

He likes knickers, you hate them, your're so mismatched that ,by-golly, its zany enough that it just might work.

Obligatory username checks out reply.

What no upvote?

Would a handsome, young, dark brown-skinned Latino who works at a University, with a small cock such I do the trick? ;)

Are you the janitor?

True story today one of my coworkers asked me what is the cleaning ladies name is i told him it was la mulata and he paged her over the intercom it was amazing

I don't find either of those statements to be appropriate.

Also I prefer the term "custodial engineer" for my line of work.

The job as campus rentboy was taken?

How's this to fill the void:


Show your tits.

Much better

They frown upon whores.

I feel enriched just reading about it.

sounds like a good egg.

White people be all like "Im going to file my tax return early to avoid any issues", and black people be all like "Blat-blat! tooth jewelry"

and look how great you turned out!

ummm...HE? did I read that right?

Some people are women



Michael Vick discipline. Hot.

at christmas i got drunk and tried to tell a story from the show about lady di losing her mind. The second it came out of my drunk from 10am mouth i knew it was a mistake

Yesterday I thought my friend Pablo was talking about O&A, but he was just telling me "Go Away".

Its hard to understand him because hes always got fingers in his mouth. Fingers of Heroin.

Didn't understand this but laughed anyhoo.

I take it you dont buy heroin off the street from hispanics. Goody two-shoes.

I have them all on a mailing list and I email them with updates about my dry teeth jokes.

You know, they probably don't appreciate that.


That's why you gotta start grooming them early.

I think the same thing has happened to me. I'm sandpaper incarnate.

I recently told a couple of my coworkers about a comment on an old post here that got like 50 upvotes calling everyone on this sub a bunch of limp wristed faggots and all I got was blank stares. Now I'm just kind of waiting for the letter from HR

You should wait until you have some kind of job meeting, then in the middle of someone's shitty PowerPoint you should just yell out RAAAAAAMOOOOOOOOOOONEEEEEEEEE and then just bask in the akwardness

I don't think that's a very good idea.

Who the fuck is Ramome?

My shitty phone keyboard, I really use it like an old man

Here's your dismissal letter fa lalalala

No, just something to do while at work. The only person that remotely even knows about o&a is my brother cause I tried to get him into the show. We both use to be howard listeners but I moved on to o&a. Now both shows suck.

I tried to get people into OnA from Howard. They all said the same thing - That Anthony guy and that Norton guy are funny, but what's up with Opie? He sucks.

I tell my girlfriend it's just "hate games" to take the edge off. I'm not vocally anti-Opie, but the fact that I laugh at all the jokes makes me just as culpable.

I once tried to explain Lady Di's internship to my girlfriend while we were eating dinner. She thought it was all made up, she couldn't believe it.

She thought it was all made up, she couldn't believe it.

This is a common thread when i am trying to explain anything about the O&A universe to an outsider. They think it's some cheesy Adult Swim level "lel randum" characters i am talking about and can't even comprehend that someone like Bobo or Di is a real person.

Fuck 'em. Their loss.

Just my therapist

I tried to explain to my girlfriend why me and a bunch of strangers have been harassing a 55 year old radio host for the past year and a half now. She didn't understand and thinks I have a problem.

We do have a problem. Malignant lumpy growths on the chest of our favorite celebrity. Mean words are the chemo.

My post history is on my mother's fridge.

I tried explaining it once, and everyone in my family got cancer.

It's my version of people who like sci-fi novels, I guess. "You don't understand! The characters, the history! You would understand that reference if you listened back in 2010!"

It's so fucking pathetic.

This subreddit really is just a collection of in-jokes for people who can't afford to say shit like that in real life.


Not anymore. Ive Informed them of your involement. Needless to say they are once again extremely disappointed.


Ok, just thought I'd ask. :)

I used to try and get people to listen to O&A back in the mid-2000's, nowadays I'm embarrassed to mention that I did listen back then and that I currently still listen to the current incarnation of the show.

use "current" more please

Just die.



They wouldn't understand.

No, and they never will.

I do however try to spread the gospel of Ron&Fez/Benningtons and High Society, even though it's not going great at all.

I've never met anyone in real life that I've even discussed O&A with!

I have but he was a prostitute.

Do you still have his deets by any chance?

No one understands our unique pain.

One guy in class saw me on this subreddit and immediately told me that he used to listen to the show and that he lost interest entirely after that. Thought it was all weird what happened.

I have no friends. My mother left me in a diner when I was a baby.

Naw, I have to cross the Okhotsk every day in a fishing boat to get to Kamchatka just to find a village with internet, by the time I get back to my izba I'm too tired for family and friends, they don't know what a lightbulb is, I doubt they'd understand reddit.


No and I'd probably kill myself if anyOne found out.

You sure they didn't die in this awful bomb


nicely put



In my case it's my friend /u/astrozombie222's fault.

The shame is overwhelming.

Thanks for the cancer, pal.

Not this subreddit buy when I ran Bite My Torrent a few people I know knew about it.

Are you the one who banned me?

I'll gold him if he is

Are you implying something?

I have 3 dollars that I can't spend on any significant amount of drugs.

Don't get me wrong, you're a bombing, emoticonning piece of shit. But... there are others here that are much more bannable.

No I didn't ban you. I should ban you since you went around the rules and created another name to bypass the ban....

This place is like Nazi Germany or summit. Is ignorance of the rules no longer a valid defence?

Just a coincidence I assure you. I'm a fan of the original Knickers ( RIP ) and I have the number 2 in my username as a tribute to Jimmy.


( winky face is just another coincidence btw )

Looks like you got banned for creating a thread that was encouraging people to brigade AskReddit

Ah, finally some closure. I thought it might be that although I didn't know what brigading was until afterwards. Still don't totally get why it's a big deal but thanks.

The whole linking to another thing boggles my mind. Your supposed to use a non participation link. I don't know who banned you. I wrote in another post earlier the admins have been here a bunch of times lately deleting threads and users. Also could have just messaged the mods we probably would have unbanned you.

I did message y'all, twice. Any chance you can unban I_Hate_Knickers then?

My friend was 5% of a fan that was, by that he I mean he knows who they are, I like to keep him up to date from time to time its like an old building in town is burning down and I think he'd enjoy watching it too.

I exclusively communicate through chip now, besides periodically saying "I wanna see the boat movie" over and over again.

My wife doesn't know what reddit is and I would rather keep it that way.

A few of my buddies have listened to approx 10-15 patrice/Louis episodes in the past so theyre aware of the show and occasionally I'll share something from here that isn't so meta that you couldn't understand the humor without a years long education on the topic. Like the pictures of anthony with his young girlfriends; to my buddies those are no different than the other silly pictures on reddit. Or when somebody murderously insults samcro Joe on twitter its always fun to share new put downs.

Chip impersonations will never work on a stranger though. We've all fucking tried, because the people in our everyday lives tend to provide so goddammed many opportunities to attempt one. Occasionally one of the people who know that I was a fan will approach me with something they heard or read online. I was asked about our jocktober/cakestomp2015 many times by distant relatives and friends alike, as well as a few asked about the fight between jim and opie. Those are the two recent events that I can recall where the show was noticeable to the outside world.

The other day my buddy was texting me about some comment he made in /r/science where he got gifted reddit gold and some bitcoin and whatnot from a well written post about protein cell formation. His account didn't use the word kike or faggot or nigger once as far back as I was willing to look; and as I'm typing these words I notice that my phone no longer bothers trying to even correct them anymore. Hes the one who I tell about the sick burns I got on a former radio host's unemployed brother, and so long as Im honest about spending my leisure time harassing old men online he's willing to humor me. Good guy.

Are you or have you ever been a member of the hater agenda?

They don't even know I listened to this show In first place they would prolly disown me,or suck my cock,or somewhere in between.

I like to gather all my family around when I read this sub. All the way down to my mom, to my cousins.

Of course not, but whenever they get together and play Cards Against Humanity and act like they're so clever and offensive and funny, the O&A hulk kinda comes out because that game is fucking hacky and isn't as offensive as it thinks it is.

I have a funny mofos like website where I post /r/opieandanthony gossip. All my friends love it. It does big numbers.

My friends and family don't even know I post on Reddit. I'd be ashamed enough about them finding out about that.

If anyone in my personal or professional life knew my level of involvement with the defunct radio show or this subreddit, I would consider kissing the business-end of my glock.

My boyfriend knows, but he's not even familiar with reddit. So it's all gobbledygook to him.

I feel like you're telling the truth. Do you have postmortem photos as proof?

I'd rather tell my imam I'm no longer Muslim than anyone find out I post on here.

There is one person that knows my reddit name, possibly, but i doubt she cares since we broke up. But yeah, i wouldn't want anyone to know I'm associated with this shithole of a sub.

anyone I tell or try to mention how I listen to show that was popular 15 yrs ago, that aren't even together anymore, & I listen to 15 goddamn fucking off shots/podcast of this show for years now ....I get to this point and just tell them I watch wrestling like Sam cause that's more acceptable

You assholes are all I got in this crazy radio world that no one cares bout but us monsters



One time this dude was trying to fuck my girlfriend, so he went online and collected all of my Internet posts, compiled them into a Wikipedia page, and emailed it to my girlfriend.

Basically a compilation of me saying horrible things on the Internet.


Being a "Redditard" that hates everything for absolutely no reason whatsoever, I have no family or friends.

At least most of you fuckers are on the east coast, it gets real lonely down here.



Kinda difficult for them not to when the whole doxx wars thing was going on a few months back

Fat joke.

Yes you are.

Lol I'm 5'12 210, nice try bud.

I'm 5'17, idiot.

5'12. Aka 6 foot...


You're so stupid.

I like you.


See guys? Math IS hilarious.

Even your fake numbers are fat, fucking fat faggot LOL

Why'd u guys break up?

He also threatened to pour boiling water on me and slit my throat. lol.

Sounds very culturally diverse & vibrant.

sounds like a good egg.

and look how great you turned out!


Michael Vick discipline. Hot.

What no upvote?

My shitty phone keyboard, I really use it like an old man

Thanks for the cancer, pal.

ummm...HE? did I read that right?

I'm the brother.

White people be all like "Im going to file my tax return early to avoid any issues", and black people be all like "Blat-blat! tooth jewelry"