Sherrod is a fat, diabetic racist who has Tourette's.

25  2016-01-14 by arobben

And he is overdoing his New York accent. We get it, you're from the Bronx or whatever.

Have a good day, everybody.


He's the unfunny "Make-A-Wish kid" version of Patrice.

i hate kurt metzger now thanks to sherrod

holy fuck. yes. hate by proxy. its real.

speaking of proxy, I wish both of them would step on a proximity mine

I used to like the podcast at stand up ny labs and had one or two guests and sherrod would shut the fuck up; now that it's on sirius the '8 people talking over each other' format blows and sherrod's trying to be the ZING guy tagging anything anyone says.


I heard he was black.

Black people can't be racist. Don't you watch the news?

Sherrod is built like Mr Popo from DBZ

Same amount of melanin too.

So why is Sherrod racist again?

He's always bashing chinks or something. Or is it nips?

I can't tell the difference anyhow.

His drowned-corpse-mouth won't allow him to say "zipperhead."

Sherrod is a bit of a baby. Not sure if I've ever heard him take a trashing. The only time I did is when he bullied mark norman

Bill burr also called him out a few weeks ago and it was glorious.

Its gotta feel so shitty to have burr call you on your nonsense, he just hucked and jived into a corner.

Do you have a clip of that or what date it was on the show?

Fuck I'm not sure. It's whenever the last time burr was in studio was. Promoting F is for family so it was sometime in December.

I found this but its the whole interview and theres no way Im dealing with 30mins of Opie&Sherrod without Jimmy screaming over Burr.


But is he black?

Sherrod Small reminding us how much trim he pulls.

Dude has the same humor level as a 14 year old making memes after school. At least I can ignore the teenagers, sherrod has chosen to insert himself into my personal vendetta with Opie though.

Maybe we can go to Hell and trade his soul for Patrice's.

he's black.

Don't forget, he's an idiot Trump supporter


Redwood and the Niners are at peace bro

Sherrod is funny as hell. RaceWars is the best podcast going.

Yes I love this game! Opie is super funny and Funny Mofos is my favorite daily update!

None of us suffer crippling depression!