Again Jimmy killed it today

19  2016-01-14 by dflorio

He's been hilarious and doing his characters. His take on the restaurant who thought they won the lottery was great.


He was great. On the other end of the show, Opies pathetic attempts to riff along by repeating the last two words of what was just said or repeating Jims concepts except in the form of a question were embarrassingly bad.

He's clearly been reviewing old shows to work on his "chemistry" with Jimmy. Anthony always used to repeat portions of Jimmy's lines while laughing. It was funny when he did it, because he actually got the jokes. Opie is copying it in a literal, aspergers fashion and of course missing the point.

Its my one year birthday too, we must have signed up on the same day. Hey, have you noticed your soul being corroded by this sub, or is it just me?

Yes and sHedDAaap.

I was going through all the YouTube intern segments and it's fucked up how Opie's awfulness jumps out like it never did before. It's to the point where the way he says words makes my pretty asshole tighten with anger.

pretty asshole

prove it

embarrassingly bad?!


A Rite Aid?!

Twenny-seckund tattoo...

He has been doing that for years. It was just less noticeable when Anthony was there. Opie could ride the fence until Anthony or Jim formed an opinion, then he would jump on it. He is such an unfunny douchebag.

And Sherrod just had to watch and add nothing. It was glorious. Perhaps i'm projecting slightly but it seemed like he was seeing Sherrod in the room and decided to blow that unfunny fuck out of the water

But the question is... does Sherrod love that chicken from Popeyes or doesn't he?

That's what I want to know.

"Love Popeyes! LOVE!"

Sherrod doesn't feel comfortable unless he's in a room full of perplexed white people glaring at him.


I kind of hate to hear this because I just can't make it through the first 30 minutes of the show to hear anything that might be good. Their show just opens terribly everyday. I cringe like 3 or 4 times & then have to bounce out.

Yeah, it was great. It was sort of similar to Regular Joe, so anybody who likes that should check it out.

Someone should timestamp all of the funny Jimmy moments so we don't have to listen to the crap.

I hate to say it but this episode and the one with Bob Kelly from last week were pretty good. The one with Bob reminded me of old OnA in a way. Just riffing about weird sex stuff instead of reading entertainment news headlines.

Why hate to say it though? Hopefully we're all in this for the laughs ultimately. If it's a good show, cool. If it's bad, we trash it and get our humor that way.

Because Opie is on Opie and Jim.


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killed who? opie?

Jim's actually been really funny in 2016

Restaurant bit. 58 minutes in.

Jim is the only reason I still listen, he's funny

I mean his stand up is shit but he's good on the radio

Are you guys insane? Jimmy sucked. He gets all hyped up and just says anything and gets studio laughs. Even stupid sherrod was dumbfounded as to why everyone was laughing, but went along with it.

I fucking hate when "comedians" say things just to make people laugh, it also irks me when "teachers"teach" or "astronomers" astrom.
