coloring book

23  2016-01-14 by Really_Big_Dummy

Finally got around to it, and i know someone did a post like this before, but those who haven't read it or listened to the audiobook really should ... It's better than just about any other podcast or comedian special/book /thing


Is it really a coloring book?


Damnnnn it opie just take the fucking hit

Andddd he hung up. (sure he did)

L 3


I like it. It's honest and hilarious. Some of the people here might be triggered by the racial themes and course language.



I bought the book, once I'm done reading it I'll listen to the audiobook.

one of the lines I read recently: (his highschool days) "The plan was to get high, put on some Hot Tuna and dry-hump until our jeans caught fire."

Yes! It's excellent. I listened to it on audible and Colin's performance reading it adds to the experience.

Get the Colin Quinn audiobook

its awesome. i suffer from insomnia but i put it on and it knocks me out after a bit. Ive managed to listen to it all.its awesome and works great for sleep.

I'm sure that's what Colin was hoping for - something someone can attempt to "manage" and that is able to make even people with insomnia pass out.

im tellin u, colins voice will make you pass out.

Front to back it's a great read. Him shitting on Norton for being nervous during the USO tour, not that they might die but rather, that he would ruin his streak of new year's eve sets was hysterical. He read it on O&J once when Anne Coulter was on. He also does a thing where he describes the 3 type of black people and one is #teambreezy

It was a good read as a Colin fan.

To give it an honest critique, it meandered a bit in the middle and it lost sight of the subject of the book (racial shit) during the chapters that talk about his drinking days. Those chapters were hilarious but they didn't have much to do with his observations on race.

yes, he did go off track, but it makes it great, there wasn't one boring, uninteresting , or unfunny passage of the book . Most people I'm thinking read it more for laughs and humorous observations anyways rather than as a textbook on race.

I thought it was great, and the best part was finding out what a drunk scumbag Colin used to be.

Yeah between trying to rob hookers and all the fights he was one fucking wild guy

Accurate. It is better than just about anything else.

The great part about the audio book is how he reads it like he's never seen the material before. Very Louie Beans of him.

ME: Is it an actual coloring book? Wha, I don't know. It's called Coloring Book. Is that a stupid question?

I'm sure that's what Colin was hoping for - something someone can attempt to "manage" and that is able to make even people with insomnia pass out.