
15  2016-01-13 by McGowan9

He's going to the clink in a few days. Don't get raped etc, haven't got any good jokes. Look after yourself mate, you're generally a good contributor. Keep your chin up, get released early for good behaviour and talk to you in 8-12 months. And when you get out, don't drink/drive or stick a gun in peoples faces any more. x







I didn't know Carribean Jimmy was black!

Actually no! I'm white garbage. American of semi-recent Irish, Polish and Czech descent (they all came to America in the 30's). Like my grandparents fucked a bunch and 69ed and shit. I bet my Czech grandpa came all over my Irish grandma's pale/veiny tits and now i'm here. Wait, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, I'm kind of white, but way more white than some people who brag about it constantly

don't lose your temper, until it's time to lose your temper

Hey man, good luck in there. Sorry you're going to 'pound-me-in-the-ass' prison.

Look on the bright side, on your worst days, from now till your release, you still won't suck as bad as Opie.

Vaya con Dios.



Explains the situation

Czech huh, that's like a type of Polock right?

I'll miss when he makes a post and then posts 3 or 4 times replying to his own post



I forgot all basic internet script after Angelfire died out in '99, never cared to relearn, so editing posts seems too difficult. I'll just answer myself

Everything the young man learned here should help him out. Making the other inmates chuckle with bobo and di references... Holy shit he's a gonner


Ill be collecting donations for his commissary if anyones feeling generous

He sent me this to remember him by:


Thanks gang, yep thats actually me and my peckah

They're gonna love you in there.

Butt of course!

Remember, on the inside seaman is used as a condiment.



Yeah, otherwise he would have some clothes on.

Or at the very least some mittens.

Is it telling that I expected many upvotes?

I must be more out of touch with my audience than I initially realized.

You got an upvote from me 😉

Good girl. It is him I believe. It's not from my private collection of male nudes.

I think he looks a wee bit like TroyQuan!

And no, not that part lols!!!!!!!

Did I ever tell you about that time I wore a diaper and this chick who wanted to breast-feed me that never happened? I'm not bad looking, but I fuck 5's and 6's at best. I've had cute girls with money, they never bought my friends shirts after I ate their asses, they were actually creeped out. "So, that thing you did last night was pretty weird... I hope you don't want to do that all the time, and I'm definitely not doing that for you!"

Fuck man, why are you going? I consider you one of my only friends on here :(.

You're pathetic.

Wait I liked you too though. You guys are my efriends

Send me a picture of your erect penis.


Thank you.


I'm being nice because you're getting locked up but you're pushing your luck now.

Stop with the shit.

Take care pal

Thanks. You too buddy ( good luck with the diet ).


He wasnt talking to you dummy, he was talking to me.

My mistake.

Why is he going to jail?

I had a chat with him and he's been a bad boy; fighting and drinking and giving the fuzz the business. He's going away Friday for a year he says.

Looks like we lost one boys.

" Farewell and adieu to you, fair Spanish ladies. Farewell and adieu, you ladies of Spain. For we've received orders for to sail back to Boston. And so nevermore shall we see you again. "


I hope you go to jail and get raped tbh fam.

Me too.


I had a chat with him

Huh? Like, in person? And why wouldn't he tell anyone else this?

It's a Quanspiracy!

Spoiler: Troy Quan is CaribbeanJimmy.

Is there a chat people are using? I was on that Taima channel for a bit but it's a graveyard now.

Rape. She was a victim of the modern age! Poor,poor girl.


As above: general dickiness with some acting like a tard, and not being a good boy.

lol how do you know? I actually recognize that username as someone I liked. Hope for his sake he doesn't have to do too much time. Oh well.

Hey thanks pal! I go on friday, for a year, 8 months if I'm not a douche-bag

, for a year, 8 months if I'm not a douche-bag

so what you are trying to say is you will be gone for 2 years (1 extra year for being an extreme asshole while in jail)

Ok thats longer than I thought but could be a lot worse...for what? u nervous about it? people usually say you dont really get raped and shit, i'd just hate being in there all day, is it one that has like the big room everyone sits in ?

It's only county Jail not prison. In my county in NY the jail is pretty well separated, there's violent awful people who murdered or raped people (A guy who just burned an apartment building down to get back at his ex-gf, but ended up killing a couple innocent people and disfiguring a couple a children) awaiting trial, they are in one section, drunks like me and guys in on probation violations are in another section. I'm not nervous about it, when I was in the army I had to bunk with plenty of people that were hateable/tough-guys, you learn to keep the peace. The only thing that worries me is I have 2 living grandparents who's clocks are winding down, I'd feel even more of a piece of shit if they die while i'm in jail and I miss the funerals.

Baby burner!

Seriously, hope all goes well.

I thought this was the one sub where we all agreed babies on fire is fuckin' hilarious

It was a callback to Patrice's prison story, or the movie Short Eyes, maybe both.

oh yeah, that doesnt sound bad, youll be aight.

County or federal? I did 6 months in the county. Holla atcha boy if you want to bond.

just remember that vern became tobias worst enemy and not adebisi.

I also deeply appreciate an Englishman wishing me the best. I've said some terrible things about your countrymen in the past, and I apologize. I started a fight with 5 English Rugby players one night when we were buying each other shots and I said "Hey, you actually have pretty good teeth and you're surprisingly good looking, considering you come from an island that's been inbreeding for thousands of years..". I thought I was being friendly? They did not. So we ended up outside, them and my friends. There's a 2 minute window before cops break shit up and we all traded a few good licks, it was a good time honestly.

wow you're really cool man

I sense your sarcasm, I understand I sound like a douche. I actually appreciate an English "hooligan's" style of fighting. We trade a few shots, nothing dirty, I never got kicked in the face on the ground, and I get the feeling if I saw them a week later it wouldn't have been a problem. I'd buy them a couple pints if I saw them again

I'm not the guy you're responding to but I think that was a cool story and don't let that Negative Thomas get you down.

Well if you're an English fuck, I don't mind those dudes... I've had American assholes (white or black) stomp on my face when I'm on the ground. The English are assholes but seem to have a level of class

Rugby players are generally a good bunch, but if it was 5 chavs you had trouble with, then you would have had your head stomped on. They like to show you the bottom of their Rockports.

Alpha people don't stomp on faces, they know when they are done

You were lucky they were rugby players and, therefore probably, good sports. Gents. Big lads but fair fighters. If you'd been unlucky enough to get into a quarrel with a bunch of lowlife Millwall or Stoke City football fans, they're the type of cunts who will happily kick a guy on the ground in the head until he stops moving. We have plenty of dirty fighting pricks over here too.

Fucking Millwall.

If you haven't already, get to your closest tattoo parlor and get the total Derek Vinyard package. All the wrong people already know who you are anyway, so just put up a flag.

But in all seriousness, stay safe and stay sane. This place will still suck when you get back.

Won't see him no more.

What'd u do?get caught in the crib?

I'm all in with the incarceration sniff. Good luck buddy. Anybody gives you any guff (pardon my language) tell em you know Joey Cumia.

Say hello to those blowjob hacks. Motherfuck them every chance you get.

Okay there , Ryan o Reilly.

I hope he's badly raped.

I hope he's perfectly raped.

We call that a Hot Dog, Hold the Mustard.

you see

If I'm raped, I hope they do it with some class and romanticism, maybe light a yankee candle or something(preferably lavender?).

Now you've got my loins stirring.

For all I know he's a woman beating pederast. I can't support that. What will I tell my black friends? (Bringing it back to the sub because I don't give a care about criminals.)

Shame, he is a good egg.

If I ended up fighting you over here.... I wouldn't stamp on your head either, we're proper gents.


I think he delete his account

I read this in an old latino womans voice.

"Oh, nooo... he heff helf proplams."

"The dog, it bite me in my bagina"

I'm still here, It'll be worthless in 8-12 months... You guys should keep up the good fight

Ill write you every day:

My dearest Carribbean Jimmy

Today someone posted a clip of Opie being an annoying cunt, and a clip of Ant accidentally inhaling water and then having a coughing fit on TACS. libsarementallyill called everyone in the sub a cuck, and someone accused him of sucking off homeless men for glue money.

I will wait for you


Nah he's still about.


Yeah, good luck man. If you want any respect in there, on your first day find the biggest meanest son of a bitch in there and beat the crap out of him, that way all the other prisoners will leave you alone.


Looks like someone's dick's gonna get all shitty.

But all jokes aside folks, I like /u/CaribbeanJimmy. How does OP know about this?

CaribbeanJimmy has anger issues and is lucky to only be serving such a short time. If he keeps being a attention-seeking idiot with no prospects, he'll eventually get himself a life sentence, join the AB and have to talk with screws in his jaw. I hope he can learn how to focus his energy into pulling himself together and not continuing to be a jackass.

What county in NY? What did you do? Drugs charges if so should have done drug court.

I will probably still be locked up, or just getting out. It's very important that you guys launch a Jocktober style attack against Opie in September. He will be trying to sign a new contract next October, make sure his "Bargaining tactics" are complete shit. We never got him fired, but by-god can we fuck his paycheck

It will be in your honor



Good luck in there, bud. You're a pretty funny fucker on here. Learn something if you can, keep ya stimulated (AGOOISH) and your mind on something but your release date.

Sound aboow rieet. Dat boy neva keep 'im nose cleen.

you get a year sentance and with no write ups you're out in 8 months? how does that work because i've never seen less than 10 months/year in county

Hey thanks pal! I go on friday, for a year, 8 months if I'm not a douche-bag
