Esther Ku calls Opie a 'douchebag' on Periscope: Guess we won't be seeing her no more.

143  2016-01-13 by Violet_Undertone


There's something ironic about an Asian woman in giant sunglasses.

If you reach the end of the video she hits and kills a family of four with her car, then blames everyone else and brings in 200 Asian witnesses to testify

Cop : "What did you all see?"

Witnesses : "Something brurry, I'm not sure, I was squinting but I'm sure she is innocent"

It's called super mega turbo x4 squinting when the orientals do it

It's hard to find tinted dental floss.

The giant sunglasses took off as a trend in Europe years ago when visitors would try to mingle with the locals more by hiding their origins.

Now, people just buy them because they know it annoys everyone else trying to figure out if you're cute or not.

They should have this play on repeat in the background when you enter the sub.

At the rest stop? I think I'd lose my erection

Who would notice? Zing! Pekkas!

Anyone know the context for this? Besides Opie being a douchebag?

As much as I wish this were true, the OP took it out of context. Esther was just reading the comments posted by the viewers.

Oh that's no fun.

yeah, I know. :( Here's the screen grab:

Opie won't have her on again after she brought up anthony which let him to have an emotional breakdown.

ME: Tanks fer nuttin!

He actually said that?

No he did call her a bitch and said she knows what she was doing on a later show

ya well Opie Is a douche bag. I listened to that show and now i don't listen any more. Fuck them I hope they go bankrupt except for uncle Paul he's cool in a sick fucked up way.

If anyone reading this happens to have a link to that clip could you please link it?

You misleading faggot. Die of cancer

Ku is our honorary queen.

Esther is a Champ.

the new ELlen Pao

What's the context? It sounds like she's reading a comment

Do you want to imply that I am manipulating the haters?

exaggerating the truth

Mucking up the works.

We need the 'Goose

Yeah, you go ahead and Periscope on your own time buddy. Only thing we need down at the job site is a "Pair of hands", you better learn to pull your own weight pal.

Wrong character, and with your name you can't be doing that.

Ok, "mucking up the works" is Regular Joe. I know 100 "Joe's" it's actually depressing. I should give a funny carribean answer, I don't have one

No, mucking up the works is from "The Goose," Jimmy's cop character. That's my point, don't you kids learn anything in school these days?

Ok, apparently Jimmy's characters cross each other's paths and use the same stupid terms. Because Regular Joe has referred to guys "muckin" up the works as well

When Regular Joe talks, he mentions the big "muckity mucks"... That proof is ruined by an animated Opie, it obviously negates everything

It's true that he does hate those big muckity mucks. Can't argue with you anymore, gotta make a ham and cheese to throw into my lunch bucket for tomorrow. The house aint gonna build itself, right?

Container of coffee & buttered roll, sir?

No, no... you merely conflated the story.

You're a cunt


shhh, tits will see this and think its real

I asked her on Periscope what she thinks of Opie. This was her response.

What's not to love about Esther? From her shit-stirring (intentional or not) to that deliciously plump posterior, she's the whole package.

She's not funny

But she's so promiscuous! Isn't that funny yet? Amy?

I don't expect women to be funny

Didn't you see the documentary on the topic

Shes a comedian though... so she should be funny

Plenty of people have jobs they're unqualified for, I don't hold it against them

the only reason she's a comedian is because she goes up on stage. it has nothing to do with how good she is.

With women it's different.


bitches ain't shit

She's a wooman, what do you expect?

She didn't need to be, not any more...she spits the truth!

Esther fucking sucks. If she was anything less than a 7/10 none of you fags would even notice her

In this sub she could be a solid 3 and still be deluged with messages and dick picks.

She is a 5/10 in LA.

The people in LA are mostly garbage and they look it. The "LA seven" is a total myth.

LOL it's a myth to you since you couldn't even pull a LA 2 you fat ugly faggot.

You're right, I'm not strong enough to win a tractor pull.


She's 1/1,000,000,000 in China or sumthin.

No, I'm pretty sure she's a 7+ in LA. If you're into Asians, she's a 10.

I'm into Asians, she's not a 10. An asian with ass is a 10, the holy grail

Tell me a good Esther Ku joke

She died. The end.

Not into Asian chicks but now I want to bang her.

She can eat my cat anytime.

She's Korean, not Chinese. Gooks eat dogs.


You just got yellow fever (go to an Asian massage parlor for a cure)

Heard dat Ku

Esther Ku, my waifu!

ME: I just want Management-Senpai to notice me!

Seems like she was reading a comment or a post.

Anyways, I won't be sad to see this hole go.

Her laughter is fucking horrible and makes me want to slap the shit out of her.

slap the shit out of her.

with your dyyyiiick?

man i wanna fuck her

still hate her, but not as much now

It's out of context. Looks like someone is trying to start some shit.


The funny thing is Opie doesn't understand what context is.

id bathe her dirty little asshole with my tongue.

she stinks

Only time I've heard her was on the Opie Jim argument last month and she was intolerable. Can remember a couple of bullshit lines from her trying to soothe the situation such as: "I think we've made some real progress here today". Shut up, cunt.

This. It's astonishing that anyone likes her.

Well, if you're a guy and you're straight, it's not so astonishing.

If you're a guy and you're straight, Esther Ku reminds you of your girlfriend every time she tries to intervene in an argument you're having with meaningless peacekeeping quips. Then a day later she expresses resentment towards you.


Well, if you're a guy and you're straight

And a complete fucking dummy, then yes it makes perfect sense.

No, she meant OP as in you.

But what about his tits!


Unfortunately it looks pretty obvious she's just reading a tweet or something :/. I'd like to be wrong but I doubt it.

My new ringtone

ME: who's Esther Ku? I've never heard of her before.



Not a fan, I feel like she is dense

What was the context? I don't love the guy either but comics have said way worse

Thank you for saying what needed to be said! It's still real to me dammit!

That was great. Still not an Esther Ku fan but this was worth it.

lol, she was reading a comment

If he didnt take himself so seriously this would be a funny sound effect to play here and there, but we know he will never acknowledge it or probably her again

goo fah her

Damn! I got a smart head

Where's Anthony when you need him?

Knowing opie he probably did something to cause her to do this. I doubt she would burn a bridge like that without good reason.

Almost as great as when we found out Patrice started the BizarroOpie twitter.

Apart from she's just obviously just reading out a question. Not defending opie. Just saying how I see it.

God i would screw that ku. As long as she didn't open that mouth for anything but a hot meat injection

Her poo must be covered in sprinkles.


Good gook.

She's still an annoying cunt, that being said I would at least fuck her then punch her to death afterwards now so that's an improvement.

ME: Tanks fer nuttin!

He actually said that?

yeah, I know. :( Here's the screen grab:

You misleading faggot. Die of cancer