O&A Subreddit snapshot (meta)

2  2016-01-13 by Jessica1997xxx

Where this sub is at right now:

Opie: Still as talentless as ever. Still as greggshelly as ever. But as of lately it feels like he has won the long game. Opie has the cushy radio gig with the big corporation and Ant is eating shit sandwiches for every meal.

Ant: Not well respected anymore. Getting consistently called out for his boring political agenda. Seems like a huge change in attitude toward him took place when someone found his vine account / child grooming device. Pretty creepy dude.

Jim: Not as well respected as he used to be but far from where Ant is right now. Jim is often defended and shown adoration for being providing years of laughs. I think it goes to show that if you don't have a vine account that exclusively liked girls accounts ages 10 - 14 you will probably be ok in the eyes of your fans.

Sam: More and more respected as time goes on. Clear candidate for a show with Jimmy when Opie hopefully releases the worm.

Erock: Seems like a nice guy after all this shit is said and done. He also gets good guests and is doing a nerdy show on Sirius. Which has to be a gigantic market considering how well nerdy podcasts and that Chris Hardwick faggot do. High hopes for Erock.

Now I can't wait to tune in next month when all of this shit flips a 180 except of course for Opie who will never escape 20 years worth of examples that he can't make or take a joke.



ew "what the sub thinks" about anything is irrelevant, you hive-minded faggot.

let me correct you, anything in this sub is irrelevant including your gay ass twitter account. now suck my meaty cunt.

Your a cunt, just threatened too report every show that post on YouTube cause I called you a name, if you cannot handle it get off this sub cause you ain't tough enough to hang and obviously can't take a joke the whole point of this sub

hahaha we need to be tough to hang out at this sub huh? keep lurking me and telling me to be more tough, like you, a guy that clicks through my old posts and whines like a faggot. hahahaha

I'm just trying expose a fraud, you don't like anything bout anything so why even bother

Let me clarify the other purpose of this sub (besides taking a joke) "fucking with idiots that reveal ways for you to fuck with them".

you're just trying to expose a fraud... by messaging someone on an anonymous account... on a subreddit that deleted your only thread with my name in it. you are a failure and a fat faggot.

Whatever dude it really doesn't bother me I'm just wasting time @ work, if getting a response is what rubs you 1 inch knob to get off I'll scratch all the time

that's fine with me. you can harass someone on an anonymous account they can easily ditch just to make another one. i now know NotLogan makes your life easier and I can get it shut down. you've given me all the ammunition and have absolutely nothing to use against me. even this sub deleted your only attempt it's a hilarious example of an angry faggot failing to get revenge.

I actually deleted myself but whatever faggot be an anonymous cunt and ruin shit for people after not be able to take it from this one faggot

goddamn you are insufferably retarded. i can't fuck with you. this whole thing is a joke at this point. have you not read my previous comments? i shut down NotLogan and he'll make LoganNot. I shut down LoganNot he'll make LotNogan. This is how the internet works. There's no stopping the shows from being uploaded. jesus fucking christ dude chill out and get with the times.

I understand that tard thanks for breaking down the Internet there Al Gore, & you can't fuck with someone like me I'm a prick that doesn't care. I guess now we join each other to fuck with others...good day sir...I said good day

What a moron you are! KEEP GOING!

I have work to do. Shouldn't you be photoshopping an image that 8 people will see and 5 will like? I don't want to keep you from your full and exciting day.

OH. I dont think we should be in a fight... I made this account to mock the other one. See how my name has "her foot" instead of "his foot"? All is well friend. Follow the rainbow.

yeah well get over here and shut up!

Excellent report

What about Mars and Club Soda Kenny?

oh... uh, I am 99% sure that this sub fucking hates Club Soda Kenny. For good reason considering he sucks ass. Mars... Mars is so low impact I have no fucking idea. My guess is that the sub just doesn't give a shit about him and when he gets brought up a few jokes about his incompetence are made but not a lot else.

That was a great evaluation but surely everyone doesn't hate CSK? How could you hate that big dumb sociopath?

What did Club Soda Kenny do besides be a lunkhead? I somehow still think its funny the way he says G.H.


Don't forget Opie has tits.

In a clip from the show (can't find it) Erock and his hot to Ant & Jimmy (read pedestrian) wife both exclaim how they'd never let their daughter date a black guy. Erock is as vehement as he's ever been about anything, speaking with greater confidence than Mr. Why don't you come back here and shut up musters on most topics besides movies meant for children and gas-station bought snacks. Obviously it's Kumiyyah who broaches the topic as his own fascination into stems from self-hate and what not. Erock confidently takes a strong stand because he feels safe about it's edginess in the confines of where he was at the time.

Now, I know that is meaningless to some of the mini-stormfront we have in our midst (14 words fawk yeah dvv dv) but it's just emblematic of what a small-minded boob he really is. He sways with the breeze, he hates confrontation (does he take that stand if even Sherrod is in the studio? of course not) and he just wants to be comfortable.

He's a male basic bitch. He's a pussy, a 'beta' etc, just a certifable loser who was the butt of jokes for a decade plus, and only now has had a moratorium because there's bigger targets to go after. He's the camp guard who takes the ratline to Argentina while Obergruppenfuhrer Cumia and Sturmscharführer Hughes hang at Nuremberg.

Enjoy some goldfish.

Your a cunt, just threatened too report every show that post on YouTube cause I called you a name, if you cannot handle it get off this sub cause you ain't tough enough to hang and obviously can't take a joke the whole point of this sub