Jimmy is thinking of going solo from Opie and Anthony in October

9  2016-01-13 by Dennyislife

Lil' Jim is leaving home. As are the stangles. And Opie will have a empty nest.


after viewing his last few stand-up specials, I would recommend to him not quiting his day job.

After listening to Jim on OnA, his bug-eyed standup specials blow.

doomed if he stays , doomed if he leaves, he did it to himself.

Go fuck yourself retard

I don't have to do anything you say sir.

Jimmy should just join up with Vos, Bobby Kelly and a select few others and start up a new podcast, call it "The Comedians Round Table". Subtitle "The real reason O & A was so successful"

That is exactly the best advice. I do not understand why Norton hasn't realized this yet.

How would they get the podcasting equipment into the city?

He's afraid to take a chance. Look at how he reacts when people say he should do a show in London and how he would kill.

It really is weird. Norton watched Louis CK take risk after risk and it pay off and instead he triples down on the sure thing.

the ona thing aint that bad, made him a millionare

its not bad. Its just that he stagnated and now hes past his peak. Like CK as a comedian is finished, but he propelled himself onto other projects by being funny as fuck in the 08-12 window.

As much as I love Jimmy, he is not CK. CK was able to take chances and actually pull through. But that is a very special case.

Thats true, but he has hints of that curiosity about the world -- or at least he used to have them -- that I think made CK's comedy so strong. You can hear it in his voice when he interviewed Kaku the first time or two or when Louis was dropping knowledge bombs. But thats the problem, it was easy just to talk about trannies and reup with OA and stagnate. So he did.

the man never does anything for free, he only goes on podcast when he has shit to promote

that is a good idea

I would pay for that

Playing the hits and shooting the shiznit...

It's Double D's and Brother Wease in the Morning!

...the raunchiest motherhuckers in radio!

Oh yeah motherhuckers, that's a Wease line.

Bullshit, why do you think they call him 'the pay check kid'?


Wacky and Blacky in tha Mornin comin to ya!

Hacky and Blacky would also work

hahahahahha oh shit. you made my dad with that one

That's right, grandson!


Don't curse in front of grandpa

Did you read his diary?

To be fair he was bored with pillow biting.

Of all possible the futures, the one in which Jimmy signs on with Sam is both the brightest and least likely.

oh he is not ya big liar

It'll 100% be Opie and Sherrod if Jimmy leaves. He's already 3rd mic as it is, plus Opie probably thinks that Sherrod is a pretty decent Patrice replacement and can really reel in that coveted urban demo.

I always got the feeling Opie didn't even like Patrice. He talked too much and wouldn't let the Opester tell his made up stories.

Lol that's such horseshit. I've been listening to the Patrice archives and he had some kind of respect for Opie. He actually cracked up at things Opie would say. So even if Patrice was faking it all, Opie would have liked him for the positive attention.

Are you saying Patrice is a phony? We turning against him too? Lead the way.

Dream scenario (never going to happen): He turns the whole show over to Colin and then makes it radio tough crowd. Fuck I would sub for that.

Opie will have an empty nest, or be unemployed?

The latter. However I firmly believe he will attempt to say he is bowing out gracefully on his own terms as he's done with the business. "They offered me a new deal.... on par with what Howie is getting, but barrrp I said no thanks. I was thinking they could split up the stern show. Robin with me on Mondays and Wed...."

Shut up you unemployable daft fuck. Go count the moon or something that won't confuse you as much.

I think O&A worked so well because none of them are good by themselves, they're all codependents.

If his advice show is any indicator it should be a rousing success, just like every project he does.

did he say this on his show? link?

i heard there's a lot of money in selling mugs, and t shirts online

Ya kiddin'!?

No chance he will if sirius offer him and Opie another deal.

Jimmy doing a show alone will be better. I'm gonna guess he's gonna have his own staff and hopefully he can bounce jokes off them, unlike some very large tited man. It's strange but the stangles were more supportive of jimmy's jokes and character than Opie ever has... That's sad.

As long as there are Greggshells I'll be listening.


If the money is greater than the bad experienced from doing it, in his industry especially, take it. Those offers won't be there soon enough for Jim.

Common sense and reason would say, take the fucking money and run, unless there is some serious, underlying issues at play.


Where else was he gonna go?

I can't wait for all of the venom to come pouring out of everyone when the show ends

More like dad gambled away the house and tits cant afford any talent so jimmy will have to move in with his 3 siblings if he stays. Jimmy is stubbornly clinging on.


I always got the feeling Opie didn't even like Patrice. He talked too much and wouldn't let the Opester tell his made up stories.

hahahahahha oh shit. you made my dad with that one

Hacky and Blacky would also work