TACS has over doubled its content without increasing its price.

61  2016-01-13 by [deleted]

It's a great little network to be honest- and Ant's show is the weak link. If he can get his own show working and stop acting like an ass, it'll be great.


but TACS was 400% overpriced from the beginning

Exactly this. TACS is now just approaching content levels that justify the price. And that's only true if you think any of these guys are worth paying for.

That's a hell of an "if" right there.

Overpriced subscription AND you still get commercials. That is fucking greed.

And banner ads on the site.

That is embarrassing, who does that? It's either one or the other, subs or commercials. What a jackass.

Meh, SXM does commercials. I have no problem with some live reads. But begging people to use your Amazon code, something we know yields next to no income, is pathetic. Add to the fact that we know he's an irresponsible douche with his money and I really find it hard to pay this asshole directly.

Oh alright I wouldn't know. I just would feel like I was getting ripped off if I paid for a subscription. Yeah that makes sense, he sure knows how to spend money on unnecessary shit like model dinosaurs and anti-materiel rifles.

I guess the shotgun with the toe trigger is now in police custody. :(

reminds me of the one and only time I bought a WWE pay per view (a Wrestlemania, in fact), and it was FILLED with commercials


Reminds me of this Army commercial. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HU1y1G6uzAI

no you're misunderstanding. that was the cost of your dads asshole out back of a 7/11.

Got that faggot m8

I mean, regardless of additional content, it started at like a quarter a show...

sure, and I've listened to podcasts over the last couple years everyday, usually two a day as I Drive in/from work and I've paid exactly $0 and listened to about 0 commercials too (skip over them). Maybe I'm a leech... I have bought some amazon stuff through links and watched some youtube stuff that generated some revenue for them, but there is so much content out that it's hard to stand out, let alone stand out as paid service

TACS: very boring. probably 4 - 5 watchable shows a month highly dependent on guests

LOS: fairly entertaining but occasionally infuriating. guests don't always improve the show as there is nothing worse than watching a good guest get talked over by Dave Smith. they only do 2 episodes a week so I'd say 6 watchable episodes a month.

ESDS: I didn't mind his first episode so much. Not enough data to break this one down.

TGMS: I've never watched a Gavin McInnes show and I never will. I can spot a contrarian faggot when I see one. Too much wannabe shock value not enough funny. 0 watchable episodes fuck gavin.

NYCrimeReport: Seems ok but I never could get into it. The host might be more of a writer than Luis and Dave which is good but he's mostly a 1 man shows and 1 man shows are usually fucking boring.

So $7 a month to get about 10 - 12 hours of entertainment (if you share my tastes) isn't that bad for the entertainment hour / $ ratio. I cancelled my subscription because listening to Ant from old O&A episodes and then listening to him now is like listening to Amy Schumer on O&A vs Amy Schumer now. the humor is gone and the agenda is suffocating.

I cancelled my subscription because listening to Ant from old O&A episodes and then listening to him now is like listening to Amy Schumer on O&A vs Amy Schumer now. the humor is gone and the agenda is suffocating.

this part can't be upvoted enough. Ant READ THIS for fucks sake..

What the fuck is wrong with you? You're not supposed to give a fair and rational explanation of why you choose to no longer subscribe - you're supposed to puke hatred onto your keyboard!

TACS: very boring. probably 4 - 5 watchable shows a month highly dependent on guests

and that's without mentioning that after getting arrested for domestic abuse, Ant won't have any good guests no ever again.

Won't see them no more

you were missing out Gavin is the only one that knows how to produce a good show, and he always has amazing guests, unlike the rest of the show

and NYCR is pretty funny

your blowjob skills are boring.

What a cool, tough chick you are. I can't upvote fast enough.

Not you.

Twice the amount of shit I have no interest in! Great deal! All of the content added was also previously free elsewhere.

sounds exactly like your mom.



TACS subscribers are like a starving man...you give him a saltine and it's the BEST GODDAMN MEAL HE'S EVER EATEN.

I used to fast forward over his old man rants when they were free, I'm sure as fuck not going into my pocket to pay for them

Still too expensive.


And halved its quality!


The price was already fucking ridiculous when compared to other services and not in a good way.

$7 a month to hear Anthony live on a brand new service. Whoop-de-doo.

Compare that to any large or even small streaming service which usually has a gigantic archive plus new content for a $1-3 more and you can see how much of a rip off Anthony's service is.

New shows add value but it's still overpriced.

How poor are you that that's a lot of money? I spend more on lunch once a week.

I don't know if it's necessarily about being poor. Isn't netflix $8? Price vs Content, TACN doesn't come close (yet).

The 'poor' argument is what Anthony suckboys go to when they have to face the reality that they didn't have the sense to realize that TACS wasn't worth what they were paying for it.

It's sort of the new 'Bababooey'.

$1.25 more and you can get Amazon Prime. That pretty much sums it up

How poor are you that you won't pay me $7 to shovel a pile of shit on your porch?

I don't think his argument was that $7 is a lot of money. I think it's more that $7 gets you a lot of entertainment these days. if someone bought a few services and were at the last $10 of their entertainment budget and wondered if they should get TACS or Netflix there is an obvious answer there.

It adds up. His service doesn't exist in a bubble and when you compare it to other streaming services, it's hard to justify. (especially when there's a metric ton of free podcasts released every month for free)

much better podcast, too. Your Mom's House, Burr's, The Crabfeast, Stuff You Should Know, The Tim Ferriss Show. All better shows for free.

one of my favorites is We Hate Movies

This is a simple concept that some dopes don't get. $7/month is great in a vacuum devoid of other places to put that money. In real life, you'd probably just subscribe to Netflix or Hulu. Or upgrade your cable or internet.

If the Network had a pay-per-episode plan so I could pop in every time there's Opie/Jim/Anthony drama, I'd do that a few times a year. Aside from that, forget it.

Great idea

I'm surprised they don't have a per-episode thing set up on iTunes yet. Many podcasts, like Dan Carlin, charge for their archived shows, so it's nothing new. Unless they're worried about iTunes banning them for content, or something, but considering the things Gottfried says on his, there shouldn't be any worry.

Right now Anthony gets $0 a month from me.. If they had 50-99 cent episodes, they could probably get a couple dollars out of me a month.


Seems like a no-brainer to me, but I'm sure they have their reasons.

I think Doug benson puts up individual shows on iTunes for .99


Thats dick pump money for you

It was overpriced for what it provided to begin with.

that's great but zero times any other number always equals zero

It would have been a great price.. before free podcasts became so popular that I can't even listen to all of the ones that i actually like.

Just because you keep shoveling on more dogshit doesn't mean it's worth more. I like LOS fine, well except for Dave he's unfunny and boring. Everything else is just lame garbage. Full disclosure- I haven't heard ESDs show yet.

yeah but I preferred it when he just told jokes, I never wanted him to tell jokes and beat women

The least he could have done was beat Dani Golightly on his network, for us.

just the thought of ant beating that gold digging crackwhore brings me joy. i literally wish he did do it.

How can you watch episodes without subscribing?

You could sail to the Bay of Buccaneers.

Fawk yeah, gud one!!!

It has to be free even if it means advertisements and no video. God who the hell wants to see Ant's face? Hell, O&A would've been canceled if it was on video

I never really understood why he decided to do his own standalone site. Broadcast directly from YouTube and let them front all the hosting costs. Set up a tip jar. Do all of the whore Twitch stuff like giveaways/special events at a certain amount raised and read live ads. Have a side subscription thing for audio downloads. Do a premium thing where idiots can come to Compound parties or sit in the studio audience.

There are two possibilities

1.) He wants to see what audience he gets while charging a relatively high fee. If he still gets good numbers, his show will be a very attractive purchase for other content providers (like Fox or even maybe Sirius)

2.) He's greedy and wants to exploit his dumb die-hard fans.

2.) He's greedy and wants to exploit his dumb die-hard fans.

Winner winner, chicken dinner!

youtube would have removed his content for hate speech.

Anthony needs upper management. That's part of the image: a jock pushing the bounderies. Not a homemade show where he uncontrollably rant about guns and blacks.

He also needs direction. Something he actually got from tits. And he needs someone to riff with, that he's got synergy with, like Jim.

Yep, Ant with someone else creates some good friction and energy. Ant on his own is like having sex in water... no friction = no feel good.

Every other show should fill in for each day, and let Ant's show be once or twice a week. Raffles and giveaways should play into the show.

Then Ant can just be a professional guest in all the other shows. He was never a great show host, as he's much better riffing with others.


I'm sure there is a bunch of great content but why would I pay when there are a plethora of great podcasts that are free. In my opinion the TACS network should "give way" one podcast a day and then offer a VIP subscription that would give you access to all live shows and the archive. I just don't see how the network could increase subscriptions under the current model. The hardcores would still subscribe and they could at least have the potenial to gain more subscribers.

Yeah, but most people only watch less than half of the available content. If he raises the rate I'm done.

i agree its worth it

If he can get his own show working and stop acting like an ass, it'll be great.

Weve been saying this for last 8 months, i doubt its gonna happen

Why doesn't he just combine shows? Like The Anthony and East Side Show


Yea nvm

I heard that Pat Dixon fella for the first time recently and he's actually pretty funny. How often does he do a thing on there?

I'm only paying to watch Gavin, and I'm questioning that quite a bit.



really? SIGN ME UP.

Tacs is my least favorite show on the network now. I still watch it but lately I've had less interest in it. Tgms or LOS are hand in hand the best shows. Esd is a great shiny new toy and so different that other shows. Pat dixon has been hitting its stride lately. Never thought I'd say ant has the worst show on his own network. Overall the money is well spent and well worth the price

If $5-$7 a month is a lot of money to anybody, then you should reevaluate your life choices. I listen to about 4 shows a month, and I've never thought "damn, I'm just not getting my hard earned money's worth!" Fuck, it costs one beer a month to sign up. Grow up or shut up. Seriously, $7 is nothing.

I'd rather have the beer.

PM me a $7 Amazon gift card.

I don't think you understand. Even if TACS was free I probably still wouldn't listen. I watched a week's worth of TACS and unsubbed because it felt like a colossal waste of time and wasn't entertaining at all.

How much a month?

$5 for the year package.

tacs network fkn rules. and now faggots who love cock will dickride me with downvotes like the faggots they truly are.good times.

Dick is delicious.


much better podcast, too. Your Mom's House, Burr's, The Crabfeast, Stuff You Should Know, The Tim Ferriss Show. All better shows for free.

This is a simple concept that some dopes don't get. $7/month is great in a vacuum devoid of other places to put that money. In real life, you'd probably just subscribe to Netflix or Hulu. Or upgrade your cable or internet.