Would'nt it be better if Ant was the Billy West/Jackie Martling of the show and have some one else, anyone else be the host?

6  2016-01-13 by MushtashWax

Since he is about as good as Billy at voices and as good a line writer as Jackie. I bet even Levy could be a decent host and we'd get to see a much funnier and less pathetic/self destructive Ant.


Ant & Jim were always the shooting guards/scorers, Opie was the point guard that would distribute the ball.

Now Ant is trying to be the point guard and he stinks at it.

You're right. To use a boxing analogy, Ant is a counter-puncher (Jim is too for that matter). He sits back and waits for his openings and hits you with good jokes/impressions. Ant is not a good host. He's not terrible at it, but it's not what he's suited for.

It's so true, he's just not good as the "point guard." Say what you will about Opie and he certainly has his faults, but when he was flanked by Ant and Jim he was really good at running the show.

Ironic since they both got punched in the nose for calling a black person nigger

I used to think of it as Opie was the pitcher serving it up to be knocked out of the park by Ant/Jim. Now I think of it as Opie is a piece of shit.

Ants not on Billy Wests level.

He can see Billy's taillights from where he is. That's pretty good. Plus he writes his own lines in character.

Hi bob.

Anthony got a lot of his lines off Paltalk when they used to have clever fans

"Control the weather with your fist. Make a mudslide."

We're still clever.

Thats what Ant was made for, he's the best at it. Thats the reason Opie actually got famous. Anthony is so good at that side role that anybody could be the host and it's great.

How about Opie hosts?

Someone to "steer the ship" you might say? Hmmm...

Indeed. I persist in my belief that Opie (or somebody similar) is needed to set up Anthony and Jim and keep from having an hour of Godfather references or mundane political discussion.

Nah. He's too good at what he does to not have his own show.

"It's The Anthony Cumia Show! Hosted by Reverend Bob Levy!"

Who. Gives. A. Fuck?

People with ears.

He can see Billy's taillights from where he is. That's pretty good. Plus he writes his own lines in character.