Is florentine ruining his kid and setting him up to be an outcast

0  2016-01-13 by pta11

Its obvious that florentine complains about everything and anything all day and he is even saying that his son likes the same bands as him.Doesnt he see that if the kid starts getting older and starts complaining about social media and talking about bands from 30 years ago he is going to be the weird kid that none hangs out with.Atleast tits tries to keep his kid all modern and but florentine kid sounds like a future outcast


Sir, are you actually retarded?

Yep, you get into the wrong bands early on and you're fucked. Imagine if anyone in his school found out he wasn't listening to top 40! He'd basically be kicked out of society. That, plus a disdain for social media? What kind of monster is Jim raising?

Was thinking the exact same thing lol

Yeah because im sure a kid who in 2016 listens to heavey metal 80s music and who wont be allowed on social media will be seen as the cool kid

It sounds like your idea of what's important in a kid's life is based entirely on WB teen dramas and MTV reality shows rather than actual interaction with humans.

Well when your in high school for instance if your seen as a fuckin loser you will never be invited to the parties or be in a cool group so your human interaction on the weekends would be being at home alone rather than hanging out with people .

heavey metal 80s music

I didn't think it was a bad thread at first but you really lost me on that one.

Maybe it depends on where you grow up, but in high school in the 90s no one looked down on metal as some loser culture. All the popular jocks were wiggers who liked metallica just fine. Maybe if your high school is suburban, there's more of a cultural group-minded significance to it, I don't know.

but in high school in the 90s no one looked down on metal as some loser culture.

They definitely did in highschool in the 2000's, I can only assume it's even worse now. The 80's metal kids were a fringe weirdo group even to the 90's rock kids.


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I wouldn't not read it

Fuck's sake OP

Tsss what like Andre 3000 or sumpthin

Yeah okay so that's what happened to you? Tell us more, it's a safe so space now because no ones gonna be mining this thread 👂🏻👂🏻👂🏻👂🏻👂🏻

"No one" or "no-one" is acceptable. Please don't say "none" or "noone" Dirtbag