Worst Chip tweet ever, verbal punch in the stomach.

26  2016-01-13 by PeckaSucka


That's called Norton trying to fuck Flutesy

Can you imagine having to fuck Edgar?



Tuggin ya pud..... ugh

over and out.

Wish that was referring to his apartment window

it's what his career is and what his sexuality should be

That made me physically ill.

Jimmaaay! Where we at with the Flute? I go deeeeep with the air flute. I mean.... my brother used to play, so we had them all over the place growing up. And... anyway. I don't know... what would the top 10 be? Top 10 best instruments, Jimmy. I wanna hear your top TEN.

Chip: Instrumenz? What are they the opposite of OUTstrumentz or sumthin'

ME: HAHAHA. Now, back to this top-ten...where you at with the CLARINET?

Instramints? what are they like for bad breath or sumthin?

You spelled skin flute wrong.

Jim should retire Chip temporarily. I'm all chipped out.

He shouldn't retire him but you can tell the difference between when it's off the cuff and when he decides to make a chip video/tweet. Chip still rules most of the time. Dvvv dvvvv


I love Chippah.


Chip sucks in general. I'll never understand the amusement over a worm talking with a lisp saying silly shit.

I think it might be due to Chip being hilarious.
