Anyone else not find Daves show that great?

1  2016-01-13 by Lilcumia

He was amazing on RnF but he's just screaming with a guy playing a keyboard on this. I didn't see all of it tbf.


If I got really drunk and sniffed bath salts every tuesday it'd probably be my favorite show

You know, sometimes I really hate you but then sometimes I really love you. Why you gotta confuse me like that?





Fuck you won

Who the fuck is Won, Pecka?

Tss thats fawkin good!

Both of you make me sick.

Tsss weer fukkin Riffin!

Tss I shred sum pretty sick riffs on my gitar


You weren't drunk/high enough

He is awful

BLASPHEMY!!!!! Don't you know that ESD is going to single handedly turn around the entire TACS worldwide conglomerate??!!?? Dani is going to retract her statements to the police and plead guilty to being a rotten whore, Anthony is going to be syndicated to every broadcast medium in the universe and Opie is going to go viral with a video of himself jumping off the roof of Sirius??!!??!!

That is REALITY SIR. Get used to it!!!!

So it's basically Davie Mac sports

Give him like a month to develop it IMO, Ive never seen a good pilot episode of a TV show or very rarely is there one. I think the keyboard guy is cool but he overdid it, if he did about half the amount of keyboard fills tonight in the next episodes it will be alright, at least its a creative / unique thing that we havent seen before in the whole O&A world thing.

Also I think it should move to Thursday nights. It has a weekend sort of party vibe but I wouldn't wish a weekly saturday night trip into Manhattan on anyone with a wife and M-F job. Thursday nights would be perfect plus he can go as late as he wants, no LOS cutoff. The beginning of the week is now top-loaded on TACN and thins out near the end, Thursday night would round out the week better

I agree

I liked it.

It's the same show he was doing at Sirius. It's good until you realize it's just yelling and acting crazy.

I think my subscription cost should go down considering I only watch 2 shows on the network.

Dave needs to stop abusing his family and get a 9 to 5 with health benefits.


I agree