What do you think about "Bennington"?

0  2016-01-13 by im_not

I very rarely listened to Ron & Fez after O&A ended, mainly because I didn't know their references or inside jokes and didn't have the energy to familiarize myself with a whole other radio show.

But I tuned in to Bennington yesterday to hear the Bowie talk and thought it was...interesting. Far more brilliant minds in the room than Tits and the Worm, of course, but I had a hard time focusing with Gail Bennington crying throughout a fair amount of it. Just curious what the thoughts are among long-time R&F fans how the new show stacks up.

Also what has Fez been up to?


I enjoy it. It's a nice change from all the look how angry and anti pc I am shows that are on. Just people hanging out enjoying themselves.

Fez is down in Florida, just a regular Joe nobody.

Bennington is the best show on radio. It can take a while to get into the groove, and it's not for some people, but it's definitely good.

Ronnie is a full class above and beyond Opie, Anthony or Jim.

He has superb comedic timing mixed with intelligence (history and pop culture.)

He always makes for an interesting listen.

We hate him. He ruined fez

i listen daily. it's a great show.

great show, the pepper christmas party saga was one of the greatest radio segments i have listened in a while

drunk peppy mystery https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Al-mLdDTTQ

great reveal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qd63lDpHIfQ

Its really boring. I actually switched over to npr in search of sometging more interesting when i tried to listen

It's hard for me to get into without the Fez element. Ronnie B and Pepper are cool, but that weirdness element is gone. It's mostly people agreeing with each other now.

There isn't usually crying. If you want that, you'll have to go back to old episodes of Ron and Fez.

::The Advice Show::

I was never a Ron and Fez guy either, until one morning Ron sat in with O&A, it was hilarious, then R&F started, and Fez was stopping every conversation and flow to complain and insinuate that Ron was being disloyal to him and Ron lost his temper with him and I turned it off. That day I realized that I loved Ronnie, but would never enjoy a show with Fez. But hearing that made me start to follow the drama. By the time of Ants firing, I was listening daily.

When Opie stopped the Fridays and Ron started Bennington, I wasn't sure about Gail, but now I love her. She's a good egg, for a feminist leftist, and can definitely hold a conversation, contribute, bring characters, etc. And Chris Stanley is a hilarious producer. I tapped on O&J a while ago, and Ant and Gavin more recently, but I try to never miss Bennington.

I like it because it's nothing like what O&A are. The hosts are in to a lot of stuff, and are interested in things they're unfamiliar with. Opie or Any or Jim, if something is presented to them that they're unfamiliar with, they try to disregard with some retarded preconceived notion. And they don't act like overprotective mothers with thier regulars, like O&A. Example. Jay Mohr is a regular from way back with O&A and R&F. Difference is, Ron don't have any problems praising and interviewing Bobcat Goldthwait, Jays wifes ex husband. O&A pretended he didn't exist. They both have regular callers who can be annoying, but O&As callers were always retards or racists or shitkickers, always pissed. Ronnie's annoying callers are affable and happy.

I like the people on the show, and find it super charming

Bennington is a show that never gets irritating, never preaches too hard, never tries to stir up outrage or anger - it's for normal people.

Ron is great. Pepper is alright as long as Ron is completely shitting on him. Gail is an odd fit. Ron has to spoon feed conversations that Gail can participate in.....Gail knows music....cooking/eating..... She's proof of Ron's Radio genius. Imagine Jenny Hutt as Fez's replacement, except Ron never said a negative word about her, and he always made sure the topics were in her wheelhouse. That's the show. It's good, but it could've been a lot better. I might have just invented Siriusxm's new slogan.

It's boring hipster shit. Gail is a witless Ron-parrot and the shitty music talk is insufferable.

They get boring musicians, any comic in NY including the Dave Smiths of the world, or 90's indy film people I've never heard of or have anything interesting to say other than how cool their little hidden treasures are.

Ron & Fez is garbage without the Fez psychosis and evil underhanded things Ron does to him. It's good natured and boring.

I don't think it's hipster shit. Along with movies, TV, and music, they have some of the most entertaining football talk you'll find. I also wouldn't call Gail a parrot or a Pepperkeet. It's no surprise she shares a lot of her Dad's tastes (no relation), but she's the best female comedy radio host I've ever heard and she makes me laugh out loud on a regular basis while bringing female insight into the topics.

they are still doing the no relation joke?

No, but I liked the ruse.

It's the only reason I still have Sirius

Best shows any of them did were the afro shows

I want to be the Virginia ham in a Colin Quinn and Ron Bennington sandwich.



I love Bennington. I was moving over to Ron and Fez even before O&A imploded.

Not a fan.

He has the worst voice in radio. And I hear he started the snake thing that Opie doessssss (which is one of the main reasons I hate Opie)

I really liked Ron and Fez when they had Dave and Earl because their show was funny and full of staff drama. I always thought Ron was kind of a dick for the way he treated Fez but most times it made good radio. I think Ron is a smart man and very insightful. I think he comes of as to cool for the room sometimes and I hate his unmasked show because interviews suck. I miss the old Ron and Fez show.

Yeah. Ron is a real piece of shit for allowing Fez to collect a humongous paycheck just for sitting in a chair and crying all day. Loyal, funny, bastard. He deserves nothing short of a painful death.

Fez wasn't like that in the beginning. Fez is a mental midget and over time Ron ruined him. Then Ron brought on his daughter.

These "insights" you assholes provide are enlightening. Tell me more, expert from Reddit.

Is this good enough?

"MershComic- I am willing to bet they NEVER feel stupid. That's the problem (and irony) of most of these "pests". They are all on the spectrum, anti-social future mass murderers. And just like the guys they sling shit at (Opie, Ant, retard Joe, Faggot ass Fred from Brooklyn) they have ZERO self awareness, and probably awful lives in general. Look at the Dani thing. These assholes have the nerve to say shit like "She's gross. Boy body. Ugly face." Meanwhile I'm willing to bet the majority of these assholes couldn't draw a pair of tits from memory because it's been so long since anyone fucked them (if at all). I've fucked a few 8's and 9's in my lifetime, and if I had a few Jamesons in me, I'd give Dani a sound fucking. So stop. "She's gross and I would never bang her even though I've never touched a vagina" guy is even worse than the internet white knights. At least the white knights are AWARE at what sexless, pathetic losers they are. Every one of you faggots are a reflection of the very assholes you come on here to bash incessantly."

Holy shit /u/MershComic must of doxxed your nigger ass.

Gail is terrible. She should be raped.

Oh, should she? Fuck you.