Favorite Ron and Fez clip

6  2016-01-12 by Jackthejew

I'm trying to get into Ron and Fez. What are some of the best clips to listen to? I listened to Ron's knife club which was hilarious and a lot of the fez breakdown stuff. Go.


Fez eating the leftover soup that in the freezer after his father had died. He wasn't sentimental and it wasn't emotional he just had nothing to eat and he was hungry http://youtu.be/HjPDP5FtgHY

Fez was brilliant when he impersonated Opie. Hashtag opie radio. Hashtag buy my sunsets.


Character showdown - this is a bit long, but half the joke is the absurdity that they did it for this long, taken from 3 different shows. Dave and Fez being the creative voids that they are decide to do a bit of a contest where they bring in kookie brand new characters. The results are - well, at times cringe inducing to the point of pain, sometimes hilarious, always entertaining

Anything with Fez' brother corky. The wallflower/bear dance. Fez the subway stalker. Anything with soundboard Fez. Fezzie and the bandit. The midnight rider saga (if you're into ESD) Ron's eulogy. The drowning centaur.

All of the old live reads were excellent too.

Edit: obligatory thanks to disco dog and his efforts

This is dumb as shit but it makes me laugh every time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RppWo4o1m8

that was fucking great

Billy Staples falls up the stairs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nOT6enIKb8

The Complete Midnight Rider Saga: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVQkEl0-Qf5aT6dUYhPYZvSrnx2FLBuxQ

This was the golden age for me. Have to be a fan of east side dave, black earl Douglas and during this time is the introduction of interns lilly and Chris peppy hamburger Stanley. Fez was starting to melt down but it was still fresh so it didn't bring the show down.

Love this clip, it's a perfect snapshot of the Ron and Fez show.

Billy Staples craps on Al Dukes' paycheck. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l54TBRtdQ-o