Florentine is so cool, he's never seen any Star Wars movie, he's no nerd!

79  2016-01-12 by opieanthonyjim

What a tool, acting like he's cool for not having seen Star Wars. In my opinion it takes more effort at this point to have not seen a Star Wars movie than to at least see one.


He got cuckolded by a cop. Never forget.

Then he called the cops boss to complain that he fucked his wife.

Wasn't he like 21 too?

That was his 30 year-old ex's third marriage. If that's not a warning sign, I don't know what is.

wow, that poor gal can't catch a break

Hope she don't brake my fawkin peckah tss

She probably loves ketchup thats why.

He should take advice from Anthony - or maybe not.

And she was 24 when he knocked her up. 2 divorces basically by the end of college age. What a dipshit.


No doubt that the ex is a horrible mother

No doubt. That's where I feel a bit sorry for Florentine. Even if he should have known better.

Young(er) wife going to the gym while the husband stays home being fat and bitter about everything. Yeah, that'll work out well.

you think I'll work out? what am I 23?

Otten told investigators he had met Warner at the CrossFit gym in Marlboro and that the pair started having sex “the first or second Saturday in November.’’

Fucking crossfitters.

The art of zero gains.

Vos must be extra jealous of Bonnie

Absecon is nowhere near Matawan.

His nose looks like a baby penis.

What a good girl. Fucking in the car, in a bar's parking lot, on the first date? Keeper!

Wasn't he only an academy rookie when it began as well? lol

Cheating doesn't mean cuckolding.

Actually that is what it means. This is one of the few times on the internet that you will see that word in it's proper context.

Cuckolding is allowing it to happen and watching. Florentine divorced her as soon as he found out. Theyre two different words for a reason.

That's the fetish. Originally it meant shaming a man by sleeping with his wife. Hence Florentine getting cuckolded.

Yeah, a cuckold is a guy who's wife cheats on him. Its in Othello.

HOLY FUCK! Did I just see Othello referenced in /r/opieandanthony ????? Let's get the niggers and take them to NASA! Anything is possible!

Getting some culture up in this motherfucker

You missed our wonderful dissertation on Ben Jonson a while back.

Nah, with what that word has turned into, his wife cheated on him, he didn't get "cuckolded", and if you want to say he did you are way too over-excitable.

Dude he got cuckled. Its not just a fetish. If a cutting fetish became very popular and If someone was cut with a razor by some Puerto Rican you wouldn't say "You weren't cut with a razor, being cut with a razor is sexual and you have to allow it to happen "


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We use cuck for the fetish, if someone got cut non-sexually I wouldn't call them the slang term for someone that liked to get cut sexually. I'm sorry to ruin everyone's excitement, but he got cheated on.

You only have to go back a few decades to when cuckold was used as the preferred term to refer to exactly Florentine's situation. Yeah nobody says it anymore when a wife cheats on her husband but they also won't call her a spinster when he puts her ass on the street. Just because a word is old and fallen out of use doesn't mean that you can ignore the dictionary definition of a word and try to lecture us about it the ONE TIME it's being used properly. Well you can, but you look like a cunt defending his ego rather than the actual topic.

rofl that they're actually trying to argue the contemporary fetish porn genre definition is the one any person using the word would be intending in the go-go mid 20th century.

It's not that it's fallen, it's changed. I don't care about defending Florentine, people want to ignore now that when they called Keith, Louis, Bill Burr, Ant, Opie, Jim, and Sam, and just about everyone on here when they disagree with them cucks for months now they've meant it in the sense that they are weak and have to accept a cheating spouse, now that Florentine's wife cheated on him in regular everyday fashion, thats not what it means anymore? Hatred and mockery mean nothing when it comes way to easy, and people here are way too excitable to the point that its just stupid. There are enough real things to make fun of that you dont need to just throw the word cuck at everything.

Someone seems upset they didn't know what cuckold actually means lol

a little bit. it meant "let someone take over your podcast" a month ago, now it means normal every day cheating again? this awful word just won't go away.

No, it comes originally from the Cuckoo bird that lays its eggs in other birds nests. For the longest time it's meant a husband whose unaware of his wife's infidelity, recently became popularized as a sexual fetish, and much more recently has been used improperly in ways like 'Cuckservative' and ways like you described.

The word has been around for hundreds of years, I don't see it going away any time soon.

ie. Cuckled

not what the word's turned into since 1999

So what? It sounds like you never heard the word until porn or Norton introduced you to it.

The word originally comes from the Cuckold bird, which lays its eggs in another birds nest and tricks it into taking care of them. It's not about knowing it is happening, and allowing it. A cuckold is a guy raising a kid that isn't his, because the mother got impregnated by another guy. The word has gotten extrapolated so that if you're taking care of a woman, and some guy is fucking her for fun no strings attached, you're a cuck.

Wrong. That's the 21st century porn informing you, but historically cuckolding had nothing to do with the husband allowing or watching.

But until we became obsessed with that word recently, that's not what we called it.

I disagree. I'm not obsessed with the word, but I remember it from Chaucer, Shakespeare and regular life and it's meaning has always been pretty clear to me.

So we rediscovered the lost history of cucks

I don't know why you're being downvoted. That word has lost all meaning. "That kicker missed an extra point! What a cuck!"

Didnt he let a child molester blow him and didn't turn him in just for wrestling photos the guy had?

Florentine is the coolest 15 year old from 1982 on the block.


"Star Wars is for children. Now excuse me while I record another album of pranking telemarketers"

Jim Florentine is the definition of the 'too cool for the room' douche that thinks he's being profound or different by not liking something that is popular. He's also kind of an idiot, from what I understand. How are you on a metal show for years and years and not know shit fuck all about metal?

I bet, Florentine still has a subscription to Maxim.

I've put in zero effort to not see a Star Wars movie, and simply have never seen one. Neither has my brother.

Not a fan of sci-fi at all, and never had any interest in seeing them.

That said, AFAIK my parents have never seen one either, so that may have influenced us not seeing the originals as we grew up.

My parents never saw 2 girls 1 cup, but that never held me back. Live your life a little.

Yeah, he should really let his hair down and let it all hang out by watching a 70's children's sci-fi movie.

The original want for kids. It only turned that way after Empire. The first was a groundbreaking scifi movie. Look at all the scifi movies from the year before and you'll see how revolutionary it was.

like that time the little bear people defeated an empire (who have laser guns) by throwing rocks at them? that time? there's better sci fi movies out there.

No the first one A New Hope was ground breaking and changed Scifi Not the third one.

That doesn't mean it isn't a children's movie or that it transcends sci-fi.

Every expert on film will tell you it changed Scifi. It was so revolutionary that it led the box office. At the time the movies ruling the box office every year were Chinatown, Dog Day Afternoon, Rocky, Jaws, and One Flew over the Coo Coos Nest. And Star Wars made double of almost all of them (Jaws is the exception). It made over 300million and on it's opening weekend it only made a little over 1 million. It proved that scifi could be a box office leader if the story was good and detail was put into the effects. So if you don't think it was that revolutionary then point to me to a scifi movie prior to 1976 that had it's success. That first movie didn't just transcend scifi it put scifi on the map for real.

you think star wars is a good representative of scifi and not, say, 2001 a space odyssey? come on.

How many movies since have cloned Space Odyssey that are not spoofs? How many are clones of Star Wars? I can name several Star Wars clones. Battlestar Gallactica, Krull, there's even a movie so close to it it's called Turkish Star Wars. I could go on. So if Space Odyssey is a better representation then which movies took from it without spoofing?

emulation of the story is hardly an endorsement. if anything it implies that star wars is so simple and formulaic that it can be reconfigured into slightly different stories. 2001 is still the better film and work of art because, at the very least, the antagonist wasnt defeated by a pack of teddy bears.

What are the box office totals for both?

Nah, the original was very much a children's movie with a few violent scenes.

How, lack of violent scenes does not make something a children's movie?

Cute little robots, the little hooded bear things, basically the first 20 minutes is the robots being silly and goofy until Obi Wan shows up and the plot actually moves along. It was a children's movie. They all are.

little hooded bear things? You're thinking Ewoks, they weren't in the movie. The first thing you see in the movie is a battle and bodies literally falling over in an entry way.

It became children centric because Lucas would only make money from the consumer product rights.

No I'm not, the little hooded koala bear faggots that R2D2 ran into.

Did he?

What, can't even ripoff an old bit correctly?


That's a perfectly reasonable reason not to see star wars if you don't like Sci fi. There's so much good stuff in that genre though you're really missing out

How could you not see "Blade Runner"? I'm not a sci-fi fan, but that movie is amazing.

I've seen parts of the original on multiple occasions -- enough to put it all together, but I've never had the desire to sit down and watch the whole thing (or its sequels). Just not a science fiction/cartoon (e.g. Superman, Batman) fan, myself.

I think the dork culture around the series is especially a turnoff to people who aren't predisposed to sci-fi.

Yeah, and his kid is cool too. He listens to Sabbath. Even though locking a kid in his room and blasting metal to cover up his cries doesn't really equate to the kid liking Sabbath.

I've never seen the movies, not because I'm cool. I just can't get into them.

Your not all in with the Star Wars? Sammi?! Top five Star Wars films now list em !i like a good list! Now let's here from snoway in Michigan..... Snooooooooowaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy!

How do you know if you've never tried? Getting fisted anally is more painful than Star Wars and you tried that.

Florentine is 51. The original Star Wars was from 77 so he would have been around 12 when the it came out.

I really find it hard to believe that any 12 year old boy in 77 didn't see that movie. And if you didn't it wasn't because you were "too cool" for it.

He didn't have the time; he had pro-wrestling polaroids to earn.

Nah Star Wars was for fags back then. Most saw it but you seemed to imply cool kids liked it which they didn't.

Mid to late teenagers maybe- but 12 year olds?

I was 5 when the original came out- didn't get to see it until they re-released it a couple years later. Remember the action figures and trading cards being popular and don't at all remember it being uncool.

The thing was massively popular in a way that isn't really even possible with the variety of entertainment options available today.

And Florentine was a wrestling fan wasn't he? How cool could he have been?

Did they put it back in theaters right before empire came out?

Don't remember- was 6 or 7 at the time but this wasn't terribly uncommon before the days of VHS/Beta when the only 2nd run options were drive in theaters and network TV.

Remember them rereleasing ET as well.


YEP. Only a SMALL SEGMENT of the POPULATION liked it. It was FAMOUS for the EFFECTS, but PANNED for how DUMB it all was. It was CONSIDERED the DEATH KNELL for cinema by CHICKEN LITTLE film CRITICS.

STAR WARS only become an EMPIRE in the 1990s.

I just heard in my car that, on the O&J show today, Florentine said he was a "decent" actor.


Don't be so modest, Jim!

He was great on Louie taking an "upper-decker"

The ending was great, the part when he died

I haven't seen that, honestly; I've just seen these YouTube videos. They're... not great.


that was painful to watch. Is he riffing this whole thing?

Even if he was, it was atrocious.

What a great haircut he has.

His nose and his haircut couldn't be less fitting for someone with his attitude.

Better than anything Norton has done. Florentine in this clip is more comfortable in fron of camera than Norton is on stage in his specials and that's his damn job.

He was good as a pimp on Californication

I've effortlessly avoided seeing a star wars movie.

The Empire Strikes Back soundtrack was playing when that cop banged his wife in the back of his patrol car.

Bless your heart for having the moral fortitude to listen to The Opie Show with Sherrod and Florentine. Keep us non-audio-masochists posted.

Remember when he said that instead of watching the Super Bowl halftime he turns off the tv and listens to sabbath? What a fugin fag

Honestly, turning off the Super Bowl halftime show to rock out to Sabbath might be gayer than sitting there and enjoying the halftime show.

I'd rather be prison gang raped than watch another Super Bowl halftime. That shit is painful.

It is, but to make a point that you shut it off to listen to Sabbath is even gayer than just sitting there and watching Pitbull play a song that sounds like all his other songs for 5 minutes. Or just change the channel. Nobody thinks you're a rad bro for cranking up Master of Reality.

Florentine is just a bit older than me. Star Wars was a phenomenon in 1977 that I have never seen again since. If you didn't see Star Wars back then, you were a fucking creep. Dude tries WAY too hard to be counter everything.

What are you, 45?

For KIDS. ADULTS, especially CRITICS, saw it as being TERRIBLE. Your IDIOT generation is why we HAVE it now. YOU forced in ON your KIDS because they should like the THINGS you like.

Florentine gets his hair cut at one of those places with football on the TVs and a barber's chair shaped like a motorcycle.

What am I gonna do have fun and enjoy things?

Okay. I didn't have time for that, what was it? A wookie? Okay.

Affliction. PERIOD.

I saw florentine and the local opener was funnier

waste of $20

He's probably seen it. Or parts of it. I tell people I've never watched Titanic, and it's true I've never seen the whole movie but I've seen parts of it over the years and I bet Florentine has probably seen at least parts of every Star Wars movie.

I've only seen 1 Star Wars movie, but I don't act like they're "childish" and that I'm cool for having not seen them. I'm fully aware of how popular they are and I respect that. Jim Florentine is a fucking hack.

Its not about liking ir disliking fucking Star Wars its the fact he seems to like absolutely nothing or totally lies about liking nothing

He hasnt got a personable bone in his body and isnt even fucking talented

actually he likes METAL BRO

(as in nothing post 84 that isn't even fucking heavy at all)

"I don't like it. I am not 8."

I liked Florentine... but, familiarity breeds contempt. Only a few of these guys who are on the show very often don't have much new to offer. His podcast is ok, but he's becoming a parody of himself.

Yeah, you can only push the same bit before it becomes a parody of itself. The whole curmudgeon thing was funny at first, but he's really milked the shit out of it to the point of irritation.

I think he is a good egg.. its extremely hard when these club grinding comedians get into their mid 40's and don't have health care and arent making huge bucks. You do what you need to do to survive.

Movie series don't become multi billion dollar empires by appealing just to nerds, cool guy. There ain't that many of 'em.

In fairness, Nick Dipaolo has the same opinion.

You mean the other angry old white guy with limited material and appeal feels the same?

Florentine has a very low IQ.

It would be near impossible for an American male of his age to not know what an ewok is, even if he really hasn't ever watched any Star Wars movies.. It's a part of pop culture, especially for people his age.

Really Jim? Some chick at a bar thought you were Bon Jovi and you went to her house? Now tell us what really happened.


Buckcherry. Hell fucking yeah!

metal \m/

Hell fucking yeah. Of course, it's fake pop watered down corporate alternative rock pre-packaged bullshit...but, that's here nor there. Brutal music!

I never saw star wars either - am I cool?

no effort at all , to not see any of 6 or 7 star wars so far.

also , I am your father or whateva


Can we please smash florentine more! He's awful, that joke cd he released...terrible.

Star whatever's? Is that the one with the green toy hopping around the talking bowling trophy? I was out, too busy getting laid.

why would i, whats good about it.

He's also full of shit.

Strange OPINION for ONE reason. He was TEEN when they came out. He should LIKE them, but he doesn't. People BORN before 1960 HATED STAR WARS. Initial REVIEWS took shots at the WEAK STORY and CHILDISH NATURE of it. People BORN after 1960 GENERALLY liked it. Which is why IT was RE-EXAMINED in the 1990s and found CRITICAL APPROVAL. KIDS born in the 1980s and 1990s only LIKE it because their IDIOT fathers watched it as a KID and looks back on the SERIES with NOSTALGIA.

That's your HISTORY lesson for TODAY.

Typing certain words in caps won't make it true.

Enough with the caps, professor. This reads like a chain mail your aunt would send in the 90s.

Hates fantasy football and ketchup, too. A bonafide man.

Florentine is Ogre from Revenge of the nerds

I don't understand what this thread means. Star Wars is associated with nerds and being "uncool". That's a really frequently occurring trope in pop culture.

I think you guys need to get a hold of yourselves. You just like getting mad at things for no reason.

If you don't get what this thread means, you might be a fucking retard.

Jim, it really isn't. Star Trek is yes. A lot of Sci-Fi fandom stuff is associated with 'Nerds' or being uncool.

Star Wars really wasn't associated with nerds and geeks and Trekkies. It actually kept a certain legit 'respectable' cool factor for a very long time.

Florentine should know that. This is one example where he is accidentally right about not getting pop-culture but unfortunately it means he sucks at his job.

Nobody "cool" likes Star Wars. None of the guys who got laid and builled you in high school liked Star Wars.

I loved Star Wars and bullied the heavy metal fags like Florentine.

Though Florentine is an oddball because he insists he's a heavy metal geek but also takes the angle of a football 'jock' character. I played football in high school and cannot remember a single heavy metal stoner kid who didn't leave the bleachers to go (where, behind the 7-11?) at the first sign practice was starting.

I never watched a single Stars Wars movie all my life. I never gave a single shit about sci-fi, and there's enough people who love Stars War anyway, it doesn't need me.

he doesn't put down others really, even if they like something he doesn't.....anywhere away from opie, he's pretty funny imo

I actually like Florentine and agree that the irritation with Florentine's curmudgeon act has gotten really old on the show is solely because of Opie. Opie has a real tendency that when something is funny, he tries to bring it up non stop until it is firmly under the ground. He does it with florentines' contrarian shtick, he does it with Pete Davidson's dead dad and he also does it with Jimmy being into trannys. I swear, fucking Opie brings up trannys and Jimmy more than Jimmy ever did, to the point I'm surprised Jimmy hasn't gotten annoyed about it yet. He brings it up whenever guests bring up sex, like every single time. He brought it up to Malin Ackerman recently for literally no reason.

That's actually very true.. Opie really does assign a gimmick to every person in the room and he beats it beyond death.. He brought up the Jimmy/Tranny thing big time on today's episode.. What would you say he assigned to Ant when he was around? Guns? Seems like he always mentioned Ant having a lot of guns even before Ant could.

Like fantasy football?

I saw the one that came out in like 2004 and it was just a clusterfuck of action and special effects. That shit is boring.

That's the second worst one in the whole saga.

The quality of the movies is irrelevant anyway.

It is a kids movie, meant for toy sales.

I know I will be downvoted for agreeing with Florentine, but yes, you are a fucking asshole if you obsess over this canned horseshit.


I like sci-fi, but Florentine is right. I refuse to see the old star wars, I wont see the new one. There is no chance they're good

If you ignore the hype of the whole franchise, they're decent movies. The original trilogy is the best, imo. New movie had some problems that really took away from my enjoyment overall.

Just watch the original trilogy with no expectations.

I do have expectations. I expect they'll be empty soulless action pieces designed to sell merchandise just like marvel avengers movies

The first 2 actually had some heart to them, but once you get to the noble savage teddy bears, just zone out except for the space dogfights.

You should really check out the second movie. There's a lot of great character building and visual storytelling in Empire. It's the only one that holds up as a very strong film, not just a merchandising vehicle.

Is Star Wars even considered sci-fi? I think it's more fantasy than Sci-Fi. When I think of Sci-fi I think of things like Interstellar and 2001.

I haven't seen that, honestly; I've just seen these YouTube videos. They're... not great.

The ending was great, the part when he died

That's actually very true.. Opie really does assign a gimmick to every person in the room and he beats it beyond death.. He brought up the Jimmy/Tranny thing big time on today's episode.. What would you say he assigned to Ant when he was around? Guns? Seems like he always mentioned Ant having a lot of guns even before Ant could.

What are the box office totals for both?