In another edition of Opie asks the dumbest questions...

55  2016-01-12 by Dannyprecise

They get a reporter who covered the Steve Avery murder trial featured in Making A Murderer and Opie's first question is:

"Did you ever think they would make a movie about this trial?"

The response: "well, yeah, the documentary filmmakers were there all along."

This question is so stupid on so many levels but the basic point is that it was obvious there were people there filming the trial since cameras were in everyone's faces and interviews were being held with key people in the trial. Did Opie think the filmmakers were hiding their cameras and not letting people in on what they were doing? He's such a simpleton.


I was listening to the horse fucking clip last night and opie says three times "this must be from a different country or something." They all have American accents. Finally ant kinda saves him by saying "yeah, maybe Canada or something." The way opie says it you can tell he's thinking some tiny backwards European country though.

That's why I don't understand Opie's hatred for Anthony. Of all the people in Opie's life, Anthony was always the one to give him the benefit of the doubt, even in situations where it's obvious that what Tits was completely moronic.

I didn't fully realize it, but going back over old clips, Ant tried to save him from "I'm a total and complete retard" embarrassment so many times, and Ant usually did.

Anyone else that would spout the complete and utter dipshit ignorance that defined the Opester would get eviscerated on the spot...but that would hurt Opie, and then everyone would pay in the form of passive-aggressive torture, so it was easier to save him than have to deal with all that shit.

Easy. Jealousy.

Opie was just overeager because he thought he had finally found a good reason to book a vacation to Europe.

Good one.

so he culd take a big one or sumpthin NVV NVV

It must be terrifying being Opie. Consider this: that stupid, uninformed nonsense he blathers is all he is capable of doing. His mind is so devoid of anything useful or interesting that he has to say what immediately comes to mind otherwise it's dead air.

He lives every day in a mental fog and, like a dog, he just responds when people's voices go up at the end or he recognizes a single word.

For Opie this is the best that he can do.

that idiot couldn't tell an Irish from a Bostonian accent, much less understand that there are other languages in other countries.

I mean, there are lots and lots of reasons to think Opie is a simpleton. High on my list? He's illiterate. And I don't say that in jest - the dumb fuck literally struggles to read. After getting a degree in COMMUNICATION.

The way that he would strip any flow or candor from a live feedback line.. he would just spew out a bunch of words that technically fit together as a sentence, but made no sense because of their awful delivery.. I've stopped playing non nopie shows for my friends. His inevitable guffaw after fucking up the lines enraged me too much and I can't explain to them in the duration of the show why it makes me so mad.

Exactly.. He has to have Jim read for him.. Jim is a high school drop out and Opie is a college graduate.

He was flawless in the fuchitive bit though. No fuck ups at all. PERIOD.

It was a joooke. He wuz hangin wid broomasterz.

The beginning of the movie/series says it was filmed over 10 years.. God he is so dumb.

I mean seriously, this fucking thing is all he has talked about for a week and this was the opening question?

The only thing the Opster is truly all in with is being an oblivious twat.

I knew that question would make you mad so I asked it... sniff

that's the BIT you dopes

Cut Opie some slack, he wasn't thinking straight! He was steaming mad because he found out those people spoke with Howard before Opie. But hey, he's not jealous.

Did they keep Steve chained the whole time, even on lunch breaks?

Jesus, Opie. Do some fucking research.

He can't even read a one sheet.

Documentrees - its his one fucking specialty subject and still fucks it up

how does anyone figger anything out or how come no one can figger this shit out?!!?

He said "how come rats haven't evolved? Why haven't they figured that out? Why are there only humans?"

He has a Brian Dassey level understanding of basic biological law.

this is a close second to the clip where he asks why people can't drink salt water. if I hadn't heard that one before, this rats comment would be literally the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard.

Making a murder is like 10 hours long. There is no way he watched this. The guy can't even watch a 2 hour classic movie.

No, that was the bit dumbie

That reporter's name was Derrick Nunnally. Opie pronounced it like it rhymed with Denali.

cause he got nunn brains or sumpthin take us out you fat cunt!

Blerp. I knooow but This is what he says every time someone points out something retarded that he just said. It happens around 10 times an hour.

He must have meant an actual movie, with actors. Not a documenchree movie. Even Opie couldn't be that stupid. But I haven't heard the audio so maybe he could be that stupid.

He meant the documentree because after the reporter answered he said "I mean, I know they were making a movie, what I meant was 'did you know it would get this popular'?"

Ah, what a fucking dolt. Zero research. I rescind my previous statement.

Cut him some slack he's fighting for his life. I hope he loses

While interviewing Kurt Russel, Opie actually asked him "how do the film makers know when it's going to snow for certain scenes?"...everyone was in a stunned silence and Opie broke it with "was that a bad question?" Think Ant commented on that saying that was a classic example of when you had to bail out his dumb ass or you'd pay for it. One way or another. What a twat.