Here's why tacs is at all time worst

0  2016-01-12 by swarrrm

Ant has always relied on the fans for content. This sub mostly for the last year, along with Twitter and paltalk back in the day. Now that he doesn't see praise and he's being called out on his shit he pretends we don't exist. He's become as thin skinned as tits who he mocked for it mercilessly. His social media presence has gone from ALL IN to only retweeting compliments and blocking people for jokes. O&A are fagsa and both shows blow. Both are the epitome of "can dish it out but can't take it."

TL;DR take the fucking hit Anthony you pussy.


He's a little pissy eyed faggot. He's not a man.

British Chip is the worst -

Sam Roberts 2014


"Alimonykills". That has to be the most bitter dead beat dad username ever.

Anthony has serious pending criminal charges as well as the likelihood of a very expensive civil lawsuit settlement on the horizon. From a strategic standpoint, his silence on social media is the smartest move. Regardless of his possible guilt or innocence in these matters, anything he says publicly can only hurt his case. That being said, I can't fault him for knocking off the diarrhea of the keyboard most of us find entertaining.


lets get the TACS to 2 years before bringing out the all time reference...

You sure it's going to make it to two years? Anthony has some pretty big bills coming up. Unless he gets major corporate sponsorship (don't hold your breath), I don't see how he keeps this ship afloat.

Cuck faggot

The days of people like you are numbered.

Remember that.

Lol...ya think?

Aren't you the one that was saying it wouldn't make it one year?

