Amy schumer's vagina itches aka women comics stink

2  2016-01-11 by TedChrist

It just dawned on me after seeing that 9,000th tabloid article about Amy schumer being a precocious scamp that to avoid any negative publicity, all she can be funny about is her cunt. I think this is a problem all female comics are faced with and they stink because of it. To avoid the negative publicity, she can't talk about race, politics etc. it's all about her gross pussy and safe topics like gun control. She's terrible.


FACT: One of the causes of yeast infections is being overweight.

I don't know if my ex got so many yeast infections because I have nasty dick or if she just used it as an excuse to not have sex because of my nasty dick.

Your dick is probably innocent of this crime. Biggest culprit is usually a side effect of antibiotics, being overweight, or just general stress\hormones.

Post some pics and we'll tell you.

can't disagree.

can't imagine any dude, comedian or otherwise, saying "well my balls are really itchy and i need to adjust myself" and getting anything but disgust from a reporter.

"_vagina is _" is this low hanging fruit that's treated like comedic genius. i don't get it.

"well my balls are really itchy and i need to adjust myself"

This sub has really turned on him, but I can see Louis CK saying this.

So sick of Bonnie McFarlane too. She loves female comics. Answers the age old question: Who even likes female comics?

I liked Amy when she was simply a great comedian and not a folk hero. okay comedian.

A comedian

I liked Amy 50 pounds ago.

I liked her up until her second fat.

I liked Amy when she was Sarah Silverman

This is the most eloquent, description of piggies that I have ever read

Amy Schumer has never been funny. Her show is funny, but it's written by terrible dudes like Metzger. Her standup is subpar, her movie was predictable (the only redeeming quality of it was CQ), her 'special snowflake schtick is stale. Amy Schumer is bad, and she should feel bad.