Listening to O&J and it's actually improving and listenable. Jimmy is throwing out some nice zingers.

0  2016-01-11 by swarrrm

ApPrReLL fAAhllLLz


ItS nOt ReMoTtLeY PoSsIbLe

Opie completely derailed a Chip segment this morning during the Golden Globes, he tried to change the topic and then everyone was like "No I like this" Stangel said I like Chip's take on this, and after that Opie would play 2 seconds of the audio, give Chip nothing at all to work with, start the clip again as Chip starts talking, he put effort into not letting Norton have any more Chip jokes. Such a cunt

I was thinking the same thing when I heard it. Jimmy was rolling with some funny Chip lines which had Travis and the Stangles playing along and cracking up. I wonder if Opie was feeling a little left out with absolutely zero to contribute and therefore brought the fun to a grinding halt.

omg please link this

The Chip bit goes on for a bit before that, it was going well, but around 8:15 and after is when Opie starts to derail it

YoRre Ah PeARsonN Off LOwahRr sTtoCkk.









The Chip bit goes on for a bit before that, it was going well, but around 8:15 and after is when Opie starts to derail it