The end of Danny Ross

0  2016-01-11 by MaxKawalski

Hey now.

I've heard a bunch of Danny fights on Youtube. I love listening to them. However, something just caught my ear recently that made me think deeply.

In almost every Danny fight, he uses a bunch of profane language. He always has crossed the line when it comes to maintaining decorum. We all know that Danny is a 3' jerk with a big tough guy attitude. Well, until the threat of physical action becomes a reality. At that point, Danny will involve THE FEDS. Respect that!

Knowing that, we can assume that Danny is threatening legal action in order for him to live a couple more days to run his mouth some more. Why else would he call the cops? You know what I'm saying?

Listen, we all know that Danny is a small man. With the stress of this mouse-mailing psycho coming to GET HIM he's probably eating copious amounts of food and as a result he's getting bigger than ever. It's to the point where George Lucas can CGI him into Star Wars and replace Jabba the Hutt with Danny! But, all jokes aside, the fact of the matter is this stalker is not playing games here. Danny is gonna die real soon and there's nothing he can do about it. I'm afraid for the little guy. His blood pressure must be off the charts, and his doctor probably told him that he has a few months of living before he suffers a monumental heart attack and dies during an argument with a handicapped teenager.

We gotta do more to support Danny Ross, we gotta make sure he has a big appreciation thread before he gets sliced and diced like never before. Let's do it, my friends!!


We know you are reading this.

someone said something mean to me on the internet can i have a dollar

I remember watching the video of him doing stand up and noticing what a shrimp of a man he was.

That's true! Danny Ross is the Verne Troyer of radio producers.

I never had a problem with Danny. That being said, he's one of the only staff members that seemed to confuse himself with what we call, 'the talent'. Sam is also guilty of this, I guess if you spend too much time around comics and funny people you start to believe you're one of them.

i used to listen to Uninformed all the time, and i thought Danny was great

never quite understood all the hate he got on o&a

Patrice killed that fag. Fucking homo!